Who controls Sudan’s Armored Corps, as army and militias claim victory
تاريخ النشر: 24th, August 2023 GMT
The fate of the Sudanese Armored Corps in Shajara military area in Khartoum State remains unknown up to date with each of the Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) claiming to have the upper hands, airing video footage and live broadcasting to show control of the vital strategic army camp.
Khartoum: Altaghyeer
The Sudanese army and the Militia RSF have renewed confirmation on Wednesday, claiming each, to have full control of this army unit, which is one of the most important army stronghold in the country, while active military operations are going in earnest in other areas of the national capital Khartoum.
For the last three days’ vicious military confrontations have been going on around the camps of this strategic army unit, as RSF has been carrying ceaseless attempt to overrun the camps, since the beginning of the war about five months ago now.
RSF claimsBut while the army continue shelling peripheries of this military area, today, a RSF advisor, Omran Abdallah, has put in his Facebook page material, including video footage and pictures claiming they emanate from within the military camps, to illustrate his forces are in control of the camp. Omran and other RSF advisors are confident that their forces are in full control of the camps, to the exception of a few pockets.
This followed a statement yesterday in which the RSF related the same story. The RSF also said they have put their hands on 101 tanks, 90 armored vehicles and 21 combat trucks beside unspecified quantities of ammunition and weaponry, and inflicting heavy losses on the army.
Army answersHowever, the Army media published fresh pictures showing its troops, along with armored vehicles and tanks, inside the camps. A number of supporters of the army and affiliates have also put out shots and footages and video clips for troops and soldiers inside the same camp, troops celebrating the victory and other cheering and drinking coffee, reaffirming full control of the same area.
Earlier the official spokesperson of the Army, Nabeel Abdallah, stated clearly that the army was in full control of the whole area, after repulsing series of failed attacks by the
RSF. He said the army units stand ready to defeat any further attempts. He said the remnants of the militias fled the battle field and that army was chasing and carrying out mobbing operations up to evening yesterday.
Meanwhile, clearing up operations have been reported in video and pictures by numerous website and accounts in the internet that showed the army within the living quarters of Omdurman, while earnestly engaged in clearing these living quarters.
Eyewitnesses in the field related numerous shelling of RSF strongholds around the Republican palace in Khartoum as well as air raids near the Armored Crops. The RSF defenses replied by anti-aircraft gunfire.
These claims coming from each side could not be verified or attributed to independent sources, or checked on the ground given the prevailing security and war situation.
المصدر: صحيفة التغيير السودانية
إقرأ أيضاً:
مكون غذائي يحمي من الإنفلونزا
أميرة خالد
اكتشف العلماء كيف يمكن لمادة غذائية واحدة، على وجه التحديد وهي الألياف، أن تؤدي إلى تفاعل متسلسل ميكروبيولوجي يحمي الجسم بالفعل من الأنفلونزا وفيروسات أخرى.
وينصح الباحثون من جامعة هونغ كونغ بعدم التخلي عن لقاح الإنفلونزا السنوي، بينما الألياف الطبيعية من الخضراوات والبقول والحبوب ستعمل كمعزز لدرء العدوى والحد من الأعراض.
وتساعد الألياف الطبيعية في إنتاج البكتيريا الحيوية في الأمعاء، والتي تتخصص في زيادة إنتاج الأحماض الدهنية قصيرة السلسلة SCFA، والتي قد يتم إنتاجها في الأمعاء، ولكنها تنتقل بعد ذلك إلى الطريق السريع عبر الدورة الدموية للوصول إلى الأنسجة الطرفية، مما يعزز الاستجابة المناعية للجسم.
وأفاد فرانسيس تشان، أستاذ الطب والعلاج في جامعة هونغ كونغ، إنه “بالإضافة إلى التطعيم، يمكن للأشخاص تعزيز مناعتهم من خلال وسائل أخرى”، مشيرًا إلى أن “الدراسات أظهرت أن الأحماض الدهنية قصيرة السلسلة التي تنتجها البكتيريا الحيوية في الأمعاء يمكن أن تعزز “المناعة ضد الإنفلونزا والالتهابات الفيروسية الأخرى”.