Al-Mawlid during the time of Al-Houthi... a season for enrichment by impoverishing the population and extorting merchants
تاريخ النشر: 29th, August 2023 GMT
About 30 days before the date of Rabi` al-Awwal 12, 1445 AH, which annually coincides with the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet, the Houthi militia - the Iranian arm in Yemen - began imposing financial royalties and illegal levies on the commercial sector and residents of the city of Sana'a and its neighboring provinces under the pretext of preparing and celebrating the occasion.
The Houthi militia is calling on companies and factories producing light foodstuffs, baby food, mineral water and pharmaceutical factories to pay millions of riyals under the pretext of contributing to the preparation and preparation of the celebration of the Prophet's birthday.
The beneficiaries of the group distributed paper parcels to shops in the streets and public markets, and to residents in residential neighborhoods in the various districts of Sana'a, asking them to put sums of money inside these parcels under the pretext of contributing to the occasion.
The new Houthi royalties campaigns come in light of the widening famine, the group’s continued looting of state employees’ salaries, the high prices of food, oil derivatives, and transportation fares, in addition to the high tariffs for electricity and water services, and the imposition of exorbitant sums of money on education and health services, which were almost free before. The group's coup in September 2014.
Ali Al-Nahari, owner of a food store in Sana'a, said that he intends to migrate from Sana'a to denounce the Houthi group's continued imposition of repeated levies throughout the year, in addition to increasing taxes, improvement and cleaning fees, and other means of extortion, and fighting the commercial sector in Sana'a.
Al-Nahari assumes that commercial work in Israel (for the Zionist entity is much more merciful than these...) as he put it, expressing his discontent with the repetition of ceremonial events that are held at the expense of citizens and workers in the commercial sector, and he said: "The group considers these occasions as a season for illegal enrichment and the practice of more impoverishment of the population and hitting the economic sector.
If you love the Prophet pay the salaries.
In addition, Fahmy al-Khawlani, an economic and social researcher, assumes that the festive events will be canceled in a country where most of the population is suffering from famine and poverty, and that the sums of money spent on these events will be provided to beggars and those looking for food leftovers at the doors of restaurants and near garbage bins, and he said, " Feeding the hungry is the biggest celebration.” Adding: “The Messenger Muhammad, may God’s prayers be upon him and his family and companions, was sent as a guide and not as a collector.”
Commenting on the incident, Ibrahim al-Kibsi, a Yemeni academic at Sana'a University, believes that the authority that "celebrates the personality of the Messenger while not emulating his morals, actions and virtues is a hypocritical authority or trading in the status of the Messenger to obtain material benefit or political gains by trading in the emotions of the people who love the Messenger." He added, "What reveals the falsity of this celebration is the miserable situation that the people live in under the rule of this corrupt authority."
He pointed out that "Whoever loves the Prophet pays salaries, whoever loves the Prophet lowers prices, whoever loves the Prophet provides services, and whoever loves the Prophet cares about education...".
المصدر: نيوزيمن
إقرأ أيضاً:
سياسي انصار الله يبارك سريان اتفاق وقف اطلاق النار في غزة
وأوضح المكتب السياسي لأنصار الله في بيان له، اليوم الأحد، أن هذا الإنجاز المشرف يأتي بعد 15 شهرا من حرب الإبادة الجماعية وجريمة القرن، التي ارتكبها العدو الصهيوني بشراكة كاملة مع الجانب الأمريكي وبدعم لا محدود من الدول الغربية، وما يسمى بالمجتمع الدولي.
ولفت إلى أن هذا الاتفاق الذي انتزعته المقاومة الفلسطينية بعون الله، وبفضل صمود وتضحيات الشعب الفلسطيني الذي سطر ملحمة تاريخية من الصبر والثبات، يٌعد انتصارا تاريخيا يضاف إلى سجل ورصيد أبطال المقاومة الفلسطينية وحاضنتها الشعبية، وقيادتها السياسية والعسكرية.
وقال البيان: “لقد أثبتت معركة طوفان الأقصى بمختلف تجلياتها، أننا أمام عدو متغطرس لا يفهم سوى القوة ولا يمكن ردعه الا بالجهاد في سبيل الله”.
وأكد أن دماء الشهداء الأبطال وفي مقدمتهم القادة الكبار من المجاهدين وعلى رأسهم الشهيد حسن نصر الله والشهيد إسماعيل هنية والشهيد يحي السنوار، والشهيد هاشم صفي الدين، الذين ارتقوا شهداء في سبيل الله على طريق القدس قد أزهرت دماءهم وأثمرت تضحياتهم هذا الانتصار التاريخي الكبير على العدو الصهيوني.
وأضاف البيان: “كما نتشارك مع إخواننا في غزة وفلسطين هذا المنجز التاريخي، فإننا نتابع حالة الهزيمة التي لحقت بالكيان الصهيوني ومن خلفه الأمريكي والبريطاني، والإحباط الكبير الذي عبر عنه المجرم نتنياهو وثلة الإجرام والإفساد في العصابة الصهيونية، ونزداد إيمانا وثقة بالنصر الإلهي والفتح الرباني الموعود”.
وأكد المكتب السياسي لأنصار الله على استمرار اليمن في دعم وإسناد فلسطين ومقاومتها، ومتابعة تقييم تنفيذ الاتفاق بكل بنوده والتصدي بحزم لأي تصعيد محتمل من جانب العدو الصهيوني.