Acting Director General of Civil Defense, Brigadier General Nabil Farah, received in his office this afternoon MP Michel Elias Murr, congratulating him on assuming his duties as head of the Directorate.

A Civil Defense statement indicated that "during the meeting, Farah received a phone call from former Minister Elias Murr, father of MP Michel Murr, who congratulated him on assuming his new administrative duties, wishing him success.

They also discussed the available means to enhance the steadfastness of Civil Defense personnel and provide them with the necessary support to continue their humanitarian and national mission."

Farah had received former MP Joseph Ishaq, congratulating him and wishing him success in his new administrative duties. He

also met with a delegation from the Bekaa town of Al-Kanisa, headed by Abu Ashraf Zaiter. The delegation members expressed their "great appreciation for the efforts and sacrifices made by Civil Defense personnel in performing their humanitarian and national mission," wishing Farah success in his new duties, hoping that "the General Directorate of Civil Defense will witness further development and renaissance to achieve a bright future."


المصدر: لبنان ٢٤

إقرأ أيضاً:

الخير استقبل وفد المؤهلين المتقاعدين في الجيش

استقبل النائب أحمد الخير، في دارته في المنية، مراجعات الأهالي والمواطنين، ومن بينهم وفد من المؤهلين المتقاعدين في الجيش اللبناني، ووفد من جمعية المواساة في منطقة المنية.

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