Statements and figures issued by the Central Bank in Aden revealed the size of the economic crisis suffered by the legitimate government as a result of its loss of hundreds of billions of its resources since the beginning of this year.

A recent report issued by the Central Bank indicated that the government budget registered a deficit of about 60% during the first half of this year 2023 , with the internal public debt recording an increase of 3.

5% during the month of June 2023 , while the average exchange rate of the riyal against the US dollar in The market is 1,379 riyals.

The bank’s report said that the data on the actual implementation of the state’s general budget until the end of June 2023 indicates a deficit of 593.1 billion riyals, as public revenues amounted to 400 billion riyals and public expenditures amounted to 993.1 billion riyals, compared to a cash deficit of 431.8 billion in May 2023.

This large deficit in the public budget is due to the volume of revenue lost by the government by comparing these numbers with the figures for the first half of last year 2022 , in which the government then achieved a surplus of about 120 billion riyals, according to the bank’s report at the time.

The bank's report on economic and financial developments for the first half of 2022  indicated that the state's revenues increased by 352.8% and amounted to 1222.6 billion riyals, compared to 1101.8 billion expenditures during the same period.

Bank Governor Ahmed Ghaleb presented a bleak picture of the economic situation in an interview with Al-Ayyam newspaper published in Aden on Wednesday.

The governor stressed that the state’s revenues as a whole and with all its sources now do not cover 40% of its salaries, pointing to the loss of the public treasury of more than one trillion and five hundred billion due to the striking of oil ports and the cessation of exports and because of the armistice agreement that deprived of customs and taxes for oil ships that went to Hodeidah during the last period.

The governor pointed out that the bank had managed last year to withdraw about one trillion and 600 billion riyals from the market through the weekly auctions of hard currency, but it was forced to return it as expenses after the government lost the previous revenues, explaining that if the bank had not withdrawn these quantities and added them from the stored printed currency and changed Exporting, the exchange rate had exceeded 2500 riyals.

The governor revealed that last year the Central Bank secured about 900 billion riyals of expenditure, revenue and deficit differences from external sources, most of which are from its reserves and public debt in sukuk and treasury bonds, adding: Assuming that this bank does not exist now, it means that you will not be able to pay salaries for a large part of the year even with The existence of oil exports, and you will not be able to secure even one hour of electricity fuel per day.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

كلمات دلالية: the government

إقرأ أيضاً:

مليشيا الحوثي تختطف نازحة بالحديدة بعد أيام على اختطاف عضو مجلس محلي

اتهمت إدارة حقوق الإنسان في مديرية الدريهمي بمحافظة الحديدة (غربي اليمن) مليشيا الحوثي الإرهابية باختطاف امرأة من أحد مخيمات النزوح ونقلها إلى جهة مجهولة.

وأوضحت الإدارة في بيان أن مسلحين حوثيين يرتدون أقنعة اقتحموا مخيم مركوضة للنازحين وقاموا باختطاف المواطنة فاطمة عايش أحمد، البالغة من العمر أربعين عاماً، تحت تهديد السلاح، حيث تم اقتيادها قسراً على متن أطقم عسكرية إلى مكان مجهول.

وأكد البيان أن أسرة الضحية عجزت عن تحديد مكان احتجازها أو التواصل معها، محملة جماعة الحوثي المسؤولية الكاملة عن سلامتها.

في السياق ذاته، شهدت محافظة الحديدة حادثة اختطاف أخرى، حيث اعتقلت مليشيا الحوثي، يوم امس الأول عضو المجلس المحلي في مديرية الحوك، التربوي إبراهيم عايش الرزيقي، وأودعته أحد سجونها دون الكشف عن أسباب الاعتقال.

وأفادت مصادر حقوقية أن الرزيقي، الذي كان قد غادر المحافظة وانضم للحكومة الشرعية، عاد مؤخرًا بعد تلقيه وعودًا بعدم المساس به، إلا أنه تعرض للاعتقال فور وصوله، ما أثار مخاوف بشأن سلامته وأعاد تسليط الضوء على الممارسات القمعية التي تنتهجها الجماعة.

وطالبت مصادر حقوقية وشخصيات اجتماعية، المجتمع الدولي والأمم المتحدة بالضغط على المليشيا المدعومة إيرانياً بايقاف جرائمها ومحاسبتها، وسط مخاوف من تصعيد حدة القمع في المناطق التي تسيطر عليها الجماعة.

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