2024-10-03@12:52:15 GMT
إجمالي نتائج البحث: 24

«the Houthi militia»:

     The recent crisis caused by the Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, with the Yemeni Airlines Company, has brought to mind the continuing inability of the legitimacy to impose its control over the banking sector and manage the economic file in Yemen. On Saturday, the company announced that it would stop operating the only flights from Sanaa Airport, which is under the control of the militias, to the Jordanian capital, Amman, due to the restrictions imposed by the militias since last March on the company’s financial accounts and balances in Sanaa, which exceeded $80 million.The company said, in a statement, that the Houthi militia recently banned the withdrawal of the Yemeni Company from its financial balances in Sanaa banks, noting that...
     On Tuesday, gunmen wearing military uniforms attacked those celebrating the September 26 Revolution in the streets of the city of Sanaa, which has been under the control of the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen, since its coup in September 2014. Activists on social media published video clips showing armed elements in the ranks of the Houthi militia attacking citizens who voluntarily raised the flags of the Republic of Yemen in celebration of the occasion. A circulating video clip showed a citizen waving the flag of the Republic of Yemen, before the assailant attacked him from behind by hitting him with the butt of a rifle.Activists within the ranks of the Houthi group launched an intimidation campaign that slandered Yemeni...
    It is not the first time that the Presidential Leadership Council has warned of the danger of making concessions to the Houthi Imamate militia, even though the largest concessions obtained by the Houthis were made since the beginning of the Council’s era in managing the country’s affairs.A glimpse at the concessions and negotiation pathThe most prominent concessions made by the Presidential Command Council to the Houthi militia were the opening of Sanaa Airport to commercial flights and the lifting of restrictions on the port of Hodeidah. Not even seven months had passed since the April 2022 truce, the Houthi militia bombed the oil and gas export ports in Hadramaut and Shabwa, and demanded the sharing of oil revenues. After this...
     On September 21, 2014, Yemen entered a devastating phase that turned the country into a humanitarian disaster, undermined the economy, tore apart the infrastructure, and collapsed the humanitarian protection systems: health, electricity, and education. Nearly nine years of war and economic decline have weakened Yemen and the Yemenis, and taken a heavy toll on the lives, health, and economic prospects of the Yemeni people. The United Nations Development Program estimates that about 377,000 people have lost their lives due to the direct and indirect effects of the conflict in Yemen, about two-thirds of those killed are children under the age of five.Since 2019, the United Nations has cited Yemen as the world's worst humanitarian crisis, and it is estimated that half of...
     September 18 represents a painful memory for the people of Tihama, where nine of their sons were executed with the blood of the murdered Saleh Al-Sammad after an unfair secret trial that included severe torture that caused one of the prisoners to lose the ability to stand. On this day, three years ago, the Yemenis woke up to the scenes of the execution of nine of Tihama’s sons after they were accused of involvement in the assassination of Al-Samad, who was the head of the militia’s political council, without any evidence or evidence confirming this.This brutal crime against the people of Tihama sparked popular outrage and local and international human rights condemnation, especially since the execution included a minor to whom...
     Local sources in Sanaa said that the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, rewarded the families of its dead, who were from Saada Governorate, with looted lands in Sanaa that they had seized earlier. The sources pointed to the racism practiced by the Houthi militias by rewarding the dead of Saada and ignoring the families of the dead from other governorates.According to Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper, observers in Sanaa believe that the primary goal of this distinction is to continue the steps of demographic change in the occupied Yemeni capital for the benefit of those belonging to the lineage of the group’s leader and those loyal to him from Saada Governorate. The newspaper quoted sources it described as informed, "A few days...
    The leaders of the Houthi militia are moving these days in a feverish race against time to mobilize citizens in areas under their control to attend the group’s celebration of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday.On a visit to the Sanhan and Bani Bahloul district, on Sunday, the leader of the coup militia, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, said that not celebrating the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday is considered “great contemporary ignorance,” calling on the Sanhan and Bani Bahloul tribes to attend the event that the militia is holding in Al-Sabeen Square on Rabi’ 12. The first of this month, corresponding to September 27.In the tone of someone calling on people to embrace Islam for the first time, the Houthi leader...
     The head of the parity government, Maeen Abdulmalik, said that the goal of peace is to restore the state, resume the normal situation, and bring about a real peace capable of continuity and supported by practical guarantees, and that the state of war sparked by the Houthi militia ends when its attempts to impose its Iranian-backed agenda end, and its continued trading in the suffering of citizens in areas.  Their control and use as a means to reap political gains. This came during his meeting, on Wednesday, in the capital, Aden, with the head of the European Union delegation, Gabriel Vinales, and the ambassadors of a number of European Union countries accredited to Yemen, to discuss the developments of the situation...
