2025-02-24@20:30:21 GMT
إجمالي نتائج البحث: 46

«the government»:

    أ / محمد علي طه الملك خبير قانوني وقاض سابق بالمحاكم السودانية سلسلة مقالات من (1 إلى 10) إن تجاوز أزمة الحكم ومعضلاته في السودان مقدور عليه لو صدقت النوايا، فهنالك العديد من النظريات في العلوم السياسية ، وتطبيقات الحوكمة ، ونظم الدولة يمكن بها حل إشكالات الدولة المركزية في السودان ، ولكن لم يعد سرا عند كافة السودانيين أن لا استقرار ولا نجاح ولا استدامة لنظام حكم في السودان ، ديمقراطيا كان أو دكتاتوريا ، فدراليا كان أو مركزيا ، ما لم تحل جذريا مشكلات هوامشه ويعاد النظر في بنيات الدولة ومؤسساتها الموروثة من الاستعمار ، ومثلما هي واضحة مشكلات تلك الهوامش فإنها أيضا متباينة من حيث مسبباتها ودرجات تعقيداتها ، فإن كانت أبعادها في الشرق والي حد...
    Criticism of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) has intensified in recent years, fueled by public demands for basic services and shifting international dynamics linked to the country’s ongoing crisis.   Reform Party: Disappointing Performance   Abdul Razzaq Al-Hijri, a senior member of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform (Islah Party) and head of its parliamentary bloc, described the PLC’s performance as “deeply disappointing” during remarks at the third Yemen International Forum, organized by the Sana’a Center for Studies in Jordan.   Al-Hijri outlined Islah’s vision to revitalize the PLC, emphasizing the need to empower local authorities, streamline state revenues, and halt the misuse of public funds. However, he criticized the “clash of political agendas” within the PLC, noting that some factions...
    The Central Bank of Yemen in Aden has called on the Presidential Leadership Council and the government to put an end to all illegal practices impacting revenue collection.   In a statement released after an emergency meeting of its board of directors, the Bank appealed to the Presidential Council and the government to provide the necessary support to enable it to carry out its duties with full professionalism and independence.     The Bank also urged the Presidential Council and the government to take immediate measures to restore the operation of sovereign revenue-generating facilities. This step, it emphasized, would serve the public interest, improve citizens' living conditions, and provide essential services that have deteriorated to their worst levels. The...
    The Houthi group swiftly condemned the United States’ designation of it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, marking its first response since the decision took effect.   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the internationally unrecognized Houthi government in Sana’a claimed that the U.S. designation targets the entire Yemeni population, considering it a reaction to its stance, which it described as “honorable” and supportive of the Palestinian cause, and an indication of the U.S. administration’s bias toward Israel, according to a statement published by the Saba news agency in Sana’a.   The Houthi foreign ministry accused the U.S. of habitually labeling those who oppose its policies and reject its dictates and arrogance as terrorists, subsequently imposing sanctions against them.   The...
    أعلن الرئيس الغاني جون ماهاما عن إلغاء 7 وزارات حكومية ضمن إجراءات لخفض التكاليف، وفقاً لبرنامج التقشف لصندوق النقد الدولي. وبموجب هذا الإجراء ستعمل الحكومة الجديدة بـ 23 وزارة بدلًا من 30 وزارة في الأصل للوفاء بتعهدها بحكومة أصغر حجماً وأكثر كفاءة. وسعت غانا للحصول على حزمة إنقاذ بقيمة 3 مليارات دولار من صندوق النقد الدولي في عام 2022، لأنها لم تتمكن من مواكبة سداد الديون. Ghana's president scraps seven ministries in cost-cutting moveGhana President John Mahama has reduced the country’s ministries from 30 to 23 in a bid to cut government spending.Mahama’s decision – an executive order – to trim the number of government ministries was contained… pic.twitter.com/unuSkns7Rj — TheCable (@thecableng) January 12, 2025 وتم انتخاب ماهاما...
