شبكة انباء العراق:
2024-10-06@03:40:55 GMT

The Epic of the Heavens… Painted by Hussein on the Land of Karbala?!

تاريخ النشر: 7th, July 2024 GMT

By Engineer: Haider Abdul Jabbar Al-Battat ..

In a few days, the epic of Imam Hussein will pass us by!!
It is one of the most important events in Islamic history and stands as a symbol of courage and sacrifice in the face of tyranny and corruption.
Imam Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, led a revolution against the corrupt Umayyad rule led by Yazid ibn Muawiya.

This epic is known as the Battle of Karbala, which took place on the 10th of Muharram in the year 61 AH (680 AD).
Imam Hussein, along with his family and companions, gathered in the desert of Karbala, demanding justice and reform in the Islamic nation.

Despite being vastly outnumbered by Yazid’s large army, they displayed great bravery and courage in the battle.
Imam Hussein and most of his family and companions were martyred after a heroic stand, but their sacrifice became a source of inspiration for millions over time.

The epic of Imam Hussein embodies the highest human values such as justice, courage, sacrifice, and the determination to confront injustice under any circumstances.
It reminds us of the importance of standing up against corruption and tyranny and that striving for reform and justice is a noble endeavor worthy of sacrifice.

Every time in which truth battles falsehood is a day of Ashura!!
And every land that embodies the spirit of this epic is Karbala!!

Karbala, which witnessed the epic of Imam Hussein, has become a symbol for every battle fought by truth against injustice and corruption.
And Ashura, which commemorates this epic, represents the day on which the struggle between justice and tyranny is renewed.

This statement reflects the idea that the values and principles embodied by Imam Hussein and his companions are eternal values that must be defended at all times and places.
It is a call to reflect on our stance towards injustice and corruption in our world today and encourages us to continue the struggle for justice and reform no matter the challenges.

Through this idea, every time and place becomes a new arena for the battle of truth against falsehood, reinforcing the belief in the necessity of constant work to achieve justice and the highest human values.

Every honorable person witnessing the spread of corruption in their societies should take Imam Hussein as a role model in their resistance against injustice and corruption.
Imam Hussein is a symbol of steadfastness on principles and sacrifice for the sake of justice and reform.

Through the epic of Karbala, Imam Hussein taught us the importance of standing against injustice and not compromising with corruption, even if the price is high.
This lesson should be a motivation for all of us to be bolder and more courageous in confronting corruption and the corrupt.

The honorable can benefit from this epic by following Imam Hussein’s approach in:

Adhering to principles: Just as Imam Hussein did, we must adhere to our moral and human values regardless of the challenges. Sacrifice for the greater good: Sacrifice for the elimination of corruption and the achievement of justice should be part of our mission. Awareness and guidance: Spreading awareness about the dangers of corruption and its negative impact on society, and working to educate others about the importance of combating it. Solidarity and cooperation: Collaboration between community members and honorable individuals to work together for reform and the expulsion of the corrupt.

By following these steps, we can draw inspiration from the epic of Imam Hussein and strive to achieve a more just and honest society, setting an example for future generations in confronting corruption and injustice.

حيدر عبد الجبار البطاط

المصدر: شبكة انباء العراق

كلمات دلالية: احتجاجات الانتخابات البرلمانية الجيش الروسي الصدر الكرملين اوكرانيا ايران تشرين تشكيل الحكومة تظاهرات ايران رئيس الوزراء المكلف روسيا غضب الشارع مصطفى الكاظمي مظاهرات وقفات

إقرأ أيضاً:

Epic توسع برنامج الألعاب المجانية إلى متجرها المحمول

حتى الآن، ركزت النسخة المحمولة من متجر Epic Games Store في الغالب على الألعاب الأساسية للعلامة التجارية مثل Fortnite وFall Guys. ولن يظل الأمر على هذا النحو لفترة طويلة.

أعلن المدير العام لمتجر Epic Games Store، ستيف أليسون، في Unreal Fest في سياتل، عن خططه لتوسيع مكتبة متاجر Epic Games Store المحمولة بإضافة من 10 إلى 50 لعبة جديدة من جهات خارجية وبدء برنامج ألعاب مجانية، وفقًا لـ mobilegamer.biz.

قال أليسون إن برنامج الألعاب المجانية والعناوين التابعة لجهات خارجية ستكون متاحة في "الربع الرابع" أو الجزء الأخير من العام. كما أشار الخطاب الرئيسي لشركة Epic في Unreal Fest إلى أن Ark: Ultimate Mobile Edition ستكون واحدة من الألعاب الجديدة التابعة لجهات خارجية على متجر الأجهزة المحمولة.

تريد Epic Games أيضًا تسهيل عملية إرسال اللعبة كثيرًا. ذكر أليسون أن المتجر سيقدم "أدوات نشر ذاتية" للمطورين. سيسمح لهم هذا بإصدار ألعابهم "دون أي تفاعل معنا، كما يفعلون على أجهزة الكمبيوتر اليوم".

متجر Epic Games متاح في جميع أنحاء العالم على أجهزة Android ولمستخدمي iOS في الاتحاد الأوروبي.

مقالات مشابهة

  • Epic توسع برنامج الألعاب المجانية إلى متجرها المحمول