To undermine its achievements and cohesion... rabid Brotherhood campaigns targeting the Hadrami elite forces
تاريخ النشر: 6th, September 2023 GMT
The intensity of attacks targeting the Hadhrami Elite Forces has escalated over the past few days, aiming to undermine these forces, which played a prominent and pivotal role in maintaining security and stability and fighting terrorism in the cities of the Hadhramaut coast.
The contributions of these forces and their active participation in the war against terrorism have made them vulnerable to many attempts to distort them, as well as targeting their members with assassinations, leading to the implementation of frantic campaigns to spread lies and slander against these forces, which represent an impregnable bulwark of security and stability and confront the threat of terrorism.
The latest of these campaigns was promoted through media outlets, organizations, and activists loyal to the Muslim Brotherhood, amid false accusations against the leadership of the elite forces of carrying out torture operations against a number of soldiers affiliated with them in front of the gate of the Asthma camp in Mukalla. False allegations focused on undermining the cohesion of these forces, which, with the support of our brothers in the UAE, were able to defeat Al-Qaeda from the city of Mukalla and the coast of Hadramaut on April 24, 2026, in an operation that received praise from many regional and international countries.
The increasing accusations against the Hadhrami forces come in light of the escalation of popular protests in the areas of Wadi Hadramaut, which demand the speedy replacement of these forces as an alternative to the forces of the First Military District loyal to the Brotherhood. This prompted the Brotherhood’s media machine to organize fabricated campaigns and spread rumors and lies to undermine these forces.
Clarifying the truth
In turn, the leadership of the Hadhrami Elite Forces responded to these accusations by confirming that they were not true and that they were false allegations spread by unreliable parties with no goal other than disturbing the peace, disturbing public peace, and trying to divide the ranks among the Elite Forces and undermine confidence in a desperate attempt.
The Elite’s statement confirmed that it occurred on the morning of Tuesday, August 29, 2023, that elements outside the law and order arrived at the gate of the Hadrami Elite Brigade, and they completely closed the gate and obstructed the exit of military crews under the justification of human rights demands, pointing out that these elements were not satisfied with closing the gate. Rather, they attacked officers and members of the gate guard by throwing stones and other means that would cause serious damage to the soldiers stationed, as many soldiers sustained severe head injuries and were subsequently transferred to the hospital to receive treatment.
He explained that communication was made with the Public Security Forces at the time to come to the Elite Brigade gate to deal with these elements and take legal measures regarding them. The leadership of the Hadhrami Elite Brigade called on all citizens not to believe such tendentious news and to miss the opportunity for its publishers, who have hidden goals aimed at dividing the Hadhrami Elite forces and their leadership.
Popular support
The elite forces were subjected to systematic targeting campaigns by the Brotherhood and the Houthis. He prompted a number of writers, politicians, and human rights activists to respond to these malicious rumors and reveal the truth about the rumors being promoted.
Under the hashtag #With the Elite_We_Protect_Hadhramaut, many interacted on the “X” website - formerly Twitter - to announce their stand and support for the Elite Forces, and to confirm that the Elite Forces are considered a safety valve for Hadhramaut, the governorate that the Brotherhood seeks to tear apart with the aim of plundering its wealth.
They praised the support and great role played by the United Arab Emirates in forming the nucleus of this force and supporting it to carry out its tasks and role in maintaining security and fighting terrorism.
They warned of the danger of these toxins broadcast by the Brotherhood and Houthi media with the aim of disturbing public peace, and creating chaos and division between the people of the governorate and their elite.
Political analyst and writer Shayea Bin Waber said that the Hadrami elite is a red line that cannot be touched upon or attempted to demonize, since its members are from Hadhramaut and they depend on them to preserve the governorate, its security and stability. He pointed out that all the Hadrami components differ politically, but the Hadrami elite remains the subject of consensus on its major role. In preserving the security and stability of Hadramaut in the future within the framework of an independent region.
He added: “We should not doubt and believe the mouthpieces and hired kitchens that are trying to undermine the elite and disturb the security and stability of Hadramaut,” noting that the Hadhrami elite has proven its worth on the coast of Hadhramaut with the support of its brothers, and with the testimony of major European countries and international organizations, and we have not seen any security imbalances, terrorist bombings, or assassinations. Almost daily, as happens in many other Yemeni governorates.
Shayea explained that the Hadhrami elite will remain the valve of Hadramaut and will not be affected by the cooking of inflammatory media channels such as Balqis, Al-Mahriya and their sisters, nor the plots of the haters who do not want security and safety for Hadramaut.
The subtleties of the campaign
The timing of the Brotherhood campaign coincided with the escalation of popular demands for the elite forces to hand over their duties in Wadi Hadhramaut as an alternative to the Brotherhood forces in the First Military Region, according to what academic Dr. Saddam Abdullah said.
He said that the Hadhrami elite forces will be deployed in all areas of the governorate, and this has raised the concern and panic of the Brotherhood, especially in the areas of the valley and desert of Hadhramaut, adding that those fleeing and displaced from their homes and Muslims of their lands to the Houthis are waging a biased campaign against forces from the people of Hadhramaut protecting the lands of the governorate.
For his part, the journalist Fattah Al-Muharami confirms that this campaign is an indication that the Hadhrami forces will soon assume their duties to secure the Hadhramaut Valley as an alternative to the Brotherhood forces that protect the looters of Hadhramaut’s wealth. That is why they are intensifying their incitement against these national forces, in a failed attempt to obstruct the security of the valley and the desert.
In addition, the official spokesman for the southern forces, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad al-Naqib, confirmed that the great achievements made by the elite forces against terrorism and in imposing security and stability and protecting the coast of Hadhramaut enrage the enemies of Hadhramaut.
The captain said: “The security and military achievements achieved by the heroes of the Hadrami elite with professionalism and efficiency are embodied in the living reality and through the security and stability that prevails in the cities and regions of the coast.”
Meanwhile, activist Osama bin Fayd said: “Hadhramaut did not experience a unique security phase except in the presence of the Southern Hadrami Elite Forces, which were built and rehabilitated with generous support from our brothers in the UAE, until they became a strong force that defeated and confronted terrorism.” He added: "The coastal experience has become a model, and voices are calling for its implementation in the valley."
The achievements achieved by the elite forces received international and international praise, especially during the repeated visits of the American ambassador, the last of which was about a week ago, to confirm the continuation of anti-terrorism efforts and what had been achieved previously. As well as the visit of the delegation of the United Nations Group of Experts on Yemen to Hadhramaut in July 2023, which praised the great efforts made by the military forces on the coast of Hadhramaut and their participation with the international community in fighting terrorism.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
كلمات دلالية: The security and the security and against the
إقرأ أيضاً:
الدفاع المدني يحتفي باليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني تحت شعار “وعي مستدام .. لسلامة السكان”
تحتفي المديرية العامة للدفاع المدني، باليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني، تحت شعار “وعي مستدام .. لسلامة السكان”، الذي يوافق الأول من مارس من كل عام؛ بهدف رفع منسوب الثقافة التوعوية بالمخاطر المحيطة بالإنسان، وكيفية تجنبها، وتوفير اشتراطات السلامة اللازمة للوقاية منها، وتعزيز مفهوم الحماية من المخاطر واستمرار الإنسان سالمًا للبناء والنماء.
وتأتي مشاركة المديرية من خلال إقامة مسيرات للآليات في جميع مناطق المملكة، ونشر النشرات والملصقات التوعوية؛ لتعزيز نشر ثقافة السلامة وكيفية تجنب المخاطر وتوفير الاشتراطات اللازمة.
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