    أقر مجلس النواب الأمريكي خطة جديدة من رئيس المجلس مايك جونسون في وقت متأخر من مساء الجمعة لتوفير تمويل مؤقت للعمليات الاتحادية والمساعدات في الكوارث، لكنه أسقط مطالب الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترامب بزيادة الدين في العام الجديد، وذلك قبل ساعات من موعد الإغلاق الحكومي، في منتصف ليل أمس الجمعة. وقال جونسون إن الكونغرس "سيفي بالتزاماتنا" ولن يسمح بإغلاق العمليات الاتحادية قبل موسم عطلة عيد الميلاد. لكن نتيجة اليوم كانت غير مؤكدة بعدما أكد ترامب إصراره على تضمين زيادة سقف الدين في أي اتفاق، وإذا لم يحدث ذلك، كما قال في منشور صباح اليوم، فليبدأ الإغلاق الحكومي "الآن". In the US, hours before a potential government shutdown at midnight local time, the House of Representatives has approved a new...
    The fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria has drawn mixed reactions across Yemen, a nation whose own conflict bears striking similarities to the Syrian scenario. Both nations share key features, including their experience during the Arab Spring uprisings of 2011 and the profound influence of external actors.   Yemen and Syria are both part of the Arab Spring. In Yemen, the uprising led to the ousting of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh (1978–2012) after prolonged protests, only for him to later align with the Houthi movement. In contrast, Bashar al-Assad managed to retain power in Syria, plunging the country into a bloody and complex civil war.   Yemen's transitional period, marked by the 2013 National Dialogue Conference initiated under...
    مرر الكونغرس الأمريكي، مشروع قانون قصير الأجل بخصوص ميزانية مؤقتة، وبالتالي تجنب توقف وشيك للعمليات الحكومية. ودون التوصل لاتفاق، لم يكن من شأن الموظفين في أجزاء من الإدارة العامة أن يحصلوا على رواتبهم اعتباراً من يوم الثلاثاء المقبل فصاعداً. ولا يزال يتعين على الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن، التوقيع على مشروع القانون. Senate averts government shutdown https://t.co/dAV7ee4zmh — Axios (@axios) September 25, 2024 ويحافظ مشروع القانون على تمويل المؤسسات الحكومية حتى 20 من ديسمبر (كانون الأول) المقبل، ويمتد إلى ما بعد فترة إجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في 5 نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني) المقبل. وسيستمر الإنفاق عند مستوى الميزانية السابقة، بحسب مشروع القانون، الذي ينص على زيادات مؤقتة في الإنفاق في مجالات مختلفة، مثل دعم أجهزة الاستخبارات في أعقاب محاولتين واضحتين لاغتيال...
    اندلعت الفوضى في البرلمان الإيطالي بعد تعرض أحد النواب لهجوم أثناء محاولته تسليم العلم الإيطالي إلى نائب آخر بشأن مشروع قانون للحكومة المحلية. واندلع الإشكال خلال عرض مشروع قانون الحكم الذاتي، حيث نزل وزير حزب "حركة خمس نجوم" ليوناردو دونا من المنصة خلال الاجتماع وحاول تسليم علم البلاد إلى وزير شؤون الحكم الذاتي روبرتو كالديرولي، خلال جلسة نيابية.  وقرر رئيس مجلس النواب لورنزو فونتانا إخراج دونا من القاعة، وبعد ذلك أحاط به ممثلو الشعب من الائتلاف الحاكم، وعلى الأثر اندلع إشكال تطور إلى تضارب بالأيدي، وأصيب دونا وتم نقله على كرسي متحرك إلى المستشفى. Fight erupts in the Italian parliament#italy#europe#parliamentpic.twitter.com/8UX4si3WMt— Leandro Romão (@leandroptbr) June 12, 2024يذكر أن مشروع القانون الذي قدمته حكومة جورجا ميلوني ينص على مزيد من حقوق الحكم الذاتي للمناطق الإدارية الفردية في إيطاليا. وانتقدت المعارضة اعتماد هذا الإجراء.⚡#Fight...
