Blackmail and vulgarity.. The positions of the Houthi militia towards the Gulf countries make Yemenis mock
تاريخ النشر: 7th, August 2023 GMT
The positions and statements of Iran's arms in both Yemen and Lebanon from the Gulf states during the past days have raised the ridicule of Yemeni activists on social media.
The most recent of these positions, the statements made by the Minister of Economy of the Lebanese government under the control of Hezbollah, Amin Salam, in conjunction with the passage of the third anniversary of the Beirut port explosion, were considered offensive against the State of Kuwait.
Where the minister called on Kuwait to rebuild the wheat silos that were destroyed by the explosion, and he said in press statements that "the money is in the Kuwaiti Development Fund, and with a" stroke of a pen "the decision can be made to rebuild the silos," in language that aroused the discontent of officials in Kuwait, and appeared as if it was more like command.
The minister's statement was preceded by the request of the leader of the Hezbollah militia, Hassan Nasrallah, to the Gulf states to contribute to saving Lebanon from the financial disaster that it has been suffering from for two years, asking: What is preventing them from doing so? Addressing them as "our brothers", in contrast to the intense hostility the party has towards them.
The position of Iran's arm in Lebanon, represented by Hezbollah, prompted Yemeni activists on social media to compare it with the position of Iran's arm in Yemen, represented by the Houthi group, and its continuous demand from Saudi Arabia to pay the salaries of employees in its areas of control.
Political analyst Fahd Al-Sharafi asked, in his tweet on Twitter, about the failure of the Lebanese Minister of Economy, along with Hassan Nasr, to ask Iran to extend a helping hand and rebuild what was destroyed by the explosion, and for Al-Houthi to do the same and ask it to pay salaries. Commenting by saying: You will never find more impudent than Khamenei's children!!
Activist Zain al-Abidin al-Dhubibi mocked, in a tweet, the positions of Iran's arms, saying: They insult the Gulf, fight the Arabs, cause ruin and the collapse of the economy of their countries by working for Iran and implementing its subversive agenda, then they ask the Arabs to fix what they have spoiled and pay salaries on their behalf, concluding his comment with the phrase "wild thieves."
On the other hand, activist and writer Hamdan al-Ali believes that Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen "believe that they are in a position of strength and can threaten and force the Gulf states to provide them with support (royalties) whenever they request it."
He added sarcastically: "The language of their solution says: Pay us, otherwise we will send Iranian missiles and drones."
المصدر: نيوزيمن
إقرأ أيضاً:
مستوطنون يهاجمون مركبات الفلسطينيين ويغلقون عدة طرق في الضفة
الثورة نت/..
هاجم مستوطنون صهاينة بحماية قوات العدو الصهيوني ، مساء اليوم الأحد، مركبات المواطنين الفلسطينيين وأغلقوا عدة طرق ومفترقات رئيسية، في الضفة الغربية المحتلة .
وأفادت مصادر محلية، بأن عشرات المستوطنين تجمهروا عند الشارع الرئيسي قرب بلدة ترمسعيا شمال محافظة رام الله والبيرة، وهاجموا مركبات المواطنين وأغلقوا الطريق، ما أجبرهم على سلوك طرق بديلة.
وأضافت المصادر، أن مستوطنين تجمهروا قرب حاجزي عطارة وعين سينيا العسكريين المقامين على أراضي المواطنين شمال رام الله، وهاجموا مركبات المواطنين بالحجارة، ما أدى إلى إلحاق أضرار مادية في عدد منها.
وفي محافظة القدس، هاجم مستوطنون مسلحون، بحماية قوات العدو ، مركبات المواطنين قرب قرية جبع شمال شرق القدس المحتلة، على الطريق الواصل بين قرية جبع وبلدة حزما، دون أن يبلغ عن إصابات أو أضرار في المركبات.
وفي محافظة قلقيلية، هاجم مستوطنون بالحجارة ممتلكات المواطنين من محال تجارية و”عربات”، الواقعة على الشارع الرئيس “قلقيلية-نابلس”، بالقرب من قرية جينصافوط شرق المحافظة، دون أن يبلغ عن إصابات .