A blacklist of the names of 30 Houthis involved in plundering the banking sector’s funds
تاريخ النشر: 6th, September 2023 GMT
The Regain Yemen Initiative, which specializes in economic and banking affairs, announced a blacklist of 30 virtual officials working in the ranks of the Houthi militia in the banking and financial sector.
In its report entitled (The Houthi Destruction of the Banking Sector - Laundering and Looting of Money), the initiative recommended that the Leadership Council and the legitimate government circulate the Houthi names on the blacklist, the international Interpol list, the international sanctions list for Yemen, and the US Treasury Department list.
The blacklist included the names of those impersonating job descriptions in the Ministry of Finance and its affiliated institutions in Sanaa, and others impersonating senior job descriptions in new banks and revenue bodies.
The 90-page report reviewed the features and images of the Houthi militia’s destruction of the banking sector since the group’s coup against the state, the constitution, and the laws and its ignition of war in Yemen in 2014.
The report indicated that the Houthi militia created a severe liquidity crisis for the banking sector and the state’s general budget, deepened the contraction of the gross national product, destabilized confidence in the future of the Yemeni economy, faltered public service programs, and left most state employees and retirees without salaries. It also caused the disruption of many economic activities, especially electricity, oil, gas, and communications, which represented the lifeline of the national economy, which caused a worsening of the humanitarian conditions in Yemen.
The report recommended that the Presidential Leadership Council and the legitimate government facilitate the transfer of banking centers to legitimate areas, and create the appropriate climate for them to carry out their work away from the extortions of the Houthi militias.
It also recommended activating the role of the Economic Committee in supporting banks and developing monetary and financial policies that facilitate the work of banks, activating the performance of the National Committee for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, and imposing the instructions of Law No. 1 of 2010 and its annexes as a basis for restoring the role of banks.
The report recommended depositors to form unions and local and international organizations against banks that refuse to return their money and their rights to interest, in accordance with the rules for linking deposits and exploiting bank balances abroad to restore their rights.
It also recommended that the Yemeni Banks Association move its headquarters to the Sharia areas, or form an association of banks in the Sharia areas that represents the banks before the international community and away from the dominance of the Houthi militia.
المصدر: نيوزيمن
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توقيف مستوطنين احتجوا على إطلاق سراح أسرى فلسطينيين
سرايا - أوقفت قوات الامن التابعة للاحتلال الاسرائيلي في الداخل الفلسطيني المحتل مساء اليوم الأحد، عددًا من المستوطنين المتظاهرين خلال احتجاج لرفض إطلاق سراح أسرى فلسطينيين قرب سجن عوفر.
ووفق مراقبين، فإنّ عدة احتجاجات تقام في الداخل الفلسطيني المحتل، من قبل مؤيدي اليمين المتطرف الذين يرفضون إبرام أي صفقات أو هدن في غزة والمضي قدمًا باتجاه احتلال القطاع وتهجير سكانه.
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