The Houthi group swiftly condemned the United States’ designation of it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, marking its first response since the decision took effect.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the internationally unrecognized Houthi government in Sana’a claimed that the U.S. designation targets the entire Yemeni population, considering it a reaction to its stance, which it described as “honorable” and supportive of the Palestinian cause, and an indication of the U.

S. administration’s bias toward Israel, according to a statement published by the Saba news agency in Sana’a.


The Houthi foreign ministry accused the U.S. of habitually labeling those who oppose its policies and reject its dictates and arrogance as terrorists, subsequently imposing sanctions against them.


The group, which operates as part of Iran's regional axis, accused the U.S. of conspiring against Yemen alongside Saudi Arabia. This accusation refers to the Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen launched on March 26, 2015, under the banner of Operation Decisive Storm.


The Houthi-affiliated foreign ministry called on international, human rights, and humanitarian organizations to denounce the U.S. decision, warning of its potential negative impact on Yemen’s humanitarian situation.


The Houthis also hinted at military retaliation, stating that the designation would only strengthen their “principled stance” in supporting the Palestinian cause.


In a separate statement, the Houthi government in Sana’a accused the U.S. of terrorism, asserting that the designation undermines regional stability and the UN-sponsored peace efforts in Yemen. The group urged international condemnation of the decision.


It is evident from the initial reactions that the Houthis are framing the U.S. designation as a direct response to their support for the Palestinian cause. This rhetoric appears aimed at garnering sympathy from their domestic and Arab audiences by portraying themselves as victims of their so-called resistance efforts.


This move by the U.S. represents the most severe measure taken against the Houthis and could lead to significant changes in Yemen’s dynamics, including the potential unification of various Yemeni factions opposing the Houthis.


In contrast, Yemen’s internationally recognized government was quick to welcome the U.S. decision to classify the Houthis as a terrorist organization, describing it as historic. Rashad al-Alimi, the chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, praised the decision in statements made to the Aden-based state news agency.


Al-Alimi, who heads an eight-member council governing Yemeni territories outside Houthi control and maintains strong ties with Saudi Arabia, affirmed the government’s commitment to close cooperation with the U.S. and the international community to implement the designation. He also stressed the importance of ensuring the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid.


In remarks published by the official news agency, Al-Alimi emphasized the urgent need for a global approach to support the Yemeni government and enforce international resolutions to bolster the path toward peace.


Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Saudi-backed Yemeni government also welcomed the United States' decision to reclassify the Houthi group as a terrorist organization.


In a statement, the ministry said the decision reflects an understanding of the threat posed by the group and aligns with the government’s stance. The statement reiterated the government’s call for the international community to take similar steps, expressing appreciation for the strategic partnership with the United States.

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كلمات دلالية: The Houthis the Houthis

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إقبال واسع على الدليل العلاجي Yemen Treatment Guidelines

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في خطوة رائدة نحو تعزيز الرعاية الصحية وترشيد استخدام الأدوية، أصدرت الهيئة العليا للأدوية والمستلزمات الطبية الدليل العلاجي Yemen Treatment Guidelines، تحت إشراف الدكتور عبدالقادر الباكري، المدير العام التنفيذي للهيئة.

ولاقى الدليل إقبالًا واسعًا من الكادر الطبي وطلاب التخصصات الطبية، وذلك في المعرض المقام على هامش المؤتمر الأول للنظام الصحي في اليمن، المنعقد حاليًا في العاصمة المؤقتة عدن.

وشهد المؤتمر توزيع أكثر من 500 نسخة مجانية من الدليل عبر فريق المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية، في جناح الهيئة العليا للأدوية المشارك في معرض المؤتمر.

ويُعد إصدار هذا الدليل إنجازًا مهمًا للهيئة، إذ لم يتم إصدار دليل مماثل منذ عام 2002، ما يعكس التزام الهيئة بتطوير القطاع الدوائي وفق أحدث المعايير العلمية.

ويشكل الدليل العلاجي مرجعًا أساسيًا في السياسة الدوائية الوطنية، حيث يعتمد على أنماط علاجية موثوقة تسهم في رفع كفاءة الخدمات الطبية وتعزز الاستخدام الرشيد للأدوية، ما يضمن تحسين جودة الرعاية الصحية.

ويؤكد هذا الإصدار الدور الريادي للهيئة في تنظيم وتطوير قطاع الأدوية، من خلال توفير أدوية آمنة وفعالة بأسعار مناسبة، بما يسهم في تحقيق نظام صحي مستدام يلبي احتياجات المجتمع.

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  • إقبال واسع على الدليل العلاجي Yemen Treatment Guidelines