On Thursday, the military, security and civilian circles in the southern cities and governorates were shocked by the news of the martyrdom of the commander of the Security Belt Forces in Abyan Governorate, Brigadier General Abdul Latif Al-Sayed, the Chief of Operations Captain Salah Al-Yousifi, and the tribal sheikh Muhammad Karid Al-Jaadani, and a number of their companions in a cowardly terrorist operation that targeted him in the Mudiya district of Abyan.

 Brigadier General Abdulatif Al-Sayed - who was recently appointed commander of the security belt forces in Abyan according to a decision issued by the President of the Southern Transitional Council - was leading a security campaign that included the belt forces, public security and military units from the Abyan axis, to track down al-Qaeda elements in remote areas and mountain ranges to which terrorist elements flee or use them as a center to carry out their terrorist operations against the southern security and army.

The obituary statement issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Security Belt Forces, Brigadier General Mohsen Abdullah Al-Wali, said that Brigadier General Saleh Al-Sayyed was martyred while leading the "Swords of Haws" campaign against terrorist elements in Abyan Governorate, stressing that the martyr was a symbol of courage and sacrifice, and gave his life for the sake of God to fight terrorism and defend  On the security and stability of the south, and he was a leading force in organizing and leading the security belt, and he was a source of inspiration and role model for many young people who received training under his supervision, and believed in the importance of the battle against terrorism that raged in Abyan governorate years ago.

 The governor confirmed that the loss of the security belt forces was severe, explaining that the martyr was a main pillar in the fight against terrorism and achieving security and stability in Abyan governorate.

The Brigadier General indicated that the martyr had a great influence in strengthening security and achieving victory over terrorism, and that his loss will not be compensated, reaffirming the continuation of his struggle against terrorism with greater strength and determination.

 He called on everyone to stand united in the face of terrorism and extremism, and the security forces and relevant institutions to work seriously and cooperate to eliminate terrorism and achieve security and stability in our country, in fulfillment of the heroic martyr's spirit, goals and principles.

 The obituary statement issued by a member of the Presidential Leadership Council - President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, said that the loss is great and heavy for the people of the south and its armed forces, and added, "We realize that our battle against terrorism and its supporters will cost us many sacrifices, but we will not back down from fighting this battle is until the eradication of this intrusive scourge on our peaceful society, and its sources are drained from every inch of our beloved south, so that everyone can enjoy safety, security, and peace, and this is our pledge to the heroic leaders and soldiers who gave their lives cheaply for this noble goal.

In his turn, a member of the Presidential Leadership Council - Commander of the Southern Giants Brigades, Brigadier General Abdul Rahman Abu Zaraa Al Mahrami, expressed great sadness over the passing of Brigadier General Abdul Latif Al Sayed, expressing his realization that the national duty, and cleansing the land of terrorism is the goal and goal that we will never give up on, no matter what it cost.

In a telegram of condolence he sent to his family, he said, "The heroic martyr, Brigadier General Abd al-Latif al-Sayyid, was an exceptional leader, steadfast and brave fighter, advancing the ranks of the fighters on the battle fronts to defend the homeland. He participated in making the great victories on the various fronts of the fighting in Abyan."

 While the southern political, social and cultural circles pointed out the huge sacrifices made by the southern forces in order to secure the south and its independence.

 They emphasized that the pure blood of the martyr would be the dowry of insurance for the entire province of Abyan, pointing out the courage and gentleness of morals that the martyr had.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

طبيبة فرنسية تصف رمضان في اليمن

وتضيف قائلة: "ولكن الناس أجمعين يتلون القرآن حتى أولئك الذين لم أكن أصدق أنهم يعرفون القراءة ويكون السؤال عندما يلتقي الناس في الشارع هو (كيف رمضان؟) وبعد الظهر تدب الحياة في المدينة بالقدر الذي لا غنى عنه وعند الغروب تعلن المدافع انتهاء الصيام ويسرع الناس فيشربون ويشعلون لفافات التبغ ويتناولون قطعة من الخبز وبعض حبات التين ولكن لا أحد يأكل قبل أن يقتسم اللقمة الأولى مع أول من يلتقي به في الطريق في تلك اللحظة".

لا يختلف رمضان في الماضي عن رمضان في العصر الحاضر كثيرا فمازالت العادات والتقاليد راسخة وباقية رغم تباعد الزمن

الحديث عن رمضان في اليمن حديث ممتع وذو شجون رغم اختفاء العديد من المظاهر الرمضانية بسبب العدوان الذي تعرض له  والحالة المعيشية الصعبة للكثير من الأسر اليمنية الا ان رمضان مازال متميزا كتميز أبناء الشعب اليمني بقوته وصبره واصالته وحكمته

ان ما يميز رمضان في اليمن كثيرا هو قراءة القرآن الكريم الذي يبث على جميع القنوات والإذاعات المحلية وحتى في الشوارع والمنازل قبيل الإفطار بساعة بأصوات تراثية شجية رقراقة جميلة جدا تاخذ المستمع بعيدا إلى عالم آخر إضافة إلى دوي صوت مدفع الإفطار والسحور المعمول به منذ العهد العثماني ولكنه لم يعد موجود في الوقت الحاضر  وكذلك مشاهد الإفطار الجماعي والتكافل الاجتماعي والمجالس الأسرية وهو ما يعرف بالمقيل الذي يتم من خلاله تبادل الآراء والنقاشات حول الأمور السياسية والثقافية والاجتماعية واخبار ومستجدات الحرب في اليمن وغير ذلك من الأحداث الساخنة حتى على المستوى الإقليمي والدولي.

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