The Sana'a parliament session, in its meeting on Saturday, revealed how the Badr al-Din al-Houthi family, Iran's arm in Yemen, responsible for the current civil war, deals with the people's parliament and the government that they formed to delude the region and the world that it is a state of order and law.

 Parliament, in its meeting on Saturday, headed by Yahya Al-Ra’i, was waiting for the brother of the leader of the Houthi militia, Yahya Al-Houthi, who impersonates the Minister of Education in his internationally unrecognized government, to answer questions about the halting of the educational process as a result of the teachers’ strike demanding the payment of their salaries, but he, as usual, ignored the summons.  It seems that he is not the first and did not attend the session, despite the presence of Prime Minister Abdulaziz bin Habtoor.

The deputy in the Sanaa parliament, Ahmed Saif Hashed, said that Al-Rahi asked the council to withdraw confidence from the Minister of Education, Yahya Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, because of his failure to attend the council.

 In a post on the social networking site "Facebook", Hashed expressed his thanks to the Minister of State in the Sana'a government, Alia Al-Shaabi, for her courage in the parliament session and confronting Bin Habtoor, who tried to justify the absence of the Minister of Education and seek an excuse for him.

 According to Hashed, Alia Al-Shaabi revealed that Yahya Al-Houthi also does not attend the meetings of the government, of which he is considered one of the most prominent members.

 Hashid stated that Yahya Al-Houthi was given one day to comply with the request to attend, which sparked ridicule among those interacting with Hashed's post, who confirmed that Yahya Al-Houthi, his brothers, and all belonging to the Houthi tribe see themselves above the law and cannot comply with any interrogation.

For the fourth week in a row, teachers, educators, mentors, and administrators continue the complete and comprehensive strike until receiving the monthly salary, as the total number of strikers from the Education Office in Sana’a Al-Asimah reached 90%, and they refuse to return to work except with a monthly and full salary - according to the Preparatory Committee for the Teachers Club.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

العراق .. أحكام بالإعدام على مدانين بالانتماء لتنظيم إرهابي

سرايا - أعلنت السلطة القضائية في العراق، الخميس، إصدار أحكام بإعدام ثلاثة أشخاص مدانين بالانتماء لتنظيم داعش والمشاركة بعمليات استهدفت قوات الأمن.

وقال المركز الإعلامي لمجلس القضاء الأعلى في العراق في بيان إن "المحكمة الجنائية المركزية أصدرت أحكاما بالإعدام بحق ثلاثة مجرمين لانتمائهم إلى عصابات داعش الإرهابية".

وأوضح البيان أن "الإرهابيين الثلاث شاركوا بعمليات ضد القوات الأمنية في محافظتي الأنبار وصلاح الدين وذلك تحقيقا لغايات إرهابية بغية بث الرعب والخوف في نفوس المواطنين الأبرياء".

وتابع البيان أن الأحكام صدرت استنادا لقانون مكافحة الإرهاب الذي أقره البرلمان العراقي في عام 2005.

ويعاقب هذا القانون بإعدام أي شخص يدان بتهمة "الإرهاب"، وهي تهمة قد تشمل الانتماء إلى جماعة متشددة، حتى لو لم تتم إدانة المتهم بأي أفعال محددة.

ومنذ إعلان العراق "انتصاره" على "داعش" في عام 2017، أصدرت المحاكم العراقية مئات أحكام الإعدام في حق عناصر التنظيم.


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