     The terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, admitted to depleting the state's resources to increase its military armament, threatening to resume the war after the end of its celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet's birthday. This recognition came from the head of its internationally recognized government, Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, who said, according to what was published by Al Masirah, that his government only has revenues from the port of Hodeidah, bears the expenses of 49 fronts, and needs all aspects of spending, including weapons, ammunition, and so on. He claimed that his group is currently engaged in celebrating the Prophet’s birthday, and after that things are open to returning to square one, criticizing at the same time...
     Muammar al-Iryani, Minister of Information in the parity government, revealed a state of popular unrest in Saada governorate, the main stronghold of the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen. Al-Eryani, in a series of blog posts, said that Saada witnessed during the past few days a series of crimes committed by Houthi leaders against the people of Saada against the backdrop of the latter’s rejection of attempts to seize and expand their lands. He explained that the military commander of the militia, Abdullah Al-Razami, a few days ago, bombed the house of citizen Aida Saleh Rabou’ in the Al-Lajaba area of Al-Safra District, which resulted in the killing of 4 and the wounding of 5 from one family, the majority of...
     Official media outlets affiliated with the terrorist Houthi militia have joined the campaign carried out by parliamentarians and legitimacy officials affiliated with the Islah Party, the local branch of the terrorist Brotherhood organization, and are seeking to abort the government's efforts aimed at ending the militias' dominance over the communications sector. The September 26 website, in its Houthi version, promoted the allegations currently being circulated that the legitimate government is seeking to sell the telecommunications sector to an Israeli company.Despite the important political and economic benefits that the government will gain from the partnership agreement, politicians and parliamentarians affiliated with the Brotherhood, and behind them the Houthis, insist on stopping it under the justifications of national sovereignty and the broken constitution...
    A number of companies and commercial establishments that were established decades ago in Sana'a have been subjected to major harassment and extortion by the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, as part of a scheme to control the private sector in its areas of control.An organized and systematic bulldozing operation carried out by the militias against what remained of the private sector and businessmen. With the aim of strengthening a parallel sector led by prominent Houthi leaders with the aim of controlling the national economy.Imposing strict restrictions and procedures, leading to doubling levies and royalties under the name of taxes and customs; Not to mention the incidents of fires, targeting, looting, and disruption to which merchants and businessmen are...
     A new economic report said that the Houthi militia used the banking sector to launder money and plunder, implementing unconstitutional laws to freeze bank accounts, confiscate interest on deposits, and prevent banks from collecting any form of interest on most banking transactions.The report, “The Houthis’ Destruction of the Banking Sector - Money Laundering and Looting,” issued by the “Restore Yemen” initiative, added that the Houthi militia’s violations and measures against the banking sector will accelerate the bankruptcy of banks in the near future.The report stated that the Houthi militia worked hard to destroy the banking sector and support exchange facilities. The report focused on the serious violations committed by the Iran-backed Houthi militia against banks in Sanaa and several governorates, which...
    Media reports revealed, on Sunday, a meeting hosted by the Omani capital, Muscat, between tribal sheikhs from the eastern governorates of Yemen, Al-Jawf, Hadramaut, Shabwa, and Al-Mahra, in a move that observers of Yemeni affairs considered an attempt to form a new alliance in the country.The meeting brought together Sheikhs Amin Al-Ukaimi, Ali Al-Huraizi, Yahya Abu Auja, and tribal figures from Shabwa and other governorates, as reported in the news.Sheikh Al-Ukaimi previously served as governor of Al-Jawf Governorate and is loyal to the Islah Party and Major General Ali Mohsen Saleh, and Abu Awja was the staff of the first military zone in Hadramaut, which is also loyal to the Islah Party and Major General Mohsen, which makes the meeting...
     The government said in its meeting, Monday, in the capital, Aden, headed by Dr. Maeen Abdulmalik, that the continued military escalation of the terrorist Houthi militia, the latest of which was the targeting of the camps for the displaced in Marib governorate in conjunction with the visit of the UN envoy, and its repeated threats to neighboring countries, reflects its understanding of the message of peace sent by the international community.  It sees any effort for peace as nothing but an opportunity and a cover for the continuation of its battles against the Yemeni people and targeting the security and stability of neighboring countries. The government called on the United Nations, the Security Council and the international community to double the...
    The Iranian-backed Houthi militia's efforts continue to obliterate everything that expresses the republican identity of Yemeni society, and to replace it with a dynastic heritage with an Iranian suit, as the group recently removed the memory of the glorious September 26 revolution from its general plan for school activities.In addition to the measures it imposed to get rid of the symbolism of the Republic of Yemen, Iran's arm created 17 different sectarian and racist occasions to perpetuate its dynastic project, including Ghadir Day and Wilayat Day, and other occasions that it copied from the Iranian model that the Yemenis reject. At a time when the Houthi militia is working to create a new perception of the Yemeni identity, observers considered the...