    Relief convoeys, carrying medical and food supplies provided by international non-government organisations, are intended to support more than 185,000 people. Al-Fashir, Kampala: Altaghyeer The first relief convoys crossed the Chadian borders at al-Tina town into al-Fashir in North Darfur after months of suspension. Carrying medical and food supplies provided by international non-government organisations, the convoys arrived at the city under protection of the Darfur armed movements joint force, said Spokesperson of Sudan Liberation Army/Minawe faction, Ahmed Hussain. The supplies are intended to support more than 185,000 people including women and children. People in Darfur region are witnessing wide spread hunger since the World Food Program (WFP) suspended relief operations ten months ago. The Sudanese status quo government has closed the...
    Yemen Monitor/Aden: Urgent assistance was requested on Saturday by the Yemeni internationally recognized government to control an oil spill and potential chemical leak in the Red Sea due to the Houthi attack on a commercial cargo ship in the Red Sea. A report by the US CENTCOM stated that Iran-backed Houthis targeted the vessel with a missile strike causing damage. CENTCOM also reported that the vessel was transporting over 41,000 tons of fertilizer when it suffered an “unprovoked and reckless attack” that caused “significant damage” and an “18-mile oil slick. “The US military also warned of the danger of a spill from the vessel’s cargo of fertilizer. On its side, the internationally recognized Yemeni government announced the formation of a...
     The leader of the Iranian terrorist Houthi militia, Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, officially announced the end of the partnership with the General People’s Congress Party, Sana’a wing, as part of what he called the radical changes, the first phase of which was announced today, Wednesday, during the celebration of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday. Abdulmalik Al-Houthi said that the first stage of what he called radical change is the formation of a government of competencies, which means dismissing the government of Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, which was formed equally between Al-Houthi, the Popular Congress Party and its allies.Bin Habtour's government, which was not officially recognized, was formed in late November 2016, with an agreement between Al-Houthi and the conference that also...
     Students in the city of Al-Turbah in particular and Taiz Governorate in general suffer greatly in terms of academic achievement, in light of the absence of government oversight of private schools. Parents of students in the city of Al-Turbah complained this year about the significant increase in school enrollment fees, which start from 300,000 riyals per student in the preliminary gareds and reach nearly one million riyals for the upper grades.Parents are forced to send their children to private schools due to the decline in the level of education in public schools, which have also begun to impose exorbitant fees on those enrolled in their classes. Local sources in Al-Turbah revealed attempts by the local council of Al-Shamaytain District, to which Al-Turbah...
    The Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, has rented dozens of public schools in Sanaa to the owners of private power plants and telecommunications companies in order to reap large financial returns.Educational sources told "NewsYemen" that Houthi leaders and influential figures in the Office of Education in Sana'a and the secretariat concluded agreements to rent school roofs for the benefit of power generation plants and telecommunications companies in exchange for huge amounts of monthly financial revenues for the benefit of those Houthi leaders.The sources added that the rental process came in collusion with school principals loyal to the Houthi militias. The financial proceeds from leasing operations go to the benefit of the Houthi leaders, who have become eager to plunder...
