2024-11-15@18:26:42 GMT

Southern optimism about Al-Zubaidi’s participation in the United Nations meeting

تاريخ النشر: 18th, September 2023 GMT

 Southern activists and politicians expressed their optimism about the participation of a member of the Presidential Leadership Council, President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, in the work of the United Nations General Assembly in its 78th session.

 Al-Zubaidi, accompanied by the Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, Dr.

Rashad Al-Alimi, arrived on Sunday in New York City, USA, to participate in the United Nations meeting.

 Al-Zubaidi said, "We came to New York to meet with regional and international decision-makers to bring our country's issues back to the forefront of international attention and to make the voice of our people in the south heard to the world and the region."

The head of the Decision Support Center of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Lutfi Shatara, said, “We neither exaggerate nor underestimate the importance of President Al-Zubaidi being part of the delegation of equal legitimacy between the North and the South in the Presidential Leadership Council,” pointing out that since the Riyadh Agreement, the Transitional Council has taken the first steps to reach  The goal was legitimized in the government, then the Presidential Leadership Council, then the United Nations General Assembly.

 For his part, the military and security expert, Dr. Ali Al-Khalaqi, considered the presence of the President of the Transitional Council to New York as a presence of the live issue of the people of the South to the capital of international resolution, stressing that this is what those near and outside realize.

 He added, "Behind this right is a people firmly established on their land who will not waste the blood and sacrifices of the martyrs."

In turn, the journalist Osama bin Fayd commented on the visit by saying, “His Excellency President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi continues his efforts to quickly resolve the southern issue and empower the southerners and their state in international forums, and today President Aidaroos is in America on behalf of the state of the South,” pointing out that there are signs looming on the horizon, and it seems that the stage  It's almost over for the southerners.

 While activist and journalist Adel Al-Madouri pointed out that the goal of the visit is not to attend and photograph, but rather the goal is to enter the corridors of the United Nations and conclude deals with world leaders.

 He added, "What is happening behind the scenes and side conversations is what is important, and it is what President Al-Zubaidi will keep in mind to come out with the greatest amount of support and support for the independence of the south."

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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سرايا - قالت الرئاسة الفرنسية الجمعة، إن الرئيس إيمانويل ماكرون سيزور السعودية في الفترة بين الثاني والرابع من ديسمبر كانون الأول المقبل.

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1 - ترحب "سرايا" بتعليقاتكم الإيجابية في هذه الزاوية ، ونتمنى أن تبتعد تعليقاتكم الكريمة عن الشخصنة لتحقيق الهدف منها وهو التفاعل الهادف مع ما يتم نشره في زاويتكم هذه. 15-11-2024 09:24 PM


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