Valu to Launch in Jordan in Early 2024
تاريخ النشر: 1st, October 2023 GMT
Valu's strategic expansion into Jordan results from solid groundwork and in-depth market research، which identified the country as a promising market brimming with significant growth opportunities.
Valu، MENA’s leading universal financial technology powerhouse، has announced its decision to launch in Jordan in Early 2024 as part of its strategic expansion plan.
Valu's expansion into Jordan comes after extensive groundwork and in-depth market research and is currently in an advanced preparation stage. By entering the Jordanian market، Valu aims to leverage its expertise in financial technology to deliver innovative and value-driven solutions to both consumers and merchants. Valu has taken the necessary steps to apply for a license from the Central Bank of Jordan shortly. The company has meticulously examined the market conditions and identified high-performing professionals including the firm’s CEO، who has already been on-boarded and comes with a wealth of extensive experience in the financial technology sector and a deep understanding of the local market to spearhead its business launch in the region، which it is confident will help yield fruitful results effectively. Valu has also been working successfully on securing partnerships with numerous key merchants in Jordan over the past 18 months، highlighting the strong demand for its cutting-edge، tried، and tested suite of financial technology solutions. These strategic partnerships will serve as the foundation for Valu's local growth stories to be built and solidified.
Conversely، Valu has made the decision to exclude the market of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from its market expansion plan. This decision is based on the recognition that the existing conditions in the market do not allow for the smooth implementation of its full suite of financial solutions flexibly، additionally، the projected profitability timeline for the market does not fall within Valu’s profitability strategy nor market expansion plans which was derived after examining the KSA market over the past 15 months. Valu remains dedicated to sustaining its rapid growth and momentum in the MENA region and other markets، acknowledging the vital importance of agility for long-term success in a dynamic business landscape.
Walid Hassouna، CEO of Valu، expressed his enthusiasm regarding the company's entry into the Jordanian market، stating، "We are thrilled to bring Valu's innovative solutions to Jordan. The decision to expand into Jordan aligns perfectly with our strategy of prioritizing markets with plug-and-play market dynamics. With our experienced team and strong partnerships with local merchants، we are confident in our ability to deliver unparalleled value and reshape the financial technology landscape in Jordan." Hassouna added: "At Valu، we take immense pride in our visionary mindset، making decisions with a forward-thinking approach that sets us apart. We are constantly setting the curve and revolutionizing the financial technology industry، one step at a time. Our unwavering commitment to innovation and pushing boundaries drives us to create transformative solutions that empower individuals and businesses. Valu's unwavering commitment to profitability has yielded impressive results over the past four years، and we intend to maintain this trajectory moving forward.”
Valu's entry into the Jordanian market is a significant step forward in solidifying the company's leading position as the universal financial technology powerhouse in the MENA region. By extending its footprint into Jordan، Valu is building upon its already established position in its home market، and this step will further strengthen its regional presence. Through leveraging its unparalleled expertise، Valu is well-positioned to drive economic growth، foster financial inclusion، and empower individuals and businesses in Jordan.
المصدر: بوابة الفجر
إقرأ أيضاً:
دوق وستمنستر وزوجته أوليفيا ينتظران مولودهما الأول
متابعة بتجــرد: أعلن دوق وستمنستر هيو غروسفينور وزوجته أوليفيا، اللذان احتفلا بزواجهما في كاتدرائية تشيستر في يونيو 2024، عن انتظارهما لمولودهما الأول، في خبر أسعد محبيهما.
إعلان الحمل رسميًا
وأكد المتحدث باسم الزوجين في بيان رسمي: “يسر دوق ودوقة وستمنستر أن يعلنا أن الدوقة تنتظر مولودًا في الصيف. الزوجان سعيدان بهذا الخبر ويتطلعان بشغف إلى تكوين أسرة معًا.”
ويأتي هذا الإعلان في أعقاب ظهور نادر لهما خلال زيارة إلى مدرسة محلية، حيث تفاعلا مع الأطفال ضمن مبادرة لمؤسسة الدوق، مما يعكس التزامهما المستمر بالعمل المجتمعي.
حياة خاصة رغم الأضواء
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قصة حب بدأت في 2021
التقى الزوجان عام 2021 عبر أصدقاء مشتركين، وأعلنا خطوبتهما بعد عامين، في إبريل 2023، بمنزل العائلة في إيتون هول، تشيشاير.
ويُعرف دوق وستمنستر السابع بأنه أحد أكثر الشخصيات الأرستقراطية نفوذًا، إلى جانب كونه الأب الروحي للأمير جورج والأمير آرتشي، والابن الروحي للملك تشارلز.
حفل زفاف ملكي في 2024
احتفل الزوجان بزفافهما في 7 يونيو 2024، وسط حضور ملكي بارز، على رأسه الأمير ويليام والأميرة يوجيني. تألقت العروس بفستان حريري أنيق من تصميم المصممة اللندنية إيما فيكتوريا باين، مزين بزخارف نباتية وتطريز خاص بأحرف اسميهما الأولى.
الخبر الجديد حول انتظارهما مولودهما الأول يُضيف فصلًا جديدًا إلى قصة حياتهما، وسط ترقب كبير من محبي العائلة المالكة البريطانية.
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