In conjunction with leaks talking about progress in the international efforts towards peace in Yemen, the national resistance recalled one of the most prominent crimes committed by the Houthi terrorist group against these efforts during the past years.

 The leaks talk about advanced discussions regarding the establishment of a joint operations room that includes the Yemeni government, the Houthi group and the Arab coalition, according to what was published by the Chinese "Xinhua" agency correspondent, Fares Al-Hamiri, in his tweet on the "X-Twitter" platform previously.

According to Al-Hamiri, quoting an informed source, the joint room is a product of the understandings reached by the Military Committee (which includes military representatives of the government, the Houthis and the coalition) under the auspices of the United Nations, and it will work, if its establishment is completed, to reduce escalation, stabilize the armistice and stop military operations in Yemen.

 Media reports claimed that this step comes as a result of the resumption of mediation led by the Sultanate of Oman between the Houthi group and Saudi Arabia to reach a framework for an agreement, after a stalemate that lasted for weeks and after the group recently announced its resumption.

 What is noteworthy about these leaks and conversations is their coincidence with the meeting that took place in the city of Mocha, west of Taiz, between the Assistant Secretary-General of the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, Abdullah Abu Houriya, with a delegation from the UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement "Onmha" headed by Samira Mora, Humanitarian Affairs Officer in the mission.

In the meeting, the national resistance recalled the crime of the Houthi militia's assassination of the liaison officer, Colonel Muhammad al-Sulayhi, in March of 2020, in a crime that represented a strong blow to the agreement sponsored by the United Nations in late 2018.

 In the meeting, the Assistant Secretary-General of the Political Bureau urged the UN mission to perpetuate the name of Al-Sulayhi, by naming his name on the largest project it is implementing, considering the martyr Al-Sulayhi as a peace project that was assassinated by the hands of the Houthi treachery while he was performing his work at one of the observation points published by the United Nations.

 On March 11, 2020, Al-Sulayhi was wounded by a Houthi sniper shot in the head, while he was performing his work in monitoring the ceasefire at the fifth joint observation point in City Max, east of the coastal city, under the protection and leadership of the UN mission to support the implementation of the Hodeidah Agreement.

A month after the incident, specifically on the 18th of April, Al-Sulayhi died of his injury, so that the head of the government team to implement the Hodeidah Agreement, Muhammad Aiza, announced his death as “the death of the Stockholm Agreement.” This is the same position that was confirmed by the Governor of Hodeidah, Al-Hassan Taher, in a statement he made during the funeral ceremony of Al-Sulayhi in the city of Mocha.  As he considered it a "burial ceremony for the Stockholm Agreement."

 What angered the government side at the time was the poor position issued by the United Nations towards the incident and its lack of a clear and explicit condemnation of the Houthi militia for a crime it committed before the eyes of its mission and its employees, in a position that reinforces doubts about its ability to implement or implement any upcoming agreement reached with the militias.

 While the crime represented the clearest example of the impossibility of proceeding with a peace project with the Houthi group, and that peace, from its point of view, is just a temporary break in a moment of weakness to catch its breath and rearrange its ranks, as happened with the "Stockholm Agreement" that it accepted for fear of the fall of the city and port of Hodeidah in the hands of the forces.  Shared at the end of 2018.

المصدر: نيوزيمن

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