The Gaza War and the paid media
تاريخ النشر: 23rd, October 2023 GMT
Written by Majid Al-Quran – Jordan May
God’s curse be upon the owners of the pens and the media who are supposed to be honest in conveying the facts to serve humanity when they stoop to the lowest level as puppets driven by politicians to achieve inhumane goals.
An example of this is their coverage of the war of genocide and ethnic cleansing carried out by the Israeli army in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, with the support of the leaders of the United States, Britain, France and Germany in particular, which is carried out at the expense of the future of their people.
Since the seventh of this October, the Western media has been deceiving the world and falsifying the truth on the ground and the destruction and brutality that is happening against children, women, youth and the elderly in the Gaza Strip and practicing the most heinous practices of ethnic cleansing and hateful racism against the Palestinian people in full view of the leaders of the “civilized” world. He cries for human rights in Israel.
Do you remember the day it was rumored that the State of Iraq possessed biological and chemical weapons, which was used as justification to attack and destroy it? The same thing happened to the Syrian state, which was destroyed under the same false justifications.
The lies and slander of these media institutions were later revealed by the leaders of their intelligence institutions, including the chief inspector of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Richard Duelfer, who confirmed that the investigations he led were regarding the alleged weapons of mass destruction and that no evidence of their existence had been found. Today, with the presence of digital platforms (the world of the small village), the media machines of destruction in those countries return to once again tamper with the future of humanity by distorting the facts and covering up the heinous crimes committed by Israel in the Palestinian Gaza Strip.
Its failure this time is clear. Yes, it failed to deceive the people of those countries, and the huge demonstrations that its capitals and cities are witnessing against the aggression against the Palestinian Gaza Strip are only confirmation of what its image has become to them. Many politicians and leaders of these countries believe that they are able, with the weapons of destruction they possess, to impose their hegemony and authority over free peoples, unaware of their reaction sooner or later to get rid of their colonizers.
The example here is what happened on October 7th by the owners of land that had been colonized for seventy years (the resistance forces) in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, who broke the prestige of the colonizer (Israel). What happened is reminiscent of the Vietnam War, in which the United States of America lost more than 60,000 soldiers and served as a graveyard for them, and in the end they left humiliated.
Israel, along with the administrations of these countries, is currently experiencing a state of extreme confusion, and the residents of these countries fear that they will pay a heavy price as a result of the dangerous and wrong decisions taken by their leaders. The war on Gaza once again dropped the mask of deception and lying of the Western media and its bias against just causes by siding with aggression, and this is one of the early results of the war that is taking place now. On the Palestinian Gaza Strip.
المصدر: صراحة نيوز
كلمات دلالية: اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي منوعات الشباب والرياضة تعليم و جامعات في الصميم ثقافة وفنون علوم و تكنولوجيا اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي تعليم و جامعات منوعات الشباب والرياضة ثقافة وفنون علوم و تكنولوجيا زين الأردن اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي منوعات الشباب والرياضة
إقرأ أيضاً:
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