    أعلن وزير الخارجية الأمريكي أنتوني بلينكن، مساء أمس الثلاثاء، أن الولايات المتحدة علقت مؤقتاً بعض برامج المساعدات الخارجية للغابون، في أعقاب الانقلاب الذي حدث مؤخراً. وذكر بلينكن في بيان: "هذا الإجراء المؤقت يتسق مع الخطوات التي اتخذتها المجموعة الاقتصادية لدول وسط أفريقيا والاتحاد الأفريقي وشركاء دوليون آخرون، وسيستمر بينما نراجع الحقائق على الأرض في الغابون". وأضاف بلينكن أن واشنطن تقيم "التدخل غير الدستوري لأفراد من جيش البلاد". وتابع: "نواصل الأنشطة العملياتية للحكومة الأمريكية في الغابون، بما في ذلك العمليات الدبلوماسية والقنصلية، التي تدعم المواطنين الأمريكيين". واستولى الجيش على السلطة في الغابون في أواخر أغسطس (آب). وأعلن ضباط على شاشة التلفزيون الحكومي حل مؤسسات الدولة، وإلغاء نتائج الانتخابات الأخيرة بسبب "التزوير". "The US government is pausing certain foreign assistance...
    The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Muhammad Al-Alimi, and the Council Member - President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, discussed, on Friday, with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, the latest developments in the Yemeni situation, on the sidelines of the meetings of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.Al-Alimi praised the role of the United Nations and its Secretary-General, and its appreciated efforts to contain the repercussions of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world created by the Houthi militias supported by the Iranian regime, putting the Secretary-General of the United Nations before the developments of the situation in Yemen, the economic, service and human rights reforms led by the Council...
     The wave of strikes taking place in the education sector in the liberated areas highlights one of the repercussions of the collapse of the value of the local currency over the past years and the large difference between its value today and what it was before the outbreak of war in 2015. Since last Sunday, five government universities in the liberated areas have been witnessing a comprehensive strike, in protest against the refusal to implement their demands to improve the living conditions of their members, in implementation of a joint statement announced by the unions of the universities of Aden, Lahj, Abyan, and Shabwa, and the University of Taiz joined them.Teaching unions at public universities expressed, in their statement, their dissatisfaction...
     The head of the parity government, Maeen Abdulmalik, said that the goal of peace is to restore the state, resume the normal situation, and bring about a real peace capable of continuity and supported by practical guarantees, and that the state of war sparked by the Houthi militia ends when its attempts to impose its Iranian-backed agenda end, and its continued trading in the suffering of citizens in areas.  Their control and use as a means to reap political gains. This came during his meeting, on Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, with the head of the European Union delegation, Gabriel Vinales, and the ambassadors of a number of European Union countries accredited to Yemen, to discuss the developments of the situation...
    The port of Hodeidah has witnessed an increase in commercial activity since the beginning of 2023, as the legitimate government and the United Nations continue to provide facilities and concessions to the Houthi militias under the guise of strengthening peace efforts and ending the war.The Houthi militias acknowledged, through the leader Muhammad bin Ishaq, appointed to the position of Chairman of the Red Sea Ports Corporation in Hodeidah, that the port of Hodeidah, under their control, recorded significant growth in its commercial activity during the current year 2023, and that the growth rate reached 52% for the year 2022. He explained that The number of commercial ships arriving at the port during the current year increased by 75% over last...
     The influential businessman Ahmed Al-Eissi appeared at the forefront of the most important events that Yemen witnessed during the past days, with two contradictory scenes between the role of the opponent of corruption, tampering and failure, and the role of creating it.The first scene, which is still ongoing, relates to the crisis surrounding the telecommunications agreement that the government recently concluded with an Emirati company and the strong opposition to it from political parties led by the Muslim Brotherhood and influential figures led by Al-Eissi, who was the first to raise the issue and accused the government of being a deal to sell the telecommunications sector.  Al-Eissi's raising of the agreement and this accusation came in the context of television...
     Official media outlets affiliated with the terrorist Houthi militia have joined the campaign carried out by parliamentarians and legitimacy officials affiliated with the Islah Party, the local branch of the terrorist Brotherhood organization, and are seeking to abort the government's efforts aimed at ending the militias' dominance over the communications sector. The September 26 website, in its Houthi version, promoted the allegations currently being circulated that the legitimate government is seeking to sell the telecommunications sector to an Israeli company.Despite the important political and economic benefits that the government will gain from the partnership agreement, politicians and parliamentarians affiliated with the Brotherhood, and behind them the Houthis, insist on stopping it under the justifications of national sovereignty and the broken constitution...
