As an embodiment of national cohesion.. Yemenis light the flame of the 61st September Revolution
تاريخ النشر: 26th, September 2023 GMT
On Monday night, Yemenis in various governorates celebrated the 61st National Day of the September 26, 1962 Revolution, by lighting the September flame and organizing celebratory marches in the streets and squares, in an embodiment of national resolve.
The Political Bureau of the National Resistance on the West Coast had early begun its celebrations of this great occasion, coinciding with the holding of the second mass wedding of 1,000 brides and grooms in Mokha.
On Monday evening, the city of Mokha on the West Coast witnessed the lighting ceremony of the September torch on its 61st anniversary, amid a wide official and popular presence, led by the Governor of Hodeidah Governorate, Dr. Hassan Taher, and the representatives of the Taiz Governorate, Engineer Rashad Al-Akhali, Dr. Muhib Al-Hakimi, and Muhammad Abdulaziz Al-Sanwi, and Brigadier General Sadiq Dawid, representing a member. Presidential Leadership Council - Head of the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, Brigadier General Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh.
Student teams presented artistic performances for the goals of the revolution, and fireworks were launched into the sky coinciding with the lighting of the torch amid patriotic chants that were heard echoing throughout the city of Mokha.
After that, the Governor of Hodeidah, the Undersecretary of Taiz Governorate, Rashad Al-Akhali, and Brigadier General Sadiq Dawid lit the flame of the revolution in front of large crowds of attendees who crowded the celebration square.
In Marib, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, Major General Sultan Al-Arada, witnessed the lighting ceremony of the 61st anniversary of the glorious September 26 Revolution, in the city of Marib, in the presence of a large official and popular presence, and with the participation of the Secretary-General of the Arab Scout Organization, Amr Hamdi from the Arab Republic of Egypt.
During the ceremony, scout regiments from various governorates of the Republic presented many national artistic paintings, carrying the flags of the homeland fluttering above their heads and embodying the faith of the Yemeni people in the goals of the September 26 Revolution and their adherence to them on the path of the free.
Scout Raafat Ali, from Taiz Governorate, recited a document of the covenant baptized in blood on behalf of members of the Scout and Youth Movement, in which they renewed the covenant and that they would remain loyal soldiers and faithful guards loyal to the homeland, the revolution and the republic, and to stand united against everyone who dared to harm the security and stability of the homeland from the forces of rebellion and terrorism. Moving steadily towards the modern federal state.
After that, the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General P.S.C. Lieutenant General P.S.C., and the Undersecretary of Marib Governorate, Ali Al-Fatimi, lit the mother flame of the 61st National Day of the glorious September 26 Revolution, marking the launch of celebrations in all governorates of the Republic.
The liberated city of Taiz also witnessed a popular celebration and lighting of the flame of the September 26 Revolution on its 61st anniversary.
The flame of revolution was also lit in the Al-Ashrouh area in the western countryside of Taiz.
The areas controlled by the terrorist Houthi militia in Ibb, Dhamar and Sanaa witnessed popular celebrations to celebrate this occasion.
The Houthi militias tried to disturb the atmosphere of celebrations in Sanaa by preventing revelers from raising national flags and confiscating them by their armed elements, but popular momentum forced them to retreat and claim that what happened was an individual act.
To avoid popular anger, the Houthi militias organized a celebration in Tahrir Square in Sanaa to light the flame of the September 26 revolution, which they joined on the anniversary of their coup, which falls on the 21st of the same month.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
إقرأ أيضاً:
طبيب: الامتناع عن السكر يحسن قدرات الدماغ
شمسان بوست / متابعات:
يؤكد الدكتور أندريه كوندراخين من معهد الصيدلة والكيمياء الطبية بجامعة سيتشينوف الطبية، أن الجسم لا يحتاج الكربوهيدرات السريعة.
ويشير إلى أنه في حالة التخلي عن السكر فإنه بعد ثلاثة أسابيع يبدأ الدماغ بالعمل أفضل.
ويقول: “السكر مضر للجسم. وهو من الكربوهيدرات السريعة، التي تبدأ بالتغلغل في الجسم من خلال تجويف الفم، وتصل إلى الدماغ، فيتلقى دفعات من الفرح والسرور. بالطبع الدماغ يحب السكر لأنه يهدئه. ويعتقد أن السكر والكحول يتعرفان على نفس المستقبلات، وبالتالي يحصل الشخص على نفس المتعة من السكر والكحول”.
ويشير إلى أن الكربوهيدرات السريعةهي – السكر والفركتوز والحلوى والكعك والآيس كريم. لذلك يجب التقليل من تناول هذه المنتجات والإكثار من تناول الكربوهيدرات المركبة والبطيئة مثل المنتجات المصنوعة من أنواع القمح الصلب.
ووفقا له، إذا تخلى الشخص عن تناول السكر فخلال ثلاثة أسابيع سيصبح دماغه منتعشا تماما، ويتحسن مزاجه، وتصبح الأمعاء أكثر استقرارا لأن السكر يؤثر على الجسم، مثل المادة المخدرة، فهو يهدئ ويبطئ. ويمكن ببساطة تحديد ما إذا كان المنتج يحتوي على كربوهيدرات سريعة وسكر مضاف، حيث أن أي شيء يعطي حلاوة فورية في الفم هو من الكربوهيدرات السريعة.