2024-09-18@10:48:05 GMT

Launching a security plan to combat smuggling on the coast of the Red Sea

تاريخ النشر: 10th, September 2023 GMT

 The Red Sea Coast Guard launched a new security plan to secure the coastal strip overlooking the Red Sea.  As part of efforts to combat smuggling operations coming from the Horn of Africa.

 According to security sources, the Coast Guard forces have started new deployments in a number of coastal locations overlooking the Red Sea, as part of efforts to combat human and contraband smuggling operations coming from the coasts of the Horn of Africa.

The sources added that during the past few days, the forces were able to arrest 3 smugglers, one of whom holds Djiboutian nationality, while trying to smuggle a number of immigrants who hold Ethiopian nationality.  Noting that the security forces were able to seize the boat in the coastal strip between the Maqar area and Dhu Bab, and there were 57 migrants on board, including 16 women.

 The sources indicated that the smugglers were handed over to the competent authorities to take legal measures against them, while the migrants will be handed over to the International Organization for Migration.

The new security deployment coincides with another crackdown campaign led by joint security and military forces in the coastal strip of Al-Mudaraba and Ras Al-Ara districts, west of Lahj.

 The sources indicated that the forces participating in the campaign worked to secure the coasts of Lahj overlooking the Red Sea through continuous patrols and combing operations targeting various areas where human and contraband smugglers are active.  They explained that the campaign was recently able to arrest dozens of immigrants and local smugglers, in addition to destroying many contraband, including alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and fertilizers used in making explosive devices.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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المغرب.. إجراءات ضريبية لتحسين الأجور

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