     The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr. Rashad Al-Alimi, affirmed the Council and the government’s commitment to the principle of separation of powers, the independence of the judiciary and non-interference in its affairs, and to work in every way to improve the conditions of its members and implement the provisions of its various departments. He pointed out, during his meeting, on Saturday, with the judges appointed to the Supreme Court, the role they rely on in enhancing the prestige of the state, serving justice, enforcing the rule of law, and protecting social peace in light of the conditions of war sparked by the Houthi militias supported by the Iranian regime. The Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council placed the leadership of...
    أتاحت إسرائيل العديد من الوثائق والتسجيلات الصوتية ومقاطع الفيديو، للحرب التي دارت في حرب السادس من أكتوبر (تشرين الأول)، لأول مرة، بعد مرور 50 عاماً على تلك الذكرى. وقام أرشيف الدولة الإسرائيلية، اليوم الخميس، بنشر محتويات 1400 من ملفات الوثائق، ونحو 1000 صورة، و850 تسجيلاً صوتياً ومقطع فيديو، وأكثر من 250 ملاحظة مختصرة. وقال أمين أرشيف الدولة، روتي أبراموفيتز، إن فرز المواد ومعالجتها استغرق عامين ونصف. وكان الهدف هو إظهار مختلف جوانب الحرب "التي أثرت على جميع نواحي الحياة في إسرائيل". Only a #liberal government in #Israel can achieve #peace in the #MiddleEast. If the current government becomes the norm in the country, the prospect for region-wide #war is high. #Extremists in the region should never be allowed...
    The number of students in the capital, Aden, has increased from private to public schools, due to the inability of parents to bear the expensive and increasing costs of the former.The conditions of many middle-income families have worsened due to the continuing collapse of the Yemeni riyal against foreign currencies and the continued rise in prices in the south, which has led to a disruption in the financial budget of families, especially those with a number of children, forcing them to transfer their children to government schools.Despite the quality of education in private schools and the modern educational process with modern technological means and luxurious classes that provide electricity and services, their exorbitant fees have become an obstacle for families...
     Partisan sources in Sana'a revealed moves by the terrorist Houthi militia to change the current system of government to the Iranian model that relies on the presidential system and the general guide who has the judicial power. Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted sources in the Congress Party, the Sana’a wing, about Houthi’s intention to change the form of the coup’s ruling institutions, and transform them into an identical copy of the Iranian model, after years of marriage between the two regimes, where Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the coup plotters, kept for himself the position of “guide,” and called himself.  The title of “Leader of the Revolution.”  In return, he retained the position of president and head of government. According to what the...
     The government said in its meeting, Monday, in the capital, Aden, headed by Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik, that the continued military escalation of the terrorist Houthi militia, the latest of which was the targeting of the camps for the displaced in Marib governorate in conjunction with the visit of the UN envoy, and its repeated threats to neighboring countries, reflects its understanding of the message of peace sent by the international community.  It sees any effort for peace as nothing but an opportunity and a cover for the continuation of its battles against the Yemeni people and targeting the security and stability of neighboring countries. The government called on the United Nations, the Security Council and the international community to double the...
     The objections launched by prominent leaders of the legitimate government against the establishment of an independent telecommunications company in the capital, Aden, revealed the reality of the masks behind which those leaders hide to serve the Houthi project and its continued control over the most important revenue sectors in Yemen. The attacks reached the point of calling for an investigation with Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik and those in charge of the Ministry of Communications.  Under many signs and hangers, including "forfeiting the sovereignty of the homeland and national security" and other accusations behind which there is a hidden agenda aimed at disrupting any efforts to liberate communications from the Houthi grip and restore the most important state revenues to the treasury...
