The Yemenia Airlines crisis with the Houthi militia reflects the inability of legitimacy to control the banking sector
تاريخ النشر: 3rd, October 2023 GMT
The recent crisis caused by the Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, with the Yemeni Airlines Company, has brought to mind the continuing inability of the legitimacy to impose its control over the banking sector and manage the economic file in Yemen.
On Saturday, the company announced that it would stop operating the only flights from Sanaa Airport, which is under the control of the militias, to the Jordanian capital, Amman, due to the restrictions imposed by the militias since last March on the company’s financial accounts and balances in Sanaa, which exceeded $80 million.
The company said, in a statement, that the Houthi militia recently banned the withdrawal of the Yemeni Company from its financial balances in Sanaa banks, noting that this caused severe damage to its activity, and that it faced many challenges and difficulties, to which the group responded as a false and pure slander claim.
The Houthi group, in the words of a source in the Ministry of Transport in its government, responded to these accusations by saying that all salaries and benefits of employees in the company will be disbursed from the company’s balances in Sana’a, which amount to two million dollars per month and that during the previous period, approximately 36 million dollars were disbursed from these balances to confront operating expenses during the previous period.
These Houthi allegations were undermined by a confession issued by the group’s leader, Hussein Al-Ezzi, in his tweets on the “X” platform, in which he acknowledged that his group had stopped withdrawing large sums from the company’s balances to prevent corruption, saying that insisting on the former regime’s role in withdrawing is unacceptable to his group, except that he later deleted these tweets.
The government, for its part, merely condemned, through the words of its Minister of Information, Muammar Al-Eryani, the Houthi group’s seizure of a Yemeni airline plane at Sana’a Airport in response to the company’s suspension of its flights from the airport, calling on the government’s behalf to the international community, the United Nations, and its special envoy to pressure the Houthi militia to release the detained plane and lift the ban imposed on Company balances.
The Houthi militia’s restrictions on the balances of the Yemenia Company had previously been raised during the recent period, as the company’s commercial director, Mohsen Haidara, complained, in a television interview last August, about the militias’ control of the company’s balances in commercial banks, justifying this by saying that 60% of ticket sales The company comes from militia-controlled areas, pointing out that the company's sales exceeded $100 million last year.
The militias' ability to control the company's assets is due to their continued control over the most important and most commercial banks operating in Yemen through their main administration in Sana'a, and the failure of legitimacy since the beginning of the war to force them to transfer their administrations to the capital, Aden, where these banks are still completely subject to all orders issued. From the Central Bank in Sanaa, affiliated with the Houthi group.
A failure that comes within a scene of a general failure in the legitimacy’s management of the economic file and the activation of the most important tools of power to impose its control over this file, which is the Central Bank of Yemen since its management was transferred to Aden in late 2016, which produced a financial and banking division and a varying price of the local currency between the militia-controlled areas and the liberated areas.
The lack of legitimacy in the banking file is one of the most important reasons for the deterioration of the local currency in the liberated areas as a result of its inability to control the most important hard currency resources for the benefit of the militias, which are remittances from expatriates and relief funds and humanitarian aid, which last year amounted to about 7.7 billion dollars, as the process of transferring these funds is still taking place outside the control of the Central Bank in Aden and through commercial banks under the control of the Houthi group.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
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3 ظواهر تسيطر على حالة الطقس اليوم.. اعرف الملابس المناسبة
يزداد الشعور بالبرودة بسبب اقتراب فصل الشتاء، ويمكن ملاحظة ذلك من خلال حالة الطقس اليوم، إذ تنخفض درجات الحرارة في أوقات معينة، مع سيطرة الشبورة المائية والرياح الشديدة، لذا من الضروري معرفة الملابس المناسبة للحفاظ على صحة الجسم، ومنعه من الإصابة بالأمراض، خاصة نزلات البرد والفيروسات المعدية.
يسيطر على القاهرة الكبرى ومحافظات الوجه البحري طقس معتدل، أي ليس باردا أو دافئا خلال ساعات النهار، لكن ستكون درجات الحرارة منخفضة والجو مائلا للبرودة بشكل ملحوظ، خلال الصباح الباكر والليل، بالإضافة إلى وجود شبورة مائية كثيفة على الطرق والمسطحات المائية صباحا، لذا ينصح بالانتباه الشديد خاصة عند القيادة، مع وجود رياح على فترات ومناطق متقطعة، وبالنسبة لمحافظات الصعيد والوجه القبلي عموما، يتكون درجات الحرارة مائلة للدفء، وفق بيان صادر عن الهيئة العامة للأرصاد الجوية، عن حالة الطقس اليوم، لذي يمكن لمتابعي الأرصاد معرفة الملابس المناسبة.
الملابس المناسبة بناء على حالة الطقس اليوموأوضح الدكتور مجدي بدران عضو الجمعية المصرية للحساسية والمناعة، خلال حديثه لـ«الوطن»، الملابس المناسبة هي الشتوية، بناء على حالة الطقس اليوم، خاصة وأن الأجواء الباردة يتم ملاحظتها والشعور بها جيدا، من منتصف شهر نوفمبر الجاري، ما يستلزم تدفئة الجسم، حتى لا تؤثر عليه البرودة، بارتداء طبقات كثيرة من الملابس، ولكن تسمح بمساحات من الهواء بين الجلد والطقس.
التعرض للبرد يؤدي إلى تفاقم الأمراض التنفسيةينصح «بدران» بتدفئة الجسم جيدا، لأن التعرض للبرد يمكن أن يؤدي إلى تفاقم الأمراض التنفسية، مثل التهاب الشعب الهوائية والالتهاب الرئوي، وكذلك انقباض الأوعية الدموية، ما يزيد من احتمالات تكون الجلطات، خصوصا لمن لديهم تاريخ مرضي بالأمراض القلبية أو الوعائية.
الطقس البارد يزيد من آلام المفاصل والتهابهاالطقس البارد يزيد من آلام المفاصل والتهابها، خاصة لدى المصابين بالتهاب المفاصل أو هشاشة العظام، بالإضافة إلى زيادة العبء على القلب، إذ يحتاج إلى ضخ الدم بشكل أكبر، للمساعدة في الحفاظ على حرارة الجسم، ما يزيد من خطورة الإصابة بأزمات قلبية، وبشكل عام فإن التعرض المستمر للبرد يُضعف جهاز المناعة، ويؤدي إلى انتشار العدوى والفيروسات المعدية، بحسب «بدران».