     Iran's arm in Yemen, represented by the terrorist Houthi militia, said that an upcoming round of negotiations is being arranged, which we seek to be decisive in putting an end to the suffering of the Yemeni people. This came in a post by a member of the Houthi negotiating delegation, Abdulmalik Al-Ajri, on his account on the social networking site "X", coinciding with the departure of the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman from Sana'a, on Sunday 8/20/2023. Al-Ajri said in his post: "We arrived, praise be to God, to the Omani capital, Muscat, after completing a consultative visit to Sana'a, aimed at consulting with the leadership about the next steps and arranging for an upcoming round of negotiations that we seek...
     After multiple summons by the Sana'a parliament for those appointed to ministerial positions in the illegitimate government formed by the Houthi group, the appointed prime minister, Abdul Aziz bin Habtoor, attended with some ministers and many deputy ministers. The absence of the Houthi ministers was noticeable in the Houthi parliament session last Saturday, while the most striking was Bin Habtoor's keenness to apologize for the failure to attend the appointed Minister of Education, Yahya al-Houthi, the brother of the leader of the coup group, to the exclusion of other ministers who did not attend the session.Ibn Habtoor sought an excuse for Yahya al-Houthi, being assigned tasks outside the capital, Sanaa, without mentioning the nature or location of the tasks, and was...
    In light of the recent escalation of military tension between the United States of America and the Republic of Iran, the latter mobilized its arms in the Arab region, especially its arm in Yemen - the Houthi militia.Tensions escalated after Washington sent 3,000 Marines to the Red Sea, in a move US officials described as coming "to deter destabilizing activity and calm regional tensions resulting from Iran's harassment and seizure of merchant ships," according to US Fifth Fleet spokesman Tim Hawkins, according to the  French news agency. US military personnel aboard the warships USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall arrived at the headquarters of the US Naval Base in the State of Bahrain. This increased US deployment follows a series of...
    The crisis of confidence escalated among the leaders of the first echelon of the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, to the extent of liquidations between the conflicting militia wings to extend influence and control.The Houthi internal conflicts resulted in the formation of a number of wings, whose leaders are linked from the first row down to the middle leadership level to the base. And due to the divergence of visions, positions, influence, money, and revenues, these conflicts intensified and surfaced in a large and clear manner.During the years of the war, the inter-conflicts were hidden and unannounced, as is the case today, as the differences between the Houthi wings became public, especially with the increase in statements and...
    The closure of the two companies (YouTube and Facebook) of Houthi channels, pages and accounts on social media calling for death, terrorism and hatred caused confusion and confusion for the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen.And while the leader in the ranks of the group, Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, was calling on Sunday, August 6, 2023, in a public event, "all doctors to educate the community through social media on how to prevent risks that may be caused by diseases...", there were leaders in his group The Ministry of Communications, which controls the Internet, calls for banning YouTube and Facebook in Yemen.In an honorary ceremony organized by the (Yemeni Council for Medical and Health Specializations at the Ministry of...
    The terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, has admitted the death of one of its prominent military leaders, Ahmed Ali al-Hamzi, whom it appointed as commander of the Air Force and Air Defense, in early 2019.Houthi official media said that Al-Hamzi died of an injury he suffered earlier, without disclosing any other details in this aspect, which adds more ambiguity to the details of his death.Among the available information about the Houthi leader, Ahmed Al-Hamzi, is that he hails from the Maran region of Saada Governorate, the main stronghold of the militia leader, Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi, and assumed this position to succeed the first responsible for launching ballistic missiles and drones, Major General Ibrahim Al-Shami, who was killed in mysterious...
     The internationally recognized Yemeni government has accused the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm, of trying to cover up a crime that plundered the annual state revenues by insisting on legitimacy to demand the payment of salaries of public sector employees in areas under its control.  Noting that the annual revenues that the militias earn annually amount to more than 4.6 trillion riyals. Information Minister Muammar al-Iryani, in a post on his Twitter account, said that the Iranian militias are trying to mislead the Yemeni public opinion by evading the crime of looting and stopping the payment of the salaries of teachers and state employees in the areas under their control, and demanding that the legitimate government pay them, while they continue...
     The positions and statements of Iran's arms in both Yemen and Lebanon from the Gulf states during the past days have raised the ridicule of Yemeni activists on social media. The most recent of these positions, the statements made by the Minister of Economy of the Lebanese government under the control of Hezbollah, Amin Salam, in conjunction with the passage of the third anniversary of the Beirut port explosion, were considered offensive against the State of Kuwait. Where the minister called on Kuwait to rebuild the wheat silos that were destroyed by the explosion, and he said in press statements that "the money is in the Kuwaiti Development Fund, and with a" stroke of a pen "the decision can be made to...