    Economist Dr. Youssef Saeed said that directors of government revenue institutions, facilities, bodies and companies in the capital, Aden, and areas under the control of the legitimate government spend public resources outside the law, far from priorities and state control.Dr. Youssef Saeed, professor of economics at the University of Aden, added that public service institutions, to this day, still place their resources in current accounts with commercial and Islamic banks and exchange companies, which has provided an opening for corruption.He explained in an article, “Will the government be able this time to implement the financial law without delay and political calculations?!” He posted on his page on the social networking site “Facebook” that the managers of these revenue institutions no...
     The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs, Dr. Ahmed bin Mubarak, met in the capital, Aden, today, with the Chairman of the Redeployment Coordination Committee in Hodeidah Governorate (UNMHA), Major General Michael Perry, a day after the government directed sharp criticism of the mission’s activity.The government agency Saba said that the meeting discussed the mission’s activity and issues related to its tasks, and touched on the repeated violations by the Houthis in Hodeidah Governorate and its military reinforcements towards the governorate, and its repeated announcement of conducting missile tests in the Red Sea from the ports of Hodeidah, Saleef and Ras Issa, as well as the increasing number of victims of mines that  It was planted on farms and...
    The Houthi group, the Iranian arm in Yemen, acknowledged its failure to disrupt the liberated ports by forcing merchants to import through the ports of Hodeidah under its control, while it was deeply disturbed by the government's efforts to confront this.The Minister of Transport of the Houthi government, called Abdul Wahab Al-Durra, said that “recovery in the port of Hodeidah is still partial and limited,” and that “the activity of the port of Hodeidah is currently limited to only 35% of the port’s capacity,” in his statements when he received the United Nations redeployment team.Minister Houthi indicated that the port of Hodeidah is still facing difficulty with the increased cost of transporting goods due to delays and the cost of...
    The moves aimed at halting the agreement to establish a joint telecommunications company between the Yemeni Telecommunications Corporation and the UAE company NX have sparked widespread political and societal anger, as they serve the continued dominance of the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran’s arm in Yemen, over the telecommunications sector and deprive the state of significant financial resources.In its meeting held on Monday, August 21, 2023, the Yemeni government approved a draft agreement to establish a joint Yemeni-Emirati telecommunications company to provide mobile phone and Internet services.Governmental and political circles unanimously agreed on the importance of this step to liberate the telecommunications sector from the control of the Houthi militia.The Supreme Committee for Sovereign and Local Revenue confirmed that this agreement...
     Although a week has passed since the government approved the agreement to establish a joint telecommunications company with the Emirati company NX, the agreement is still facing a violent campaign by forces and figures within the presidential camp under allegations that it violates the constitution and violates sovereignty. The most recent of these positions was the letter sent by a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Othman Majli, to the Speaker of the Council, demanding that Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik be referred to investigation, along with everyone connected to the files covered by the recent House of Representatives report, and that all agreements and procedures that had been signed be canceled, in reference to the agreement.  Majali's position rejecting the agreement...
    The Brotherhood forces in the legitimacy entity are desperate to thwart the efforts of the Presidential Leadership Council seeking to end the monopoly of the Houthi terrorist militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, on telecommunications and the Internet by establishing a joint company that provides these services in liberated areas that are not under Houthi control.And with the announcement of the parity government, in its meeting on Monday, corresponding to August 21, of a draft agreement to establish a joint Yemeni-Emirati telecommunications company to provide mobile phone and Internet services, the Brotherhood’s arms in Parliament began moving to abort this project through a letter addressed by the Speaker of the Council, Sultan al-Barakani, to the President The government asked to stop...
