2024-09-20@06:56:01 GMT

Yemenia reveals the entry of a new aircraft into its fleet

تاريخ النشر: 3rd, October 2023 GMT

 Yemen Airways revealed the imminent entry of a new plane into its fleet, days after the Houthi militia seized one of the company's planes at Sanaa Airport.

 According to the sources, the new plane was purchased last month, and it is an Airbus A320, the first of which was a 2013 model. The company named the plane that will soon arrive at Aden International Airport to join the fleet, “Humair.

 This step came days after the Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, hijacked a Yemeni Airlines plane after it arrived at Sanaa Airport from Queen Alia Airport in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

Late last August, Yemen Airways signed a final agreement with Feeling Company to purchase two Airbus A320 aircraft, the first a 2013 model and the second a 2014 model, to join the company’s fleet.

 According to statements by the company’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Captain Nasser Mahmoud, the Airbus A320 aircraft is one of the distinguished commercial aircraft suitable for short and medium distances produced by Airbus, with a capacity of 150 economy class seats and 12 first class seats.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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