Governmental sources revealed to (Newsyemen) details of the government patchwork to solve the electricity crisis in the capital, Aden, which escalated in recent days, during which the hours of outages increased to ten hours, corresponding to two hours of operation, which exacerbated the suffering of citizens due to the high temperature and the increase in loads.

The scarcity of diesel and diesel fuel for generating stations caused an increase in outage hours and the outage of most power plants, most notably the Al-Hiswa station, which operates on diesel fuel.

The sources stated that the government during the past few days did not provide any solutions to end the electricity fuel crisis, despite the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council that were issued in this regard after the local authority in Aden announced its refusal to supply any sums of money to the government's account.

Regarding the relative improvement that does not last more than 24 hours, the sources indicated that the government was bringing quantities of diesel on board locomotives from Hadramout governorate sufficient for one day, or buying smuggled fuel that was not subject to quality checks in the laboratory of the Aden Refineries Company.

The sources added that there was a ship carrying a quantity of diesel fuel off the Aden port, but the owner of the cargo refused to unload the quantity before paying the debts owed by the government for previous emergency shipments, noting that the local authority in Aden bought 12,000 metric tons of diesel. It is expected to arrive at the oil port in the coming hours.

The media official of the General Electricity Corporation in Aden, Nawar Abkar, held the government responsible for the deterioration of the electricity service in Aden because of its refusal to carry out the necessary treatments and its dependence on purchased energy, explaining that the government did not implement any sustainable solutions for electricity fuel and insists on providing emergency quantities that are not sufficient to operate the stations with their complete capacity .

المصدر: نيوزيمن

كلمات دلالية: the government

إقرأ أيضاً:

بريست يحقق فوزا تاريخيا على شتورم جراتس


حقق بريست الفرنسي فوزا تاريخيا على ضيفه شتورم جراتس النمساوي (2-1)، اليوم الخميس، ضمن منافسات الجولة الأولى بدوري أبطال أوروبا.

بريست يحقق فوزا تاريخيا على شتورم جراتس

وجاء فوز بريست، الأول، في أول مباراة يخوضها في تاريخه بالبطولة.

عاجل.. أزمة قوية داخل الأهلي بطلها علي معلول حلمي طولان يكشف كواليس فشل تدريب الإسماعيلي

وتقدم الفريق الفرنسي عن طريق هوجو ماجنيتي في الدقيقة 23، قبل أن يدرك شتورم جراتس التعادل عن طريق هدف عكسي سجله إدميلسون فيرنانديز لاعب بريست بالخطأ في مرمى فريقه في الدقيقة 45+1.

وفي الدقيقة 56 سجل عبد الله ديبو الهدف الثاني لفريق بريست.

ويلتقي بريست في الجولة الثانية مع مضيفه ريد بول سالزبورج النمساوي، فيما يلعب شتورم جراتس مع ضيفه كلوب بروج البلجيكي يومي الأول والثاني من تشرين الأول / أكتوبر المقبل.

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