With numbers and data... A homeland in the blown of the Houthi pandemic
تاريخ النشر: 21st, September 2023 GMT
In the wake of the protests of what was known as the price dose of (1,000) Yemeni riyals in fuel prices and the slogans of easing the burdens on citizens, the Houthi militia came to make Yemenis taste the scourge of the price dose, inflict on them all kinds of suffering, and turn their lives into hell.
By September 2023, the famous Houthi dose lie will have entered its ninth year, while the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen - still believes its lie and deceives public opinion for a year by claiming to achieve the aspirations of what it describes as (the Yemeni people) from its ill-fated coup in September 2014.
With the cessation of military operations by the Arab coalition forces, the continued flow of ships of oil derivatives and foodstuffs to the port of Hodeidah, and the resumption of civil aviation flights through Sanaa Airport, the Houthi militia evaded the entitlements of the truce, from reducing prices, disbursing employee salaries, and providing health, education, electricity, and water services, to initiating verbal wars. Fake battles, mobilization and mobilization for spectacle and political events with sectarian and sectarian dimensions, under loose consumer slogans that are no less deceptive than the lie of the dose itself.
Today, 9 years after its biggest lie, the Houthi militia continues to mislead public opinion and deceive its followers - so to speak - by claiming to open and lay the foundation stone for hundreds of projects as alleged achievements, if it is true to call it whitewashing sidewalks, supplying machinery, restoring walls, installing energy panels, training workshops and seminars, projects and achievements for news headlines.
Between the misleading headlines of the Houthi militia, and the living reality of 9 years ago in September 2014 and September 2023, the following monitoring records the most prominent images of the Houthi disaster on humanity, society and the national state, as follows:
- The prices of a 20-liter can of gasoline increased from 3,000 in September 2014 to 9,500 riyals in September 2023.
- The price of a domestic gas cylinder jumped from 1,200 Yemeni riyals in September 2014 to 7,000 Yemeni riyals in September 2023.
- The exchange rate in Sanaa rose from 215 riyals to one dollar in September 2014 to 544 riyals in September 2023.
- Crazy rise in prices of basic food commodities
- Transport fees increased by rates ranging between 70% and 150%, compared to before September 2014.
- The prices of basic food commodities (wheat, flour, sugar, rice, oil) increased by 150%, 200%, and 300%.
- Government electricity prices increased from 25 riyals per kilowatt before September 2014, to 234 and 300 riyals in September 2023.
- The prices of water tanks increased from 2,000 and 3 thousand riyals in September 2014 to 8 and 10 thousand riyals in September 2023.
- 80% of the population needs humanitarian aid.
- 58% of Yemenis live in extreme poverty, compared to 19% before the outbreak of the conflict in September 2014.
- About 24.4 million people - or 80% of the population - are in need of humanitarian aid.
- 16.2 million Yemenis still suffer from food insecurity.
- Hotspots of famine-like conditions reappeared in Yemen for the first time in 2019-2020 in Hajjah, Amran, and Al-Jawf.
- Malnutrition rates among women and children in Yemen are still among the highest in the world, with 1.2 million pregnant or breastfeeding women and 2.3 million children under the age of five needing treatment for acute malnutrition.
- Two out of every three Yemenis suffer from hunger.
- Two out of every three Yemenis suffer from hunger, and half of them do not know when they will be able to eat their next meal.
- Yemen has one of the highest rates of avoidable deaths in the world.
- Nearly 80 percent of families in Yemen have a worse economic situation than it was before the crisis (September 2014).
- Decreased domestic production, disruption of commercial and humanitarian imports, widespread unemployment, loss of income, and collapse of public services and social safety nets.
- Of the 2.2 million children suffering from acute malnutrition, 462,000 children suffer from acute malnutrition.
- Across Yemen, up to two million agricultural families lack vital agricultural inputs, including seeds, fertilizers and fuel for irrigation pumps.
- The spread of malnutrition and infectious diseases.
- Yemen is considered the country that suffers most from malnutrition in the world, with most of the population facing existential danger.
- Yemen suffers from high rates of infectious diseases.
- 17.4 million people (54% of the population) suffer from acute food insecurity and need immediate assistance.
- More than 80% of the population faces major challenges in obtaining food and health care services.
- Sources:
- - Ministry of Finance fourth quarter 2015 bulletin
- - World Bank - Health sector in Yemen
- - Food and Agriculture Organization FAO.
- - Joint statement by FAO, UNICEF, the World Food Program and the World Health Organization- Ministry of Finance fourth quarter 2015 bulletin.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
كلمات دلالية: the Houthi militia
إقرأ أيضاً:
15.6 ٪ إنخفاضا فى إصابات العمل عام 2023 مقارنة بـ 2022
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و سجلت مـهنـة الـفنيـون ومـساعدو الإخـصـائـيين اكبر عدد من حالات اصابات العمل حيث بلغت 2986 حالة بنسبة 35.9٪ ، يليها مهنة عمال تشغيل المصانع وتشغيل الماكينات بعدد 1946 حالة بنسبة 23.4 ٪ ، بـينما بلغ أقل عدد من الإصابات بين رجال التشربع وكبار المسئولين والمديرين بعدد 54 حالة بنــسبــة 6 ,0 ٪ من إجــمــالـي عـــدد الحــــالات .
51.5 ٪ من الإصابات في نشاط الصناعات التحـويليةسـجل نـشاط الصنـاعـات الـتحـويلية أكـبر عدد من حـالات إصـابـات العمل حيث بلغت 4281 حالة بنسبة 51.5٪، يليه نشاط الفنادق والمطاعم بعدد 920 حالة بنسبة 11.1٪ ، بينما لم يسجل نشاط خدمات أفراد الخدمة المنزليه والإدارة العامة للدفاع أى حالات إصابات عمل من إجمالي الحالات.
31.6 ٪ مـن الإصابات لسقوط الاشخاصبلغ اكبر عدد لحالات الإصابة في( سقوط الاشخاص) 2627 حالة بنسبة 31.6٪ ، يليها ( الاصابات الخطأ او التصادم بأشياء ) 2245 حالة بنسبة 27,0 ٪ ، بينما كان أقل عدد لحالات الإصابة في ( حوادث لم تؤدى الى إصابات بشرية ) 3 حالة بنسبة 0,04٪ من إجمالي عدد الحالات.