2025-02-24@20:18:42 GMT
إجمالي نتائج البحث: 28
«against the»:

YEMEN: Protest at Socotra Airport Against Privatization and UAE Company Takeover Met with Crackdown by STC Forces
Employees of Socotra Airport staged a protest on Thursday in front of the island's airport, opposing its transfer to a UAE-affiliated company amid concerns over privatization. The protesters denounced the move, which they see as compromising the sovereignty of the facility. The demonstrators held banners rejecting the handover of the airport to Al-Muthalath Al-Sharqi, an Emirati company, emphasizing that the airport is a state-owned institution under the authority of the Yemeni government. The protestors expressed their outrage over the company's assumption of airport management responsibilities, including its authority to replace existing staff with personnel loyal to the firm. In a statement issued during the protest, employees condemned the establishment of the "Socotra Aviation Services Center" under the...
تعرضت المحامية والحقوقية البرازيلية مايرا بينهيرو إلى تهديدات، وإساءات واسعة من قبل حسابات إسرائيلية، بعد مشاركتها برفع دعوى قضائية ضد جندي إسرائيلي شارك في العدوان على قطاع غزة، وتم رصده في البرازيل قبل هروبه رغم صدور أمر قبض ضده. وأدانت مؤسسة "هند رجب" الحقوقية بشدة، ما وصفتها بـ"الهجمات الدنيئة والجبانة التي استهدفت محاميتنا في البرازيل السيدة مايرا بينهيرو". وبحسب المنظمة فإنه "بعد مشاركتها في القضية القانونية ضد الجندي الذي هرب بعد أن أصدرت المحكمة أمر تحقيق ضده، واجهت السيدة بينهيرو تهديدات خطيرة، بما في ذلك التهديدات بحياتها، والتشهير بها، والشتائم الجنسية، وحتى التهديدات الموجهة إلى ابنتها". وذكرت المنظمة أن "هذه الأفعال الدنيئة تهدف إلى ترهيب المحامية وإسكاتها لكنها لن تنجح". وتابعت "كانت السيدة بينهيرو ببساطة...
The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate said Sunday that Al-Qaeda killed 11 people, including journalist Mohamed Al-Maqri, who had been kidnapped by the terrorist group more than nine years ago. "Journalist Mohamed Al-Maqri, who had been forcibly disappeared by Al-Qaeda since October 12, 2015, was among 11 individuals killed in a terrorist attack targeting numerous civilians," it said in a statement. It noted that the victims were accused by Al-Qaeda of "spying against the mujahideen," a label the group uses for its fighters, and were executed as a result. The syndicate called on "the relevant authorities to investigate the crime, prosecute the perpetrators, recover the journalist's body, and deliver it to his family." Al-Maqri was abducted by Al-Qaeda...
أقر وزراء خارجية دول الاتحاد الأوروبي، اليوم الإثنين، الحزمة الـ15 من العقوبات ضد روسيا، منذ غزو أوكرانيا في فبراير(شباط) 2022. وتهدف الإجراءات الاقتصادية الجديدة للحد من التحايل على العقوبات الأوروبية المفروضة بالفعل وإضعاف الجيش وصناعة الدفاع في روسيا. ⚡️ EU adopts 15th package of sanctions against Russia.The Council of the EU adopted on Dec. 16 its 15th package of sanctions against Russia, targeting the Russian shadow fleet of tankers and the military-industrial complex.https://t.co/oeCHtVXrSA — The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) December 16, 2024 وقالت مفوضة الخدمات المالية ماريا لويس ألبوكيركيه: "مع كل جولة من العقوبات، نحسن الكفاءة ونقضي على الفجوات، وسنستمر في ذلك ضمن التزامنا الراسخ بدعم أوكرانيا وشعبها". ويأتي تبني الوزراء للعقوبات رسمياً في أعقاب اتفاق توصل إليه السفراء...
