The terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, took advantage of the internationally recognized government's inability to achieve any stability in the electricity service in the capital, Aden, and the liberated governorates, to market its imaginary achievements in this thorny sector for decades, and the militias turned it into a source of livelihood and enrichment.

The liberated southern governorates are witnessing frequent power outages, due to rampant corruption in this sector as well as the scarcity of fuel. The government is evading its duty to provide alternatives to improve the performance of this sector, in addition to obstructing a number of projects that would have contributed to dispensing with the purchased energy, most notably the solar power plant project. Funded by the United Arab Emirates.

The increasing suffering of citizens in the south, was exploited by the head of the militia’s political council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, during a meeting he had with the Minister of Electricity, Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti, last Wednesday, in order to talk about the “imaginary” achievements of his group during the past year, represented in providing electricity to the areas of Hodeidah over a period of 24 hours without interruption. Outages coupled with a tariff rate reduction.

Apparently, Al-Mashat, while boasting about this achievement, forgot what this governorate witnessed during the summer of 2022 in terms of protests and popular boiling over the background of the deterioration of electricity service, in conjunction with the militias bringing in a leader from Saada named Abdul Ghani Al-Madani to manage public and private power stations and the escalation of corruption crimes, leading to their deliberate Torturing the people of the province by cutting off the current and diverting it to Sana'a and other regions for the purpose of making a living.

In early June of the same year, activists and journalists from the people of Hodeidah launched an electronic campaign on social media that exposed the racism of the militias and the amount of money they earn in exchange for electricity service despite its poor quality. Then, a campaign of arrests targeted dozens of young men demanding the improvement of this service, leading to their submission by taking formal measures to absorb the anger of the accursed street, the most prominent of which was the dismissal of the former Minister of Electricity and the appointment of the current one in his place.

And citizens in Hodeidah assure (NewsYemen) that the electricity situation this year was not much different from last year 2022, especially with regard to the tariff price per kilowatt.

The citizens explain that the militia authorities in Hodeidah buy power from the generators of the Bajil Cement Factory at a price of 8 riyals per kilowatt and sell it to the citizen for 250 riyals and more, explaining that the alleged reduction in consumption of less than one hundred kilowatts is difficult, especially in a hot area like Hodeidah.

According to citizens, the consumption price rises to 250 riyals if consumption exceeds 100 kilowatts, and the higher the consumption, the higher the cost until it reaches 350 riyals per kilowatt.

Citizens in Hodeidah unanimously agree that the electricity sector is one of the most important gateways to livelihood for the Houthi leaders present in the province, especially those coming from Saada, pointing out that any alleged improvement in this service, even if it is slight, is paid for by the simple citizen.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

الجيش الأوكراني يعلن أسر 27 جندياً روسياً في كورسك

أعلن الجيش الأوكراني في بيان، اليوم الخميس، أسر 27 عسكرياً روسياً في منطقة كورسك الروسية، التي تسيطر قواته على جزء منها منذ أغسطس (آب) 2024.

وقالت قيادة قوات الهجوم المحمولة جوا في بيان على فيسبوك "تم أسر 27 عسكرياً معادياً في الأيام الأخيرة خلال المعارك" في منطقة كورسك.

وأرفقت المنشور بفيديو يُظهر رجالًا ببزات عسكرية متجمعين فيما يبدو قرية، يعرفون عن أنفسهم بالروسية أمام الكاميرا.

وأوضح البيان أن هؤلاء العسكريين "ضباط ورقباء وجنود" من وحدات مختلفة يتحدرون من مناطق متعددة من روسيا، ومن شبه جزيرة القرم، التي احتلتها روسيا وضمتها عام 2014.

وتابع البيان "في وضع قتالي صعب، قاموا بالخيار الصائب: اختاروا تسليم السلاح، ما أنقذ حياتهم. جميع الجرحى تلقوا على الفور العناية الأولية" مضيفاً "ندعو الجنود الآخرين في الجيش الروسي إلى تسليم أنفسهم".

⚡️ Ukrainian paratroopers and other units captured 27 Russian service members during hostilities in Russia's Kursk Oblast, the Airborne Assault Troops' press service said on Jan. 16.

— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) January 16, 2025

وشنت أوكرانيا في أغسطس (آب) هجوماً مباغتاً في منطقة كورسك الروسية الحدودية، في وقت تواجه منذ 3 سنوات الهجوم الروسي.

ولا تزال كييف تسيطر على مئات الكيلومترات المربعة في كورسك، في أول احتلال لأراض روسية يقوم به جيش أجنبي منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية.

وتؤكد كييف وسيول وواشنطن أنتشار آلاف الجنود الكوريين الشماليين، الذين أرسلتهم بيونغ يانغ إلى كورسك لمساندة القوات الروسية.

وأعلنت أوكرانيا مؤخراً أسر عدد من العسكريين الكوريين الشماليين في كورسك، عارضة على بيونغ يانغ عملية تبادل لقاء عسكريين أوكرانيين أسرى في روسيا.

مقالات مشابهة

  • ITT-PR511877-YEM-Hodeidah-25_01
  • الجيش الأوكراني يعلن أسر 27 جندياً روسياً في كورسك