     A recent report prepared by a parliamentary investigation committee revealed a negligent stance by the legitimate government towards the telecommunications companies under Houthi control in Sana'a and operating in the liberated areas. The final report of the parliamentary fact-finding committee on what has been reported in a number of sectors, including telecommunications, referred to the government and the Ministry of Communications' dealings with the telecommunications companies "YOU" and "Yemen Mobile", which are under the control of the Houthi group in Sana'a.The committee said in its report that it had noticed a state of duplicity in the position of the government and the Ministry of Communications in dealing with the mobile company MTN, which was operating in Yemen, and sold this right...
    Statements and figures issued by the Central Bank in Aden revealed the size of the economic crisis suffered by the legitimate government as a result of its loss of hundreds of billions of its resources since the beginning of this year.A recent report issued by the Central Bank indicated that the government budget registered a deficit of about 60% during the first half of this year 2023 , with the internal public debt recording an increase of 3.5% during the month of June 2023 , while the average exchange rate of the riyal against the US dollar in The market is 1,379 riyals.The bank’s report said that the data on the actual implementation of the state’s general budget until the...
    The Yemeni riyal continues to decline against foreign currency baskets in the liberated areas, which in turn was reflected in the prices of basic foodstuffs, which rose insanely; Because of the deportation of the Houthi militia to the liberated areas and the failure of the government to manage the crisis.This decline has become a source of astonishment for economic observers, given that the government has economic solutions, but it ignores them. In view of this, the continued collapse of the riyal sparked a wave of criticism about the continued economic decline, despite the recent Saudi support that was supposed to address a lot.Solutions Economic journalist Wafiq Saleh divided the solutions to economic problems into short, medium and long term.Wafiq told "Newsyemen"...
    The World Bank opened its coordination office in Yemen in the capital, Aden, as part of the joint efforts of the government and the World Bank to meet the challenges facing the country in the current difficult phase, and to promote economic recovery and development.According to the Saba government agency, the World Bank's local coordinator, Samra Shaibani, began her duties as a field representative of the World Bank and met, on Tuesday, with the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Dr. Waed Bathib, and his deputy, Dr. Nizar Basuhaib.Minister Batheb stressed the importance of the World Bank resuming its direct duties through a coordination office in Aden, as this is the first step on the ground since 2015 on the...
    Governmental sources revealed to (Newsyemen) details of the government patchwork to solve the electricity crisis in the capital, Aden, which escalated in recent days, during which the hours of outages increased to ten hours, corresponding to two hours of operation, which exacerbated the suffering of citizens due to the high temperature and the increase in loads.The scarcity of diesel and diesel fuel for generating stations caused an increase in outage hours and the outage of most power plants, most notably the Al-Hiswa station, which operates on diesel fuel.The sources stated that the government during the past few days did not provide any solutions to end the electricity fuel crisis, despite the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council that were issued...
    In a faster trial, the Mansoura Court of First Instance ruled, on Monday, the death penalty for the accused, Mohsen Rashad Ahmed. For killing the victim, Fatima Muhammad, known as the "Top Center Girl", a crime that shook public opinion in the capital, Aden.Only two sessions, not separated by 4 days, were sufficient for the court to issue its verdict against the accused, and this was not the only remarkable thing in the case. pleading for the accused.According to the details of the session published by journalist Abd al-Rahman Anis, the lawyer for the guardians of blood also failed to convince this lawyer out of concern for the progress of the case procedures, so that another lawyer finally accepted this...
     The Yemeni government's decision to approve the establishment of a new telecommunications company angered the Brotherhood, the local wing of the "Islah Party", which was quick to announce its rejection of this company that serves the liberated areas and ends the Houthi hegemony over the telecommunications sector in Yemen. About 21 parliamentarians, most of them from the Islah Party or their loyalists, rushed, just hours after announcing this decision, to express their refusal and address a letter of objection to the Prime Minister on the establishment of a joint communications company between the government side and the telecommunications company "NX" operating in the United Arab Emirates. The parliamentarians argued in their speech that the reason for their rejection of the government's decision...
