Acts of violence and murders are escalating in the city of Taiz in light of the inability of the security authorities under the control of the Brotherhood’s Islah party, and their inability to arrest the perpetrators, and replace that with bullying the innocent and holding them responsible for crimes they did not commit.

 From the martyr Mithaq, to the child Ghalib al-Janani, and between them the UN official who was assassinated in al-Turbah, and Salah al-Amrani, organized crime and chaos remind everyone of the deteriorating situation in the city of Taiz and the chaos that is expanding its spread, with the government forces’ weapons and the care of their leadership, according to what the political activist Adonis al-Dakhini said.

Al-Dakhini asserts that people in Taiz need to take to the streets in a revolution against all the cowards who are at the forefront of the scene in the province.  Referring to those responsible for running the governorate's work, including civilians, security forces and military personnel, pointing out that these are the ones who bear responsibility for every crime that occurs in the city.

 The perpetrators always take refuge in the leaders of the government forces, and Adonis Al-Dakhini asserts in this regard that the solution begins with the overthrow of these leaders who sponsor organized crime, and reopening the files of all cases and law enforcement, and without that, every citizen must wait his turn.

 It is not possible to exclude the state’s unbridled weapons that continue to claim the lives of women and children, the most recent of which was the killing of the child Ghaleb Muhammad al-Hatemi in front of his mother in the Old Airport neighborhood on the western outskirts of the city, who was shot dead by a soldier in the 145th Brigade led by the commander of the Taiz axis, Major General Khaled Fadel, three weeks after  A woman was shot dead in front of her two children by soldiers belonging to the Al-Kadha Front of the same axis.

Four murders within a matter of weeks, in addition to the assault on a political official in the General People’s Congress Party in the city of Taiz, and the looting of his vehicle. Al-Dukhayni believes that it is a situation that deserves serious consideration, search for solutions, and pressure to implement them, stressing that solutions cannot exclude a procedure  A comprehensive change that restores consideration to this city.

 Al-Dakhini indicates that sharing was one of the ills in the city of Taiz, and prompted the political forces to overlook and remain silent about the crimes the governorate is witnessing, for fear that any change will extend to positions held by its cadres.

 Al-Dakhini did not forget to refer to the imaginary achievements and successes that the Taiz police spoke about during their pursuit of the killers of the director of the World Food Program about two weeks ago, and he claimed to have caught the perpetrators, and said, "In fact, the governorate security department did not even mention the perpetrators, to which party do they belong? It did not say simpler."  Information about what it carried out, except for talking about general information covering a scandal that smelled internationally.

Al-Dakhini believes that all crimes in Taiz are buried with the passage of time, reviewing the most prominent crimes whose perpetrators are not yet known, including the assassination of an official in the International Red Cross?  And the crime of assassinating and liquidating Aseel al-Jabzi at the hands of the forces of the Taiz axis and the popular crowd militias?  And the crime of liquidating the arson family?  And the crime of liquidating martyr Mithaq Muhammad in front of her two children while she was preparing breakfast for them inside her house?

المصدر: نيوزيمن

إقرأ أيضاً:

قصر ملك بريطانيا يتعرض لعملية سطو

تعرضت قلعة وندسور، مقر إقامة العائلة المالكة البريطانية، لعملية سطو من قبل رجلين، نجحا في تجاوز الحواجز الأمنية والوصول إلى محيط قصر أديليد كوتيج، الذي يقيم فيه الأمير ويليام وعائلته،

وبحسب البيان الصادر عن الشرطة، فإن واقعة السرقة حدثت يوم 13 أكتوبر(تشرين الأول)، وقد وصل بلاغ للشرطة عن عملية سطو، وأن الجناة دخلوا المزرعة الواقعة في أراضي قصر وندسور، وسرقوا سيارتين من الأراضي الملكية، في انتهاك كبير للأمن.
وقال بيان الشرطة إن المشتبه بهم "هربوا بشاحنة بيك آب سوداء من طراز إيزوزو ودراجة رباعية حمراء"، مضيفاً أنه لم يلق القبض على أي شخص وأن التحقيق جار حتى الآن.
وذكرت صحيفة "ذا صن" أن رجلين ملثمين تسلقا سياجاُ يبلغ ارتفاعه 1.80 متراً لدخول أرض كراون إستيت، ثم استخدما الشاحنة المسروقة لتحطيم بوابة أمنية والفرار من مكان الحادث. 

After another security breach of the perimeter of Windsor Castle, is royal security tight enough there?
It’s the second breach this year.

— Chris Ship (@chrisshipitv) November 18, 2024

وبحسب الصحيفة فإن الحادثة وقعت بعدما تم تقليص عدد حراس الأمن عند المدخلين الرئيسيين للمقر الملكي، بسبب نقص الموظفين المؤهلين، وكذلك الرغبة في طمأنة السياح من رجال الشرطة المسلحين.
وبحسب التفاصيل التي ذكرتها "ذا صن" كانت عائلة ولي العهد الأمير ويليام والأميرة كيت بأطفالهما الثلاثة موجودة في بيت "أديلايد" الريفي الواقع قرب القصر، بينما كان الملك تشارلز وزوجته كاميلا غائبين عن القصر.

ليست المرة الأولى 

في يوم عيد الميلاد 2021، اقتحم رجل أراضي قلعة وندسور مسلحاً بقوس ونشاب في محاولة لاغتيال الملكة إليزابيث الثانية، التي كانت في المقر الملكي في ذلك الوقت.
ولم تصب الملكة الراحلة بأذى، على الرغم من أن الاقتحام أثار تساؤلات جدية حول أمن القصر، خاصة عندما تبين أن محاولاتها المتكررة لطلب المساعدة تم تجاهلها.
وحُكم على جاسوانت سينغ تشيل، الذي كان يبلغ من العمر 19 عاماً عندما حاول قتل الملكة، بالسجن تسع سنوات في عام 2023. 

Major Windsor Castle security scare as masked men raid estate while William, Kate and their children sleep at home

— Breaking News (@jooilong) November 18, 2024


مقالات مشابهة

  • قصر ملك بريطانيا يتعرض لعملية سطو