2024-09-19@19:53:55 GMT

Maeen Abdulmalik: The war in Yemen will end by ending Iran’s agenda

تاريخ النشر: 14th, September 2023 GMT

 The head of the parity government, Maeen Abdulmalik, said that the goal of peace is to restore the state, resume the normal situation, and bring about a real peace capable of continuity and supported by practical guarantees, and that the state of war sparked by the Houthi militia ends when its attempts to impose its Iranian-backed agenda end, and its continued trading in the suffering of citizens in areas.

 Their control and use as a means to reap political gains.

 This came during his meeting, on Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, with the head of the European Union delegation, Gabriel Vinales, and the ambassadors of a number of European Union countries accredited to Yemen, to discuss the developments of the situation on the national scene.  In addition to the progress of the reforms implemented by the government and addressing the existing challenges, especially the economic, service and humanitarian aspects, and European and international support for this during the current and future period.

The meeting, with the participation of the ambassadors of France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Finland, reviewed the coordinated international, regional and international efforts to advance the efforts of a political solution and peace in Yemen, and the corresponding rejection and intransigence of the terrorist Houthi militia, and its escalating threats to serve with terrorist organizations for the security and stability of the region and international navigation.

 Maeen Abdulmalik spoke about the problems facing the government and its vision for dealing with them, including the Houthi economic war, and its steps to implement reforms and fight corruption according to an urgent path, despite the great pressures and smear campaigns it faces as a result of the damage to the interests of influential people. He stressed that the choice of reforms and fighting corruption is irreversible,  The government, with the support of the Presidential Leadership Council, is moving in this direction, and with the required support from Yemen’s partners, which will lead to alleviating the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people.

Maeen Abdulmalik renewed the firm and serious position of the government and the Presidential Leadership Council towards resuming the political process and establishing peace according to the three terms of reference for the solution, and supporting the mediation efforts of the brothers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, and the United Nations. He said, “There is no point in ending the war in its military aspect while its effects and effects remain in the region.”  The rest of the aspects of life, and the Houthi terrorist militia’s continued closure of roads, siege of cities, targeting civilians, and its destructive practices against the national economy, stifling freedoms, and recruiting children, is a war with other tools, and its effect is no less than the effect of military operations.”

He called on the international community to exert more pressure on the terrorist Houthi militia and to submit to the popular will in the option of peace, restoring the state and ending the coup, and not to overlook the unilateral measures of the Houthi militia against the national economy, and to deepen the humanitarian suffering of the Yemeni people.

 In turn, the head of the Union mission and the European ambassadors affirmed their full support for the government and its efforts to implement reforms and work to stabilize economic and service conditions, and their rejection of any actions that undermine its role in performing its duties, expressing their appreciation for the keenness shown by the government and the Presidential Leadership Council in order to establish peace and reach a political solution.  

 They reiterated that the European Union's policy towards Yemen is consistent and they are committed to humanitarian support, peace operations and United Nations efforts.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

كندا تفرض عقوبات على حماس وإيران ومستوطنين إسرائيليين

أعلنت كندا، أمس الأربعاء، فرض عقوبات إضافية على حماس بسبب "أعمالها الإرهابية"، وأيضاً على العديد من المستوطنين الإسرائيليين، بسبب ما يمارسونه من "تطرف عنيف" ضد المدنيين الفلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية.

وأضافت أوتاوا أيضاً، إلى جانب أستراليا والولايات المتحدة، 5 مسؤولين إيرانيين كبار إلى قائمة العقوبات الخاصة بها، بسبب أدوارهم في سياسات أدت إلى ممارسة القمع العنيف لاحتجاجات شعبية.

Today, @USTreasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned 12 people in connection with Iran’s violent oppression of their citizens at home and abroad. https://t.co/U4seldwPgx

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وقالت الحكومة الكندية في بيان إن "العقوبات الجديدة تستهدف 11 فرداً وكيانين لهما دور في الشبكة المالية لحماس، والتي قالت أوتاوا إنها استخدمت في تخطيط وتنفيذ الهجمات على إسرائيل في 7 أكتوبر (تشرين الأول) 2023".

وتم أيضاً إدراج 4 إسرائيليين، بالإضافة إلى صندوقي "جبل الخليل" و"شلوم أسيريتش"، لـ"مشاركتهم أو تسهيلهم أعمال المضايقة والعنف، ومن بينها هجمات على قوافل إنسانية، وتهجير مجتمعات فلسطينية".

وجاء الإعلان عن أحدث العقوبات ضد 5 مسؤولين إيرانيين كبار، بمناسبة مرور عامين على وفاة مهسا أميني، وهي قيد الاحتجاز لدى شرطة الأخلاق الإيرانية، بعد اعتقالها بتهمة انتهاك قواعد اللباس.

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ومع بدء تطبيق العقوبات، التقى رئيس الوزراء جاستن ترودو بأمير قطر الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني، الذي تتوسط بلاده بين إسرائيل وحماس، إلى جانب مصر والولايات المتحدة.

وأعرب ترودو عن "قلقه العميق إزاء خطر توسع النزاع بين إسرائيل وإيران، وكذلك حزب الله ومجموعات أخرى متحالفة مع إيران"، وفقاً لبيان عن محادثاتهما.

مقالات مشابهة

  • كندا تفرض عقوبات على حماس وإيران ومستوطنين إسرائيليين