     The Sana'a parliament session, in its meeting on Saturday, revealed how the Badr al-Din al-Houthi family, Iran's arm in Yemen, responsible for the current civil war, deals with the people's parliament and the government that they formed to delude the region and the world that it is a state of order and law. Parliament, in its meeting on Saturday, headed by Yahya Al-Ra’i, was waiting for the brother of the leader of the Houthi militia, Yahya Al-Houthi, who impersonates the Minister of Education in his internationally unrecognized government, to answer questions about the halting of the educational process as a result of the teachers’ strike demanding the payment of their salaries, but he, as usual, ignored the summons.  It seems that...
     The Minister of Finance in the parity government, Salem bin Brik, revealed the truth about the negotiations sponsored by the United Nations regarding the neutralization of the Central Bank and the unification of the paper edition of the local currency in circulation in the liberated areas and areas under the control of the terrorist Houthi militia. Salem bin Brik, in an interview published by Okaz Weekly, said, "There are still no real negotiations in this regard, and everything that has been raised about this issue or put forward in this regard is just ideas and initiatives that came from several parties, but they have not fully crystallized or entered a stage."  Negotiations, despite our keenness in the government from the beginning...
    The terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, took advantage of the internationally recognized government's inability to achieve any stability in the electricity service in the capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates, to market its imaginary achievements in this thorny sector for decades, and the militias turned it into a source of livelihood and enrichment.The liberated southern governorates are witnessing frequent power outages, due to rampant corruption in this sector as well as the scarcity of fuel. The government is evading its duty to provide alternatives to improve the performance of this sector, in addition to obstructing a number of projects that would have contributed to dispensing with the purchased energy, most notably the solar power plant project. Funded by...
     With the passage of a year since it exported its last shipment, the Yemeni government revealed that it lost its budget of about one and a half billion dollars due to the halting of the oil export process as a result of the Houthi attacks on economic facilities and oil ports in the country, in addition to the contraction of the national economy by half. Despite these heavy losses, the government and behind it the Presidential Leadership Council are still in a position unable to challenge the Houthi group and resume the oil export process, and confront the Iranian-backed group's blackmail, which aims behind this to impose the sharing of oil revenues.The presidential impotence is not limited to the military ability...
    During the months of October and November of the year 2022, the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, launched several attacks with drones on oil ports in the governorates of Hadramout and Shabwa, in the east of the country.Those attacks forced the oil transport ships that were anchored in those ports to leave, which ended in stopping the export of oil abroad and the loss of the government, which is widely recognized, the most important financial resource that was managing the affairs of the liberated provinces.The terrorist attacks were accompanied by many economic measures that increased the stranglehold on the government, including preventing the delivery of domestic gas coming from Marib to areas under its control and replacing it...
    دشن رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني شهباز شريف، يوم الجمعة، مشروعا لإنشاء محطة كهرباء تعمل بالطاقة النووية بقدرة 1200 ميغاواط، صينية التصميم. والمحطة التي تبلغ كلفة بنائها 3.5 مليار دولار جزء من جهود الحكومة الرامية إلى توليد المزيد من الطاقة النظيفة.وتأتي مراسم تدشين المشروع يوم الجمعة بعد أقل من شهر على توقيع باكستان اتفاقية مع المؤسسة النووية الوطنية الصينية في الخارج.ويعد المفاعل "هوا لونغ وان" وهو مفاعل نووي من الجيل الثالث، من أكثر المفاعلات النووية أمانا.وستبنى المحطة النووية التي سيطلق عليها "تشاشما - 5" على الضفة اليسرى لنهر السند بمدينة ميانوالي في إقليم البنجاب.براہِ راست وزیرِ اعظم شہباز شریف کی چشمہ-5 نیوکلئیر پاور پلانٹ کا سنگِ بنیاد رکھنے کی تقریب میں شرکت https://t.co/octbVTwCxS— Government of Pakistan (@GovtofPakistan) July 14, 2023وزیرِ اعظم شہباز...