2024-10-03@18:08:44 GMT
إجمالي نتائج البحث: 9

«the conflict»:

    @قرات البيان المشترك بين الولايات المتحدة الامريكيةً (بلدي الثاني) والإمارات العربية المتحدة . اللذان أسميا انفسهما بالشركاء الاستراتيجيون الديناميكيون. @وهوً بيان تفوق عدد فقراته بالانجليزيةً الثلاثون فقرةً . @كنت امني النفس بقراءة متأنية عن ما ستاتي بها الدولتان الصديقتان لرفع المعاناه علي شعب السودان، و لايقاف الحرب قبل فناء الشعب; او قبل ان تمتصه دول العالم كما حدث لشعب لبنان منذ ايام خليل جبران !! @مثلي و مثل عشرات الالاف من الشعب السوداني "القراي الغلبان" كنت متلهفا لقراءة ما ستقرره الدولتان بشان حرب السودان التي ينفخون في كيرها (مثلهم مثل تركيا وًايران و قطر و مصر) في لقاء السحاب. @قرات ما لا يزيد عن فقرتانً اقرب للطنطنة او الهمهمةً -وكأنهما تأتيان عرضا - تحت هذة الجملة...
      Nearly 18 million people in Sudan are facing acute hunger and nearly 5 million of them are in emergency levels of hunger; the highest number ever recorded during the harvest season. Kampala: Altaghyeer The World Food Program (WFP) issued the following report on the Sudan’s war-triggered food crisis: Sudan is facing a rapidly deepening crisis as war rages across the country, with nearly 18 million people facing acute hunger. Of these, nearly 5 million people are in emergency levels of hunger. This is the highest number ever recorded during the harvest season. Over 75 percent of those in emergency are in areas where access is extremely limited due to heavy fighting and restrictions. Without assistance, there is a high risk they...
    ذكرت لجنة حماية الصحفيين أن ما لا يقل عن 22 من الإعلاميين لقوا حتفهم منذ تصعيد النزاع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي في 7 أكتوبر، بعد أن كانت الحصيلة السابقة 17 قتيلا. وقالت اللجنة في بيان على موقعها الإلكتروني: "تم التأكد من مقتل 22 صحفيا بينهم 18 فلسطينيا وثلاثة إسرائيليين ولبناني" حتى يوم الجمعة 20 أكتوبر.UPDATE ⚡️⚡️As of Oct 20, @CPJMENA has documented 22 journalists killed in the #Israel -#Gaza conflict. NEW ⚡️⚡️As the conflict continues journalists on the ground face increasing threats, arrest, cyberattacks and #censorship measures. More: https://t.co/9TLAEfhf1x— Gypsy Guillén Kaiser (@GypsyStrategy) October 20, 2023 إقرأ المزيد إدانات عربية لمقتل 14 صحفيا في غزة وجنوب لبنان بنيران إسرائيلية وأضاف البيان أن ثمانية صحافيين أصيبوا بجروح، فيما اعتقل أو فقد ثلاثة...
    Sudan is suffering a mounting displacement crisis and significant further deterioration in the humanitarian situation. More than 5.8 million civilians have been forced to flee their homes since April 15, including more than 1.1 million who have fled to neighboring countries. Humanitarian actors are bravely responding, but they are struggling to reach those in need because of intense fighting and impediments imposed by SAF and RSF. The United States remains the largest humanitarian donor to Sudan and we will continue our support for vulnerable populations in the country and those forced to flee due to the conflict. The United States has been clear that the SAF and RSF must immediately stop the fighting and – consistent...
    The African immigrants live a tragic situation in Yemen, the country that experiences an open war along with economic and humanitarian deterioration since years.   The immigrants’ suffering moved from humanitarian situation into a killing interpersonal dispute. They have moved the religious and sectarian conflict from their countries into Yemen, especially that immigrants coming from Ethiopia.   Protesting and Killing   Since last week, areas at Aden and Lahj provinces, southern Yemen, live an escalating wave of clashes between the Ethiopian immigrants themselves, due to disputes broke out between two factions, that generated dead and wounded.   The protests of the African immigrants, descending from Amhara region of Ethiopia, started last Thursday in Aden city against the deteriorating living conditions,...
     In his most recent televised interview, the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, appeared on Tuesday on the Yemen Today channel, answering 20 questions related to developments in the UN mediation efforts that he has been leading for nearly two years to resolve the armed conflict in Yemen. Grundberg seemed not optimistic about the possibility of reaching a political settlement in Yemen in the short and medium term, and he repeated more than once that, given the nature of the conflict in the country, he is working to ensure a long-term solution is reached at the hands of the Yemenis themselves. The questions of the meeting centered on the developments of his last round and his assessment of the negotiating situation...
    The works of uses and laying on the lands of the Sardad tourist valley, and the work of excavations for gold, minerals and antiquities in the "Qutb" mountain, in the Mahwit governorate, west of Sana'a, sparked an open conflict between the leaders of the terrorist Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen - that reached the point of attempts at physical liquidation.The conflict over the region in public is between the leader Fares Al-Habari, appointed by the militias as governor of Raymah, and the leader Hanin Qatina, appointed as governor of Al-Mahwit, and it began against the backdrop of the former’s seizure of large tourist areas in Wadi Sardad and investing them for his benefit, and making huge sums of...
    The World Bank said that the agricultural sector in Yemen provides only 15-20% of its basic food needs in 2022 and 2023, although this sector is the backbone of livelihoods in Yemen.The World Bank's "Breaking the Circle of Food Crises in Yemen" report added that the conflict has distorted and inconsistent agricultural policies at the national and local levels.The report noted that major pest outbreaks such as the desert locust, and more frequent droughts and floods, have steadily eroded the country's agricultural assets.He stated that local wheat production and fisheries experienced a higher rate of decline in production during the conflict, compared to local fruit and vegetable production.The report indicated that domestic food production in Yemen in 2022 and 2023...
    The crisis of confidence escalated among the leaders of the first echelon of the Houthi militia - Iran's arm in Yemen, to the extent of liquidations between the conflicting militia wings to extend influence and control.The Houthi internal conflicts resulted in the formation of a number of wings, whose leaders are linked from the first row down to the middle leadership level to the base. And due to the divergence of visions, positions, influence, money, and revenues, these conflicts intensified and surfaced in a large and clear manner.During the years of the war, the inter-conflicts were hidden and unannounced, as is the case today, as the differences between the Houthi wings became public, especially with the increase in statements and...