2025-02-26@23:14:52 GMT

World Bank: Providing food is a concern that Yemeni families live with every day

تاريخ النشر: 17th, September 2023 GMT

 The World Bank said that food insecurity is a major concern that Yemeni families endure day after day, as they are forced to rely on borrowing from shop owners, family, or friends.

 In its latest report, “Voices from Yemen,” the World Bank added: “Yemenis, who have been living in difficult war conditions for nearly a decade, have resorted to innovative, but often destructive, coping strategies.

He said, this report is the result of four years of collecting qualitative data in all Yemeni governorates, with the aim of presenting the voices of Yemenis who have so far spent eight years living in a civil war and economic crises that have pushed them to the brink of famine.

 According to the report, interviews show that most families were forced to reduce the quantity and quality of food and rely on a less diverse food basket, as some families spoke clearly about cases in which they remained hungry.

 He explained that in daily life, respondents spoke widely about reducing their food intake, reducing the number of meals, restricting the quantity and variety of food, prioritizing food consumption among family members, abandoning the use of cooking gas, using firewood instead, and even starving.

The World Bank report stated that the conflict directly and indirectly reduced the availability and affordability of food, and unfortunately humanitarian aid did not emerge as a strong and influential factor during the interviews.

 He stressed that most of those interviewed said that the food security situation in Yemen had deteriorated and described a severe hunger crisis.

 Food prices have also risen sharply beyond what Yemenis can afford based on their income.

 The lack of affordability due to the significant rise in food prices has forced Yemenis to significantly reduce food consumption and face hunger and famine.

The results of a recent telephone survey conducted by the World Bank found that the degree of food consumption in about 25 percent of Yemeni families was weak, and that the degree of food consumption in 25 percent of families was marginal, that is, on the verge of the minimum level of food security.

 The report concluded that Yemenis are enduring this difficult situation through various, often destructive, coping strategies.

 He pointed out that severe food insecurity has long-term consequences, especially for children, causing malnutrition and delayed growth, and undermining the country's future human capital, peace prospects and recovery path.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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