The leader of the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran’s arm in Yemen, Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, met the Yemeni people’s celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the eternal September 26 Revolution, with a new announcement in which he hammered the last nail into the coffin of the republic that began to erode since the militias’ coup against the state on September 21, 2014.

 The same day that Imam Ahmed Hamid al-Din died 61 years ago.

With the steps of someone confident in the illusion of his exclusive right to dominate the Yemenis and manage their lives with grace and under the pretext of what he called “radical changes,” the leader of the Houthi priestly militia came close to installing himself as a new imam and a reactionary ruler with a modern version (nominally) for the residents of Sana’a and its neighboring provinces in northern Yemen.  After 6 decades of the revolution of September 26, 1926, the sun of freedom shone on Thursday morning, ending an era darkened by darkness, dictatorship, and tyranny in the history of Yemen.

The leader of the new imamate appeared on the afternoon of September 27, 2023, to announce the end of the last manifestations of the republic, his and his group’s unilateral rule, and the end of his partnership with the General People’s Congress Party, the Sana’a wing, after he had deprived him for years of his right to head the ruling council, or what is known as the Supreme Political Council, before announcing, under the cover of the National Defense Council, the dismissal of the government of Abdulaziz bin Habtoor - which is not recognized internationally - under the pretext of forming a government of competencies in an attempt to absorb the anger of public opinion, and as a deceptive anesthesia for the residents of Sanaa and the areas under the control of his militias.

Relatives are competencies

 Scientifically, the term “competent government” means placing the right person with experience and graduate studies in the right place, but in practice, according to the method of the Houthi militia leader, the term “competent people” is essentially relatives, meaning the exclusion of the deserving and appointing others who meet the conditions for belonging to the lineage, regardless of their scientific and practical abilities.

Abdulmalik Al-Houthi says that the first stage of radical change is the formation of a government of competencies that embodies national partnership, and national partnership in the Houthi constitution must be linked to the term “guardianship” or the divine right to rule, which he is trying to establish by distorting curricula, organizing sectarian courses, and obliterating the features of the Yemeni state.  What confirms this is his speech that the path of radical change to reform state institutions depends on sincere affiliation and faith identity, which is the other term for the meaning of “guardianship.”

Al-Houthi also claimed that the first stage included correcting the situation of the judiciary, addressing its imbalances, and supplying it with qualified cadres of Islamic Sharia scholars and qualified university graduates. It is not unlikely that the target here is Shiite scholars who believe in the idea of guardianship, meaning that everyone who contradicts this belief will be excluded.

What then

 Al-Houthi announced the upcoming stages of what are called “radical changes,” which means, in reality, that what is coming is the full implementation of the Iranian experience, which formally appears to be a republic with a presidential system, while in reality there is a supreme dictator who controls everything, and he is called the Supreme Leader, and he possesses the strongest military force.  It is called the Revolutionary Guard, meaning that Abdul-Malik al-Houthi may be this guide, and Muhammad al-Houthi and his revolutionary committees are his military wing.

The matter will not stop at the form of the state, but will extend to legitimizing the acts of oppression and tyranny that are being practiced today in all their forms to prevent any manifestations or voices opposing this sectarian project that will return Yemen to the era of the Imamate and make it an Iranian state par excellence.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

ترامب: سأشتري سيارة تسلا جديدة دعماً لإيلون ماسك

سرايا - قال الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب، اليوم الثلاثاء، إنه سيشتري سيارة من طراز "تسلا" التي تنتجها الشركة المملوكة للملياردير إيلون ماسك، المسؤول عن الكفاءة الحكومية الأميركية، وذلك دعما له وثقة فيه.

وأضاف في حسابه على موقع "تروث سوشيال" مخاطبا "الجمهوريين والمحافظين وجميع الأميركيين العظماء"، أن إيلون ماسك يخاطر من أجل دعم الولايات المتحدة.

وأضاف ترامب بالقول إنه "يقوم بعمل رائع! لكن مجانين اليسار المتطرف، كما يفعلون غالبًا، يحاولون بشكل غير قانوني وبالتواطؤ مقاطعة تيسلا".

وتابع: "لقد حاولوا أن يفعلوا ذلك معي في صندوق الاقتراع الرئاسي لعام 2024، ولكن كيف نجح ذلك؟ على أي حال، سأشتري سيارة تسلا جديدة تمامًا غدًا صباحًا لإظهار الثقة والدعم لإيلون ماسك، الأميركي العظيم حقًا".

وتساءل: "لماذا يجب معاقبته على وضع مهاراته الهائلة في العمل من أجل المساعدة في جعل أميركا عظيمة مرة أخرى؟".

إقرأ أيضاً : روبيو: "إدارة ترمب أوقفت أكثر من 80 % من برامج الوكالة الأميركية للتنمية"إقرأ أيضاً : اعتقال رئيس الفلبين السابق بناءً على أمر من الجنائية الدوليةإقرأ أيضاً : تسريبات جديدة بشأن المحادثات المباشرة بين حماس وإدارة ترامب

تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب تابع صفحتنا على فيسبوك تابع منصة ترند سرايا
وسوم: #ترامب#اليوم#العمل#العظيم#رئيس#الرئيس

طباعة المشاهدات: 1007  
1 - ترحب "سرايا" بتعليقاتكم الإيجابية في هذه الزاوية ، ونتمنى أن تبتعد تعليقاتكم الكريمة عن الشخصنة لتحقيق الهدف منها وهو التفاعل الهادف مع ما يتم نشره في زاويتكم هذه. 11-03-2025 10:06 AM


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