أكد الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن، الثلاثاء، أن الولايات المتحدة مستعدة لمساعدة إسرائيل في الدفاع عن نفسها أمام الهجمات الصاروخية الإيرانية، وحماية الجيش الأميركي في المنطقة. وقال بايدن عبر حسابه على منصّة إكس "هذا الصباح عقدت اجتماعا لفريقنا للأمن القومي من أجل مناقشة الخطط الإيرانية لشن هجوم صاروخي وشيك ضد إسرائيل. وناقشنا كيف أن الولايات المتحدة مستعدة لمساعدة إسرائيل في الدفاع ضد هذه الهجمات، وحماية الأفراد الأميركيين في المنطقة".This morning, @VP and I convened our national security team to discuss Iranian plans to launch an imminent missile attack against Israel.We discussed how the United States is prepared to help Israel defend against these attacks, and protect American personnel in the region.— President Biden (@POTUS) October 1, 2024 وأعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي إطلاق صواريخ من...
By Engineer: Haider Abdul Jabbar Al-Battat .. In a few days, the epic of Imam Hussein will pass us by!!It is one of the most important events in Islamic history and stands as a symbol of courage and sacrifice in the face of tyranny and corruption.Imam Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, led a revolution against the corrupt Umayyad rule led by Yazid ibn Muawiya. This epic is known as the Battle of Karbala, which took place on the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 AH (680 AD).Imam Hussein, along with his family and companions, gathered in the desert of Karbala, demanding justice and reform in the Islamic nation. Despite being vastly outnumbered...
شنت سلطات بافاريا الألمانية مداهمات في 10 مدن ومناطق بالولاية في جنوب البلاد، لمكافحة انتشار كراهية اليهود. وفتشت الشرطة والادعاء العام صباح اليوم الثلاثاء منازل ومكاتب 17 مشتبهاً في نشرهم الكراهية ضد اليهود.وحسب بيانات المكتب الإقليمي للشرطة الجنائية في الولاية، فإن بين الموقوفين امرأتان و5 رجال أدلوا بتصريحات مثيرة للفتن على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي، واستخدموا رموز منظمات إرهابية ومناهضة للدستور أو أيدوا ارتكاب جرائم.ووفقاً للبيانات، استجوب المحققون المتهمين وصادروا هواتف وأجهزة كمبيوتر محمولة.وتحدثت السلطات في البداية عن 20 متهماً. ???????? Bavaria, GermanyPolice stormed 17 apartments in raids against Jew-haters today!Disgusting hate speech on the internet! The starting point of the “Action Day PLUS against Anti-Semitism” by the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office and the Munich Attorney General’s Office...
رفضت البريطانية لين بينشيز المشاركة في نهائي أبطال البلياردو الإنجليزية للسيدات لأن منافستها كانت المتحولة جنسيا هارييت هاينز. ونقلت صحيفة "تلغراف" البريطانية، تصريحات بينشز البالغة 50 عاما: "كان انسحابي من النهائي أصعب شيء قمت به في حياتي، ألعب منذ 30 عاما ولم أتخل أبدا عن أي مباراة بلياردو".وتابعت: "لقد كانت المباراة النهائية الرابعة في حياتي، لكن الكأس أو المال لا يعني شيئا بالنسبة لي بدون العدالة، هذا ما قلته لمدير البطولة بعد انتهائها".وأضافت: "كنا جميعا سعداء للغاية عندما قرروا إنشاء دوري منفصل للسيدات، لم أنسحب أبدا من المباراة لإيذاء مشاعر شخص ما، لكن لا أحد يهتم بمدى إذلال الأمر بالنسبة لنا نحن النساء".A female pool player reportedly refused to compete against a trans-identified male opponent at the Women’s Champions of Champions Final...
