Member of the Presidential Leadership Council - Head of the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, Brigadier General Tariq Muhammad Abdullah Saleh, inaugurated the second mass wedding in Mokha for a thousand grooms and brides from various parts of the Republic, with the participation of his son, on an occasion that coincided with the celebration of the 61st anniversary of the immortal Yemeni revolution, September 26.

Brigadier General Tariq congratulated the newlyweds on their full joy, stressing that holding this mass wedding coinciding with the 61st anniversary of the immortal Yemeni revolution, September 26, has its own symbolism in a sacred occasion that established the republic and overthrew the remnants of the defunct imamate.

A number of prominent artists will participate in the celebration of the joyful group wedding, which will last for three days, including artistic, popular, and national performances from various groups from Yemen, on the beaches of Mokha.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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تيارت ..  3 جرحى في اصطدام 3 سيارات بحمادية

تدخل المركز المتقدم للحمايةالمدنية لبلدية حمادية بالتنسيق مع مصالح الحماية المدنية لولاية تيسمسيلت هذه الليلة على الساعة 21:20 من أجل حادث مرور.

الحادث تمثل في اصطدام 3 سيارات على الطريق الولائي رقم 14 بلدية ودائرة حمادية.

وخلف الحادث 3 مصابين تم نقل المصابين من طرف مصالح الحماية المدنية لولاية تيسمسيلت.

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