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Loyalty in exchange for freedom.. The Houthis release 2,564 prisoners to strengthen their fronts

تاريخ النشر: 27th, September 2023 GMT

 The Houthi militia, Iran's arm in Yemen, released hundreds of prisoners and detainees from the prisons they supervise in several governorates under their control.

 The release process was systematic and regular, and was prepared in advance through mini-Houthi committees that went to the prisons and prepared a list of those released, especially those who participated in courses and lectures carried out by the Houthi militias inside the prisons with the aim of convincing them to join their ranks.

During monitoring conducted by "NewsYemen" during Sunday and Monday (24 and 25) of this September, it was confirmed that the release process had affected 2,564 prisoners detained in central prisons, reformatories, remand prisons, and detention centers in security departments and police stations.

 Ibb Governorate occupied the list of those released with 542 prisoners, followed by Al-Mahwit with 322 prisoners, Dhamar with 312 prisoners, Taiz with 299 prisoners, Saada with 295 prisoners, Sanaa with 206, Amanat Al-Asimah with 199 prisoners, Al-Hodaidah with 158 prisoners, Hajjah with 133 prisoners, Al-Bayda with 123 prisoners, and from the governorates Al-Jawf and Raymah and Marib 45 prisoners.

The monitored statistics were reported by the Houthi media, including the Saba Agency, which is under their control. The militias stated that the process of releasing the prisoners was conditional and came under the banner of “At your service, O Messenger of God” and “The Prophet’s Birthday,” according to the statements of the Houthi leaders who supervised the release process.

 Yemeni human rights sources in Sanaa revealed a bargain made by the Houthi militias with prisoners in exchange for their release and freedom, explaining that the Houthi committees that visited prisons and detention centers held “jihadi” lectures that promoted the ideas of sectarian and extremist militias inspired by the Iranian approach.

The sources indicated that among the requirements presented to prisoners, especially those detained during security campaigns and militia checkpoints in several governorates under their control;  Loyalty, obedience, and participation in the fighting fronts for a period of time, as well as supporting and supporting any campaigns being carried out in their areas of residence, and other conditions signed by those included in the conditional release.

 Over the years, prisons under the control of the Houthis have witnessed mobilization and recruitment operations towards the front lines, according to human rights sources.  Among those released were prisoners convicted of criminal and terrorist cases.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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مقالات مشابهة

  • مايكروسوفت تطلق تحديثات أمنية مهمة لـ سيرفرات Exchange لحماية الخوادم