Abolishing the government and changing the constitution... Houthi plans to change the form of the state to the Iranian model
تاريخ النشر: 5th, September 2023 GMT
Partisan sources in Sana'a revealed moves by the terrorist Houthi militia to change the current system of government to the Iranian model that relies on the presidential system and the general guide who has the judicial power.
Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted sources in the Congress Party, the Sana’a wing, about Houthi’s intention to change the form of the coup’s ruling institutions, and transform them into an identical copy of the Iranian model, after years of marriage between the two regimes, where Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of the coup plotters, kept for himself the position of “guide,” and called himself.
According to what the sources reported, Al-Houthi’s pledge to make what he said was a “radical change” in the coup’s authority came in contradiction to the expectations that were expected of him to dismiss and change the leadership group that runs the areas controlled by the coup plotters, and to punish those involved in corruption.
The sources revealed a letter sent by the de facto ruler of Sanaa, Ahmed Hamed, who holds the position of director of the office of Al-Mashat, head of the so-called Political Council of the Militias, to the Al-Rai’s Parliament requesting that amendments be made to the form of the government system, leading to the abolition of the position of the Prime Minister and the transfer of these powers to the Prime Minister. The “Governing Council” currently headed by Mahdi Al-Mashat, who was director of the office of the coup leader, before he was pushed to this position.
The newspaper said that three sources told it that the committee examining the request was facing difficulty in dealing with it. Because changing the form of the system requires a constitutional amendment, and because the Yemeni constitution defines the three authorities, and names the positions of executive authority, starting with the head of state and then the head of government, “and any change in the articles of the constitution requires a parliamentary majority, and then a referendum on the amendment, and this is what the coup plotters do not have.”
The sources suggested that the new trend would be approved by issuing a regulation instead of amending the constitution. With the aim of legitimizing the parallel entities established by the coup plotters to manage their areas of control according to the Iranian model, which extended to the simplest names for these entities, the method of dividing cities into security squares, and granting these entities the authority of government institutions.
The same sources said: The coup leader's summoning of Mahdi Al-Mashat to his hideout in Saada Governorate, the group's main stronghold, is related to the issue of the proposed change.
Political sources in Sanaa, according to the newspaper, alerted to the presence of a wide group of coup leaders who oppose this step. Because it will lead to the exclusion of the nominal partnership with the branch of the “Popular Congress” party at home, and it will also enhance the influence and control of the director of Al-Mashat’s office, who has been considered the de facto ruler in those areas since his appointment to this position.
She said: “It will open a broader confrontation between the wings of the coup plotters, who are exchanging accusations of corruption and failure.”
According to these sources, this trend has intensified the rivalry between the wing led by the director of Al-Mashat’s office, who is also from the group loyal to the coup leader and does not belong to his dynasty, and the other wing led by Mohammed al-Houthi, the cousin of the coup leader, over winning the new location.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
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كما تُحفظ الأمتعة في أماكن مجهزة بأنظمة مراقبة مستمرة، لضمان أعلى مستويات الأمان والحماية، مع آلية تسليم دقيقة وسريعة تعتمد على مطابقة البيانات بشكل دقيق، ما يسهم في تحسين كفاءة الخدمة وتوفير تجربة ميسرة للمستفيدين.
وتجري عملية الاستفادة من الخدمة عبر تسجيل الأمتعة، وإصدار أسوارة ذكية تحتوي على رمز خاص لتتبع الأمتعة إلكترونيًا.
ثم تُنقل الأمتعة إلى مناطق التخزين المخصصة التي تخضع لمراقبة دورية كل 4 ساعات، وعند استعادة الأمتعة يجري مسح رمز الاستجابة للتحقق من مطابقة البيانات وتستلمها بسهولة وأمان.
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بالإضافة إلى 6 نقاط تسلم موزعة عند الأبواب الرئيسية للمسجد.
ويأتي إطلاق هذه الخدمة كجزء من جهود الهيئة المستمرة لتطوير الخدمات المقدمة في الحرمين الشريفين، من خلال اعتماد أحدث التقنيات والأنظمة الذكية التي تسهم في تسهيل رحلة الزوار، وتعزيز مستوى الراحة خلال أداء العبادات، ما يعكس حرص الهيئة على توفير بيئة روحانية مريحة وخالية من المشقة للوافدين إلى المسجد الحرام.