Government sources reported that the Central Bank of Yemen in the capital, Aden, refused today, Wednesday, to pay the salaries of employees of official media institutions, based on directives from Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik.

 The sources told (Newsyemen) that the representatives of the media institutions, during their preparation to receive the salaries of July 2023, according to the reinforcements issued by the Ministry of Finance, were surprised by the bank’s refusal to disburse any amounts, while the salaries of the rest of the government institutions were disbursed.

The sources stated that the management of Bank of Aden made it clear that there are directives from the governor of the central bank to stop the payment of salaries to employees of the media sector, according to the directives of the prime minister, who accused the media earlier of being behind the deterioration of the economy and the collapse of the currency through the rumors that are being promoted.

 The sources added that officials of government institutions tried to communicate with the Minister of Information, Muammar Al-Eryani, his deputy, and agents in order to intervene and stop these unfair directives, but they did not find any response.

 The sources pointed out that the management of Bank of Aden asked representatives of media organizations to come next week to receive their salaries in the event that these directives were suspended.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

مقتل وإصابة 10 جنود إسرائيليين في غلاف غزة

أعلن الجيش الإسرائيلي، الخميس، مقتل ضابط وجندي وإصابة 8 آخرين في حادث انهيار رافعة في غلاف غزة الشمالي.

اقرأ ايضاًحماس ردا على خطة ترامب: لن يتوقع أحد ما قد يجري

وأشار الجيش في بيان، إلى أن "أحد القتلى ضابط برتبة مقدم ويخدم في صفوف الاحتياط بالكتيبة 51 في لواء غولاني".


بدورها، أوضحت هيئة البث الإسرائيلية، أن الرافعة انهارت بسبب الرياح القوية وسقطت على خيمة كان بداخلها الجنود، مشيرة إلى أن الجيش الإسرائيلي "يحقق في هذا الحادث الخطير الذي يعكس نقص الاستعداد للظروف الجوية".

اقرأ ايضاًبدء تفريغ غزة من السكان.. قصة مانشيت قبل 55 عاما


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  • مقتل وإصابة 10 جنود إسرائيليين في غلاف غزة