Tanmeyah is a subsidiary of EFG Holding and a leading provider of financial services in Egypt with a concerted focus on the micro and small enterprise segments، announces that it was recognized as the ‘Best Place to Work’ by the Global Economics Awards، as well as the ‘Fastest Growing Microfinance Company’ for the second consecutive year.

This recognition shines a light on Tanmeyah’s dedication to cultivating a thriving and supportive work environment for its employees and providing their customers with relevant microfinance products and services. 

Tanmeyah prioritizes providing its employees with exceptional work experiences built on the pillars of diversity، inclusion، and personal development. The company is dedicated to equipping its people with the tools and resources needed to flourish both professionally and personally. Backed by a growing team of approximately 5000 employees، Tanmeyah has launched innovative initiatives and forged strategic partnerships over the years that have bolstered its brand، growth، and reach across the country. 
“Being recognized by the Global Economics Awards amongst other outstanding global organizations across diverse fields is an immense honor for Tanmeyah،” expressed Jinu Johnson، CEO of Tanmeyah. “It not only serves as a validation of our company culture but also a heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering dedication of our employees and customers. Our success is undeniably fueled by the hard work and dedication of its talented and passionate team، a testament to the investments made in creating a workplace where people and ideas can thrive. We remain committed to continuously improving our work environment and empowering our team to achieve both personal and professional fulfillment as well as enhancing and expanding our product and service offering. The ‘Best Place to Work’ and ‘Fastest Growing Microfinance Company’ categories acknowledge companies that go the extra mile to cultivate exceptional work environments، prioritizing employee satisfaction and engagement as well as focusing on growing their offering to their market.”
Launched in 2009، Tanmeyah has grown to become Egypt’s premier financial services provider for micro and small enterprises، providing access to critical capital that can transform lives، build businesses، and drive socioeconomic change. With the widest branch network in the country، deep industry knowledge، and community ties، Tanmeyah has improved lives and built businesses of millions across the country، issuing over two million financing facilities of various types and sizes. It currently serves a growing client base of around 30،000 new monthly active borrowers through its network of over 305 branches and almost 5،000 employees in 25 governorates.

المصدر: بوابة الفجر

إقرأ أيضاً:

3 شهداء جراء استهداف مسيرة للاحتلال وسط قطاع غزة

سرايا - استشهد ثلاثة فلسطينيين وأصيب 3 آخرون إثر قصف من مسيرة للاحتلال الإسرائيلي على منطقة وادي غزة وسط قطاع غزة.

وقالت مصادر فلسطينية إن طائرة مسيرة للاحتلال قصفت مجموعة من المواطنين في وادي غزة ما أسفر عن استشهاد ثلاثة من عائلة واحدة وإصابة آخرين بجراح.

تابع قناتنا على يوتيوب تابع صفحتنا على فيسبوك تابع منصة ترند سرايا

طباعة المشاهدات: 671  
1 - ترحب "سرايا" بتعليقاتكم الإيجابية في هذه الزاوية ، ونتمنى أن تبتعد تعليقاتكم الكريمة عن الشخصنة لتحقيق الهدف منها وهو التفاعل الهادف مع ما يتم نشره في زاويتكم هذه. 17-03-2025 04:56 PM


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