2025-03-16@11:37:01 GMT

Yemenia Airlines threatens to stop its flights to Sanaa Airport

تاريخ النشر: 30th, September 2023 GMT

 Yemen Airways said that the practices of the terrorist Houthi militia are pushing it to stop its flights to Sana'a International Airport, noting that the militias have imposed illegal restrictions since last March on the company's accounts and balances in Sana'a, while demanding more flights to Sana'a Airport.

Al-Yemenia, according to a statement issued by it, said that its accounts controlled by the militias amount to $80 million, explaining that the ban on withdrawing the Yemenia company from its financial balances in Sana’a banks is linked to illegal and unreasonable demands and justifications, and has caused severe damage to the company’s activity, and it faces many challenges and difficulties.  

The company reiterated its commitment to the rules of humanitarian work first and commercial work second, and the importance of neutralizing the company from political conflict, as it is the only national carrier in the country.

It was revealed that the militias want to continue flights to Sanaa Airport and expand them from the resources of other airports, referring to the airports of Aden, Mukalla, Sayun, and most recently, Al-Ghaydah.

It added, "The Yemenia company informed the Houthis that their demand to open Sana'a International Airport to all international destinations is not within the company's jurisdiction but rather the jurisdiction of other parties, and that the company is prepared to operate flights from Sana'a Airport to any international destination provided that it obtains international operating permits."

The Yemeni company pointed out that it had submitted a proposal to lift the Houthi restrictions on its accounts and financial balances and withdraw from them to cover the company’s operating expenses, by withdrawing 70 percent from Sana’a and 30 percent from Aden and the rest of the other regions, considering that Sana’a’s sales exceed 70 percent compared to all affiliated sales regions to the company, and that the militia initially agreed to the proposal and then rejected it.

It pointed out that the company tried throughout the last period to rely on its other internal resources, and restarted operations from Sanaa to Amman with three new flights, in addition to the three previous humanitarian flights, so that operation from Sanaa to Amman became almost daily as a step to show good faith, which continued until the end of this September, in light of the company not being allowed to withdraw from its balances in Sanaa, which caused severe damage to the company.

The company reviewed the damage it has suffered since the outbreak of war 9 years ago, and its efforts to overcome many difficulties, as well as the company’s efforts to improve the level of its activity and services by adopting strategic plans and modernizing its fleet with a number of modern aircraft, the latest of which is preparing for two modern aircraft to enter service next October, and building hangers for maintenance and other updates.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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بالفيديو.. اندلاع حريق بـ«طائرة ركاب» في مطار أمريكي

شهد مطار “دنفر” بولاية “كولورادو” الأمريكية، اندلاع حريق في طائرة ركاب، بعد هبوطها وتوجهها نحو بوابة المطار.

ووفقا لبيان صادر عن “أميركان إيرلاينز”، أنه “بعد إقلاع الطائرة “بوينغ 737-800″ من مطار كولورادو سبرينغز متجهة إلى مطار دالاس فورت وورث الدولي، أبلغ الطاقم عن اهتزازات غير طبيعية في أحد المحركات”.

وأشار البيان إلى أنه “تم تحويل مسار الرحلة إلى مطار دنفر الدولي، حيث هبطت بسلام، لكن بعد الهبوط، وأثناء سير الطائرة على المدرج نحو البوابة، اشتعلت النيران في المحرك المصاب”.

وأوضحت “أميركان إيرلاينز” أنه “تم تنفيذ إجراءات الإخلاء باستخدام المنزلقات الطارئة، فيما ظهرت لقطات مصورة تظهر وقوف الركاب على أجنحة الطائرة أثناء عملية الإخلاء”.

وأشادت الخطوط الجوية الأمريكية، “سرعة استجابة طاقمها، وفريق مطار دنفر الدولي، وفرق الاستجابة الأولية”، مؤكدة أن “سلامة الركاب كانت الأولوية القصوى. كما تم نقل جميع الركاب الـ172، بالإضافة إلى 6 من أفراد الطاقم، إلى مبنى المسافرين بشكل آمن”.

من جانبها، أعلنت إدارة الطيران الفيدرالية (FAA) أنها “ستبدأ تحقيقا مفصلا في الحادث لتحديد أسباب اشتعال النيران، مشيرة إلى أن المعلومات المتاحة حاليا أولية وقابلة للتحديث”.

في غضون ذلك، “تمكنت فرق الإطفاء في المطار من إخماد الحريق بسرعة، مما منع تفاقم الموقف. وأكدت مصادر محلية أن جميع الركاب تم إجلاؤهم بنجاح، دون وقوع إصابات”.

BREAKING: An American Airlines plane carrying 178 people appeared to catch fire on the tarmac after making an emergency landing at Denver International Airport Thursday evening, forcing passengers to evacuate by climbing out onto the wing of the plane. https://t.co/gWlirSyILE pic.twitter.com/AOSU1iB24H

— CBS News (@CBSNews) March 14, 2025

BREAKING: An American Airlines plane caught fire at Denver International Airport forcing passengers running.

Why does it seem like airline safety is plummeting under Trump? Maybe it’s because he’s making cuts to airline safety? pic.twitter.com/en9sK1hHuJ

— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) March 14, 2025

American Airlines flight 4012 just caught fire at Denver airport pic.twitter.com/EHIGMAqJjJ

— Stone (@flynnstone) March 14, 2025

???? BREAKING: American Airlines Plane Erupts in Flames at Denver Airport—Passengers Evacuate in Chaos

This isn’t normal.

???? An American Airlines plane just caught fire at Denver International Airport.

???? Passengers were forced to evacuate onto the wing as flames and thick smoke… pic.twitter.com/VWkUm1B1rn

— Brian Allen (@allenanalysis) March 14, 2025

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  • بالفيديو.. اندلاع حريق بـ«طائرة ركاب» في مطار أمريكي