صراحة نيوز- كشف مقطع فيديو متداول بقيام مجموعة من اليهود بدوس علم الكيان الصهيوني ردا على جرائمهم في غزة.وجاء في ترجمه المنشور المرفق بالفيديو ” كونك ضد النظام الإسرائيلي أو الصهيونية لا يجعلك معاديًا للسامية. الصهيونية ليست اليهودية. دولة إسرائيل ليست دولة اليهود. لا تخف، كونك ضدهم لا يجعلك عدوًا لليهود “Being against the Israeli regime or Zionism does not make you anti-Semitic. Zionism is not Judaism. The state of Israel is not the state of the Jews. Do not be afraid, being against them does not make you an enemy of the Jews.#FreePalestine pic.twitter.com/HwqfCPDh8M— Torah Judaism (@TorahJudaism) October 15, 2023
أعلنت الحكومة البريطانية، تحديث نصائحها للسفر إلى إسرائيل والأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، محذرة من السفر إليهما إلا للضرورة، بسبب القتال بالقرب من غزة، بعد التوغل الدامي لمسلحين من حركة حماس، في إسرائيل. وسبق لبريطانيا أن نصحت رعاياها بتجنب السفر إلى غزة، لكنها أضافت أمس الأحد عدة مناطق في إسرائيل قريبة، من الحدود مع القطاع، إلى التوصيات، وغيرت تحذيرها ليشمل إسرائيل بأسرها. Travel update: we advise against all but essential travel to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We advise against all travel to Gaza.If you are a British national in Israel or the Occupied Palestinian Territories, you should register your presence to receive… pic.twitter.com/3iRqIHvAys — Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (@FCDOGovUK) October 8, 2023 وطلبت الوزارة من كل البريطانيين...
Over the past two days, the Houthi militia has sent large reinforcements to the streets of Sanaa and Ibb Governorate in particular, in anticipation of any counter-protests against the group's repressive policy. Security sources in Sanaa reported that the Houthi militias have strengthened the deployment of their members, reinforced with military vehicles, in various parts of Sanaa and the capital secretariat, with the aim of suppressing any popular protests demanding the release of hundreds of young men who were kidnapped on charges of raising the national flag and celebrating the 61st anniversary of the September 26 Revolution a few days ago.The sources indicated that senior Houthi leaders declared an undeclared state of emergency to confront any popular anger against the backdrop...

Human rights sources: The Houthis arrested a thousand citizens on charges of celebrating the September Revolution
Human rights sources in Sanaa revealed that the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, kidnapped about 1,000 citizens against the backdrop of their participation in celebrating the anniversary of the September 26 Revolution. Human rights activist, lawyer Abdul Majeed Sabra, reported that the Houthi group launched a massive kidnapping campaign against the people of Sanaa while they were participating in the celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the September 26, 1962 revolution. He explained that about 1,000 citizens are detained by the Houthi militias in the prisons of the police stations in Sanaa and the capital secretariat, against the backdrop of raising the flag.Sabra added on his Facebook page: I went with fellow lawyer Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Mughni to follow up...
On Tuesday, gunmen wearing military uniforms attacked those celebrating the September 26 Revolution in the streets of the city of Sanaa, which has been under the control of the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen, since its coup in September 2014. Activists on social media published video clips showing armed elements in the ranks of the Houthi militia attacking citizens who voluntarily raised the flags of the Republic of Yemen in celebration of the occasion. A circulating video clip showed a citizen waving the flag of the Republic of Yemen, before the assailant attacked him from behind by hitting him with the butt of a rifle.Activists within the ranks of the Houthi group launched an intimidation campaign that slandered Yemeni...
Government sources reported that the Minister of Interior, Major General Ibrahim Haidan, rebelled against the finance circular regarding the banks approved to disburse salaries starting last August.The sources explained to (NewsYemen) that Major General Haidan refused to comply with the instructions of the Ministry of Finance and the government regarding transferring the salaries of employees of the Ministry and its affiliated departments to one of the seven banks nominated by the Central Bank of Yemen.The seven banks, according to a Ministry of Finance circular issued early last August, are (the National Bank of Yemen, the Cooperative and Agricultural Credit Bank, Al-Kuraimi Islamic Microfinance Bank, Solidarity Bank, Shamil Bank of Yemen and Bahrain, Al-Qutaybi Islamic Microfinance Bank, and Aden Microfinance Bank).In...

The banners of the Republic terrorize the tails of reaction... Popular insistence on celebrating the September 26 Revolution in areas controlled by Iran’s arm
In continuation of the state of popular unrest against the Imami militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, Sana'a and other major cities in the Houthi-controlled areas witnessed manifestations of desperate celebration of the September 26 Revolution, in a clear indication of the Yemenis' rejection of this group that is emergency to Yemen and its history.Manifestations of celebration were embodied in citizens decorating their cars with the republican flag and a group of activists and citizens going out to Tahrir Square in central Sanaa to light the flame of the revolution on the eve of Revolution Day, but the militia police surrounded the place with security crews and soldiers, while some activists stated on social media sites that the militia police...
The Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, has escalated its campaign of raids and kidnappings against the people of Hajour villages in Hajjah Governorate, northwest of Yemen.According to human rights sources, the Houthi militia has been carrying out, for days, a military retaliatory campaign against the people of Hajour, specifically in the villages of Al-Darb in the Bani Saeed isolation in the Kushar District, one of the areas affiliated with the Hajour tribes, which declared a tribal uprising in 2019 that shook the Houthi authority.The human rights sources indicated that military crews accompanied by dozens of armed men armed with machine guns raided citizens' homes under heavy gunfire, terrorizing women and children. They pointed out that the campaign kidnapped during...
From Sanaa to Amran and Al-Mahwit, all the way to its main stronghold in Saada, Houthi violations against the Yemeni tribes continue to seize their lands and property by force of arms, while the group’s supervisors and influential loyalists intend to fuel conflicts between the tribes with the aim of weakening them and dismantling their cohesion.While popular discontent is growing against the oppression operations carried out by Iran’s arm against the tribes, it has recently turned into an armed confrontation, bringing the rhetoric opposing the group’s practices to its main stronghold in Saada Governorate, as the past few days have witnessed armed confrontations between military campaigns affiliated with the Houthis, and tribal militants who went out for defense. Their lands...

September 18...the anniversary of one of the Houthi militia’s most heinous crimes against the people of Tihama
September 18 represents a painful memory for the people of Tihama, where nine of their sons were executed with the blood of the murdered Saleh Al-Sammad after an unfair secret trial that included severe torture that caused one of the prisoners to lose the ability to stand. On this day, three years ago, the Yemenis woke up to the scenes of the execution of nine of Tihama’s sons after they were accused of involvement in the assassination of Al-Samad, who was the head of the militia’s political council, without any evidence or evidence confirming this.This brutal crime against the people of Tihama sparked popular outrage and local and international human rights condemnation, especially since the execution included a minor to whom...
Muammar al-Iryani, Minister of Information in the parity government, revealed a state of popular unrest in Saada governorate, the main stronghold of the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen. Al-Eryani, in a series of blog posts, said that Saada witnessed during the past few days a series of crimes committed by Houthi leaders against the people of Saada against the backdrop of the latter’s rejection of attempts to seize and expand their lands. He explained that the military commander of the militia, Abdullah Al-Razami, a few days ago, bombed the house of citizen Aida Saleh Rabou’ in the Al-Lajaba area of Al-Safra District, which resulted in the killing of 4 and the wounding of 5 from one family, the majority of...

The Constitution and Sovereignty... Banners that hide the reality of shouting against the Telecommunications Agreement with the UAE
Although a week has passed since the government approved the agreement to establish a joint telecommunications company with the Emirati company NX, the agreement is still facing a violent campaign by forces and figures within the presidential camp under allegations that it violates the constitution and violates sovereignty. The most recent of these positions was the letter sent by a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Othman Majli, to the Speaker of the Council, demanding that Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik be referred to investigation, along with everyone connected to the files covered by the recent House of Representatives report, and that all agreements and procedures that had been signed be canceled, in reference to the agreement. Majali's position rejecting the agreement...
After abandoning the umbrella of the internationally recognized legitimate government, and abandoning the national battle to restore the state from the grip of the Houthi rebels, Iran's arm in Yemen, making Al-Jawf Governorate and its tribes paying a heavy bill for replacing the national project with the tools of Iran and the rebel militia.As part of its strategy to strike and humiliate the tribes, the Houthi group's violations against civilians and tribes in Al-Jawf governorate continue on an ongoing basis, as it confiscates their property and lands in the various directorates of the governorate, by conducting military campaigns from time to time.Exorbitant billAt a time when Iran bought the loyalties of the Al-Jawf tribes to turn against the national battle...
Recently, a long American study was published that dealt with the current development of Saudi-Iranian relations, focusing mainly on the options available to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deter security threats from Iran and its proxies in the Arab region, especially the Houthi group in Yemen.The study, issued Sunday, August 27, by the Middle East Institute for Studies and Policy Analysis, and translated by "Newsyemen", touched on several key points that represent challenges and options in front of economic development and securing its implementation through Vision 2030. Where the author of the study, Bilal Saab, said, it is among all the challenges Facing Saudi Vision 2030, there may be no greater threat to Saudi national security than Iran. To...

