Claiming legitimacy for salaries... Houthi attempt to cover up the looting of 4.6 trillion riyals annually
تاريخ النشر: 7th, August 2023 GMT
The internationally recognized Yemeni government has accused the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm, of trying to cover up a crime that plundered the annual state revenues by insisting on legitimacy to demand the payment of salaries of public sector employees in areas under its control. Noting that the annual revenues that the militias earn annually amount to more than 4.
Information Minister Muammar al-Iryani, in a post on his Twitter account, said that the Iranian militias are trying to mislead the Yemeni public opinion by evading the crime of looting and stopping the payment of the salaries of teachers and state employees in the areas under their control, and demanding that the legitimate government pay them, while they continue to loot the public treasury and cash reservesand hundreds of billions of public revenues and revenues from imports of oil derivatives.
He added, "Since the UN armistice of 2022, the Houthi militia has escalated the systematic looting of public revenues, tax and customs revenues for oil derivatives through the port of Hodeidah, and has sold Iranian 'free' oil and gas in the local markets at double prices, and has doubled its illegal levies on the private sector."
The total revenues plundered by the Houthi militia during 2022-2023 from the sectors of taxes, customs, zakat, endowments, oil, and gas, according to Al-Eryani, are estimated at four trillion and 620 billion riyals, which is three times the state’s revenues in 2014, amounting to (one trillion and 739 billion riyals). The salary item, including 927 billion riyals.
Al-Eryani stressed that the international community, the United Nations, and the UN and American envoys are required to exert real pressure on the Houthi militia to stop the policies of starvation and systematic impoverishment of citizens, and its systematic looting of state revenues and allocating it to the regular payment of employee salaries according to the civil service database for the year 2014, instead of directing it in favor of the wealth of its leaders and the so-called the war effort
المصدر: نيوزيمن
إقرأ أيضاً:
الأردن.. 1.272 مليار دينار قيمة فاتورة التقاعد
بلغ #إجمالي #قيمة #فاتورة_التقاعد لأول 9 شهور من العام الحالي، أكثر من 1.272 مليار دينار، بحسب النشرة الشهرية المالية لشهر تشرين الأول من العام 2024، الصادرة عن #وزارة_المالية.
وأظهرت النشرة، التي اطلعت عليها المملكة، ارتفاع مجموع قيمة فاتورة التقاعد في شهر أيلول من العام الحالي، بنسبة 1.7% عن الفترة ذاتها من عام 2023، لتصل إلى 141.4 مليون دينار، مقابل 139 مليون دينار في أيلول من العام الماضي.
ووصلت قيمة فاتورة التقاعد للأصلاء خلال فترة المقارنة، إلى 119.5 مليون دينار، لترتفع 0.8% تقريبا، عن قيمتها في الفترة ذاتها من 2023.
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