2025-03-16@17:03:35 GMT

يا الله زيدنا علم

تاريخ النشر: 6th, October 2023 GMT

المسيحية عائدة وراجحة في أمريكا: إحصائية تشريعات دينية
In 45 states and D.C., parents can get religious exemptions from laws that require schoolchildren to be vaccinated. Seven states allow pharmacists to refuse to fill contraceptive prescriptions because of their religious beliefs. Every business with a federal contract has to comply with federal nondiscrimination rules — unless it’s a religious organization.

Every employer that provides health insurance has to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive mandate — unless it’s, say, a craft supply store with Christian owners.
Case by case, law by law, our country’s commitment to the first right enumerated in our Bill of Rights — “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” — is faltering. The Supreme Court has ruled that the citizens of Maine have to pay for parochial school, that a high school football coach should be free to lead a prayer on the 50-yard line, that a potential wedding website designer can reject potential same-sex clients. This past summer, Oklahoma approved the nation’s first publicly funded religious school. This fall, Texas began allowing schools to employ clergy members in place of guidance counselors.
You don’t have to be an atheist to worry about the structural integrity of Thomas Jefferson’s “wall of separation between Church & State.”

والإضرابات عائد وراجحة
كان مما يفحمنا به منكري الماركسية أن الطبقة العاملة تلاشت في أمريكا وصارت طبقة وسطى تنعم بالرأسمالية. وكان مضرب مثلهم تناقص إضرابات العمال أو تبخرها. لربما تغير الوضع

The strike at Kaiser arrives during a year of heightened labor activity in the United States. More than 375,000 workers have walked off the job this year so far, making it one of the biggest years for strikes since 2000, according to Bloomberg Law’s database of work stoppages. In Hollywood, 160,000 actors have been on strike since July, demanding higher wages and guardrails against the use of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, some 25,000 autoworkers are on strike for the first time against all Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis.
The autoworkers are asking for higher pay to keep up with inflation and the right to strike over plant closures. Powered by a tight labor market and the surging popularity of unions, recent strikes — and even strike threats — have led to big concessions from major U.S. employers at the bargaining table this year.

يا ياسر عرمان: بل قل لهم
قال ياسر عرمان أن الدعم السريع يقول عبارات صحيحة وأراء صحيحة بأنه يريد إنهاء الحرب ويريد تحول ديمقراطي. لن نقول له لا تقل ذلك. سنختبره عملياً دع البرهان والقوات المسلحة تقول نفس الشيء وأن يذهبا معاً للتوقيع على اتفاق جدة.
In 1923, the Weimar Republic (Germany) may have shown an “astonishing resilience,” but a decade later, the environment had changed. The national political establishment no longer felt obliged to protect democracy. Conservatives believed that they could invite Hitler into their governing coalition and benefit accordingly. Such opportunism was breathtakingly cynical — and horrifically naïve. As Ullrich puts it at the end of his book, “The notion that they could harness the Nazi leader for their own reactionary interests and control the dynamic of his movement would be revealed as a tragic illusion.


المصدر: سودانايل

إقرأ أيضاً:

"هجوم محتمل" من "أنصار الله" على إسرائيل

القدس المحتلة - الوكالات

ذكرت مجلة إيبوك الإسرائيلية أن إسرائيل تستعد لاحتمال قيام جماعة أنصار الله (الحوثيين) بإطلاق صواريخ وطائرات مسيرة.

وقالت إن إسرائيل تلقت تحديثا مسبقا بشأن الهجوم الأميركي على الحوثيين في اليمن، وأن التقديرات الأمنية تتوقع أن الصراع العسكري بين الولايات المتحدة والحوثيين قد يستمر لفترة طويلة.

مقالات مشابهة

  • رزق الفكرة
  • خواطر رمضانية
  • الاحتلال الاسرائيلي يقتحم عدة مناطق في رام الله
  • "هجوم محتمل" من "أنصار الله" على إسرائيل
  • أخوانيات
  • رمضان.. شهر البركة
  • الإنسان مفتقرٌ إلى هداية الله الواسعة
  • بين سجن المشاعر وتحريرها
  • شهر رمضان شهر العبادة والنضال
  • نص خطبة الجمعة غدا 14 رمضان 1446