Al-Alimi's statements about Al-Mahra raise the madness of the smuggling mafia.. Al-Huraizy: Al-Houthi is not our enemy
The statements made by the President of the Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad Al-Alimi, during his visit to Al-Mahra Governorate, angered the leaders of the so-called sit-in committee supported by Oman and the Houthi and Muslim Brotherhood groups. In his speech before the expanded general meeting of the local authority, and the security, military and social leaders in Al-Mahra Governorate, Al-Alimi pointed out to the breaches that the governorate and the liberated areas are exposed to by terrorist groups and organizations and their service with the Iran-backed Houthi group.Al-Alimi emphasized the role of Al-Mahra as the eastern gate to Yemen, and that it has become a front line to confront the Houthi militia, as a result of the breaches that it is...

The opportunism of the Yamani when the tools of defeat led the battles of legitimacy against the Houthis
The wave of anger against former Foreign Minister Khaled al-Yamani's description of the September 26 revolution as a coup shed light on the way in which the legitimacy managed the confrontation with the Houthi group during the eight years of war. Al-Yamani described in an article published in "The Independent Arabia" the revolution of September 26, 1962, which ended the backward Imamate rule, as "a coup carried out by a group of officers," and that this coup - as he claimed - "opened the gates of hell for the Yemenis," which sparked anger. It was widely criticized by Yemeni activists on social media.In an attempt to mitigate this, Al-Yamani said in a statement reported by journalist Faris Al-Hamiri that September 26...
The terrorist al-Qaeda organization in Yemen found nothing but treachery to respond to the painful blows it received at the hands of the southern forces participating in the "arrows of the East" and "South Arrows" operations, which were launched late last year to defeat terrorism from the governorates of Abyan and Shabwa, in the south of the country.Explosive devices are being planted heavily in front of the movements of the southern forces, with the aim of targeting the prominent military leaders who lead the field cleansing operations against the camps and hideouts of the organization in remote areas and mountainous reefs that have not been reached by any military campaign before for many years.And with every great sacrifice made by...

From salaries and nutrition to the media... a presidential betrayal of the South's battle against terrorism
The martyrdom of Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid, commander of the security belt forces in Abyan, on Thursday, represented the culmination of the losses incurred by the southern forces in their ongoing battle against terrorist organizations for months.Al-Sayed was martyred while leading the security campaign launched by the southern forces on Sunday, to complete the purification of Abyan governorate from terrorist elements 2011 .The operation comes as a continuation of the operation launched by the southern forces in the province in August of last year, and succeeded in purging large areas of the central districts of the province from terrorist elements by controlling its most important camps and strongholds, especially Wadi Omran.These successes were priced at heavy sacrifices incurred by...
The joint security campaign in Al-Madaraba and Ras Al-Ara coastal districts, west of Lahj governorate, entered the second week of deployment and tracking the smuggling and human trafficking gangs that the directorate is witnessing and threatens its security and stability. For many years, the coastal strip in Al-Madaraba and Ras al-Ara remained a major hub for smuggling of contraband, weapons and ammunition coming to Yemen from the coasts of the Horn of Africa opposite the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Gulf of Aden. The region has also become a major transit point for illegal immigrants from neighboring African countries, as smuggling gangs exploit the unsecured coastline to disembark thousands of migrants and herd them into yards after a dangerous sea voyage.The increase...
With deep sadness, Abyan and the south in general bid farewell, on Thursday, to Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyed, commander of the security belt forces, following his martyrdom and a number of his companions in the explosion of explosive devices planted by terrorist elements east of Mudiya district.Brigadier General al-Sayyed, the most prominent leader of Abyan and the south, was martyred after a life full of achievements in the war on terrorism in a governorate with a difficult mountainous geography, from which terrorism took dens and camps for many years.Al-Sayyed was martyred, along with the prominent tribal sheikh in Abyan, "Karid al-Jaadani," the sheikh of the Ja'adna tribe, one of the largest tribes in Abyan, in addition to the head...