notables of the Dahm tribes in Al-Jawf Governorate called for strengthening cohesion among the people of the governorate and unifying their efforts towards completing the liberation of the governorate from the terrorist Houthi militia, Iran’s arm in Yemen.

The meeting was chaired by Sheikh Fahd bin Mohammed bin Naji Al-Shayef, and was held in the Al-Rayyan border region, and was attended by notables of the Dahm tribes, representatives of the local authority, parties, and military and political leaders from the people of the governorate.

The meeting discussed, according to a tribal source, the conditions of the governorate and the neglect and deprivation that affected it under the control of the Houthi militias, including the simplest service projects.

The attendees stressed the need to complete the liberation of the governorate on the path to restoring the state from the Houthi militias and correcting the paths of liberating Al-Jawf, which were marred by many imbalances due to narrow calculations during the past period. In reference to the period of the administration of former governor Amin Al-Okaimi, who was accused of betraying legitimacy and handing over the governorate after its liberation to the Houthi militias.

The terrorist Houthi militia regained control over Al-Jawf Governorate at the beginning of 2020, more than two years after it was liberated and its situation stabilized during Major General Amin Al-Waeli’s leadership of the Sixth Military Region and his assumption of the administration of the governorate.

At that time, accusations were directed against the Brotherhood governor, Amin Al-Okaimi, of collusion with the Houthi militias and handing over the governorate, especially since its fall came after he received a Houthi delegation from the people of the governorate who claimed that they were about to visit their homes in the governorate.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

كلمات دلالية: the Houthi militias

إقرأ أيضاً:

سيناتور أمريكي يطالب بإغلاق مكتب الحوثيين في عُمان ودعم الجيش اليمني

يمن مونيتور/ قسم الأخبار

شدد السناتور الجمهوري الأمريكي “جو ويلسون” اليوم الجمعة، على ضرورة أن تقوم سلطنة عمان بإغلاق مكتب جماعة الحوثي في مسقط، ووقف غسل الأموال، وإغلاق الحدود لوقف عمليات نقل الأسلحة الحوثية.

وقال: يحتاج أصدقاؤنا العظماء في عمان إلى عزل الحوثيين وعدم احتضانهم. يجب إغلاق مكتب الحوثيين في عمان، ووقف غسل الأموال، وإغلاق الحدود لوقف عمليات نقل الأسلحة الحوثية.

Our great friends in Oman need to isolate and not embrace the Houthis. Houthi office in Oman must be shut down, money laundering stopped, and border sealed to stop Houthi weapon transfers.

— Joe Wilson (@RepJoeWilson) January 30, 2025

وأضاف “جو ويلسون” في منشورات على حسابه في فيسبوك تابعها “.”: إيران ستهزم من قبل اليمنيين أنفسهم، ويجب على أمريكا مساعدته”

وتابع: “إن المملكة العربية السعودية شريك وثيق وبناء وصديق عظيم ضد النظام الإيراني، ونحن بحاجة إلى العمل مع السعودية والإمارات العربية المتحدة لتوحيد الجيش اليمني لهزيمة الحوثيين”.

مقالات مشابهة

  • سيناتور أمريكي يطالب بإغلاق مكتب الحوثيين في عُمان ودعم الجيش اليمني