RIKAZ Announces “Rital” – A New Architectural Icon in the Heart of Muscat
تاريخ النشر: 30th, May 2024 GMT
Muscat, Oman – RIKAZ, one of the leading real estate development companies in Oman, proudly unveils its latest residential project, “Rital,” set to redefine modern living in the Al Gubrah South area of Muscat. This innovative development promises to be a new landmark, featuring over 100 residential units and numerous state-of-the-art amenities.
Spanning more than 10,000 square meters, Rital is designed to meet the highest technical and aesthetic standards. The project comprises a mix of one and two-bedroom apartments, each finished to exceptional quality and offering various spacious layouts. Strategically situated just minutes away from prominent locations such as Oman Mall, Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex, and several commercial centers, schools, and public and private institutions, Rital offers unparalleled accessibility and convenience. The development’s design incorporates smooth entry and exit points to facilitate ease of movement for its visitors.
Wael Al-Amri, General Manager at RIKAZ Real Estate Development stated, “The launch of Rital project addresses the growing demand in the Omani market, particularly in Al Gubhra region, for unique and rewarding real estate investments. This project stands out due to its prime location and the vibrant community.” He added: “RIKAZ continually strives to deliver outstanding projects that align with the needs of investors. Rital is a testament to our dedication to quality and detail, offering real value to its owners.”
Rital’s distinctive features include an open-air gym, providing residents with a safe and modern space to exercise. Additionally, it offers a safe and prepared grilling area, a comfortable sitting area, and a children’s play area, catering to families and social gatherings. The development also includes more than 110 designated parking spaces, ensuring a secure and convenient environment for cars. Furthermore, RIKAZ embraces the digital age by integrating advanced technologies, allowing residents to control various aspects of their homes digitally. These facilities, along with other amenities, reflect RIKAZ’s vision of creating high-end real estate projects that prioritize aesthetics, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability.
RIKAZ Real Estate Development has a proven track record with over twenty diverse projects spanning urban and rural areas, including residential, commercial, and industrial developments. The company is committed to delivering innovative, modern, and high-quality projects across the Sultanate, continually shaping a bright future for its clients.
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موسى الفرعي – الرئيس التنفيذي – رئيس التحرير
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مدير “الحسين للسرطان” يرد على مقولة ( السرطان ليس مرضا)
انتقد الدكتور عاصم منصور، مدير عام مركز الحسين للسرطان، انتشار فيديو متداول على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي يحمل مغالطات خطيرة حول مرض السرطان.
وأوضح منصور في منشور له عبر الفيسبوك ، أن الفيديو يظهر فيه شخص يرتدي زيًّا يوحي بانتمائه للقطاع الطبي، ويدّعي أن السرطان ليس مرضًا، بل مجرد رد فعل للجسم لحصر السموم، زاعمًا أن الخزعات الطبية هي السبب في انتشاره، وأنه لو تُرك دون تدخل لما تفاقم.
ووصف منصور هذه الادعاءات بـ “الحماقة المطلقة”، معتبرًا أن مروّجها إما جاهل أو يسعى وراء الشهرة.
مقالات ذات صلةوأكد أن المعلومة الخاطئة تبقى كذلك بغض النظر عن المظهر أو اللقب العلمي لمطلقها، محذرًا من خطورة نشر معلومات طبية مضللة قد تؤثر على صحة المرضى.