Tariq Saleh: The Khomeini and Imamate project failed to extinguish the spark of the September Revolution
تاريخ النشر: 26th, September 2023 GMT
Member of the Presidential Leadership Council - Head of the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, Brigadier General Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, confirmed that the Khomeini project and the ideas of the imamate and the state failed to extinguish the spark of the revolution and the republic among the Yemeni people.
He said that the Yemenis lit the flame of the September 26 revolution in every city, village and mountain. They lit up social media platforms on this great occasion, stressing that “the September Revolution will remain and the Imamate will disappear.”
He said in a post on his page on the “X” platform: “The Yemenis lighting the flame of the September 26 revolution in every city, village and mountain; and their igniting the social media platforms on this great occasion and with this increasing momentum every year confirms that the Khomeini project and the ideas of the imamate and the state have failed to extinguish the spark of the revolution and the republic among them.” “People of the people: September will remain and the Imamate will disappear.”
Brigadier General Tariq Saleh added: “With the September 26 revolution, the Yemenis declared their belonging to the modern era, the era of the republic and the national state, the rule of the people and the sovereignty of the constitution,” stressing that “September is the beginning of national history, and anyone who is hostile to it or thinks he is able to erase it does not realize its value and power of People's faith.
The statements of the member of the Presidential Leadership Council - Head of the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, came coinciding with the Yemeni people’s celebrations of the 61st anniversary of the immortal September 26 Revolution, 1962.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
كلمات دلالية: the September
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