صراحة نيوز:
2025-02-25@06:38:48 GMT

The Security Council and its General Assembly…an international tragedy

تاريخ النشر: 29th, October 2023 GMT

The Security Council and its General Assembly…an international tragedy

 Written by Majid Al-Quran

Ammaan Jordan

I was not at all surprised by the behavior of the Israeli representative to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, when he insulted the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, in his tweet on the “X” platform.

He described him as unfit to lead the United Nations and that he should resign because of Guterres’s alignment with truth and objectivity regarding what is happening in the Palestinian Gaza Strip in terms of the killing of children and women and the displacement of civilians.

 Likewise, when Erdan, in front of all members of the Council, tore up a report of the organization’s Human Rights Council because it strongly criticized Israel.

Likewise, when Erdan, in front of all members of the Council, tore up a report of the organization’s Human Rights Council because it strongly criticized Israel and considered its place to be waste. When he said about the UN General Assembly that “it does not have a single shred of legitimacy left” in light of its adoption of a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and allowing humanitarian aid to enter the Strip.

I was not surprised when the Zionist entity’s ambassador to Berlin, Ron Prosor, criticized Germany during a conference of the Christian Democratic Party in North Rhine-Westphalia. He criticized her for abstaining from voting on a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza Although Germany is one of the countries that provides various types of military, logistical and material support to the Zionist entity.

The above does not constitute a drop in the bucket regarding Israel’s positions on all the decisions taken by the United Nations General Assembly and all the bodies affiliated with it. It rejected all the decisions that were taken regarding the Palestinian issue, which affirmed in their entirety the legitimacy of their right to establish an independent state on their land, which has been occupied by Israel for about 75 years. What is striking to observers and peace advocates all over the globe is not the rebellion of the politicians and leaders of this entity against an institution that is considered the international reference in all conflicts and differences that may occur between any of them.

Rather, the complete silence of the members of this institution regarding Israel’s open rebellion against its members is something that raises questions and ridicule at the same time regarding its persistence. It clearly indicates that there is a defect in the systems of these international institutions that allows a quasi-state (the miniaturization of a state) to go too far against great states politically, militarily, and financially, as is the state of Germany, for example. But in light of the unlimited support announced by the United States of America and its Western allies, it seems that these international organizations are a cover to pass the policies of the countries they control and direct them according to their goals.

Its goals are certainly not in accordance with what is stated in its Charter: “maintaining international peace and security, preserving human rights, providing humanitarian aid, promoting sustainable development, and upholding international law.”  All of this is just ink on paper, and its work becomes in accordance with the interests of the countries controlling the Security Council emanating from the organization, which is controlled by five countries that have permanent membership. China, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States all have the right to block any draft resolution with what is called a “veto.”

This also happened regarding draft resolutions to stop the war on Gaza, which were blocked by the United States of America and the United Kingdom with veto power. The objective and logical question remains: how do the rest of the countries accept to be partners in an international body led by the so-called great powers? Which has under the table (understandings) benefits and gains The declared conflicts and disagreements between them from time to time that we see are for the consumption of the rest of the peoples, so that each of them remains under the banner of its masters among these countries.

An international tragedy that will not end unless we witness an international awakening that strongly calls for addressing the gaps in the systems and laws of these international bodies.  And liberating it from the influence of Israel, which has been proven to be supported by countries that have the right to veto.


المصدر: صراحة نيوز

كلمات دلالية: اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي منوعات الشباب والرياضة تعليم و جامعات في الصميم ثقافة وفنون علوم و تكنولوجيا اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي تعليم و جامعات منوعات الشباب والرياضة ثقافة وفنون علوم و تكنولوجيا زين الأردن اخبار الاردن الوفيات أقلام مال وأعمال عربي ودولي منوعات الشباب والرياضة

إقرأ أيضاً:

أحوال الطقس…أمطار متفرقة على أجزاء من سواحل اليمن الغربية 

يمن مونيتور/قسم الأخبار 

توقع المركز الوطني للأرصاد الجوية، اليوم الاثنين، هطول أمطار متفرقة على أجزاء من السواحل الغربية والمناطق المحاذية لها. 

وقال إن المناطق الساحلية ستشهد أجواء صحوة الى غائمة جزئيا مع احتمال هطول أمطار متفرقة على اجزاء من السواحل الغربية والمناطق المحاذية لها، والرياح نشطة على جنوب الساحل الغربي ومدخل باب المندب اقصى سرعة لها 25 عقدة . 

وفي المرتفعات الجبلية توقع أجواء باردة نسبياَ إلى باردة اثناء الليل والصباح الباكر على أجزاء من محافظات (البيضاء، ذمار ،عمران ، صنعاء وصعده) ومع تشكل الضباب او الشابورة المائية على منحدرات محافظات (حجه، ريمه، اب، تعز، لحج، شبوه وشمال ابين) بينما تتشكل السحب الركامية المنخفضة على أجزاء من المرتفعات الجبلية الغربية والجنوبية الغربية في فترة ما بعد الظهيرة. 

وقال إن المناطق الصحراوية ستشهد اجواء صحوة الى غائمة جزئياَ ومغبرة نسبياً، والرياح تنشط أحياناً اقصى سرعة لها 20عقدة مثيرة للأتربة والرمال في المناطق المكشوفة. 

وحذر المواطنين في المرتفعات الجبلية الآنفة الذكر من الاجواء الباردة، وحذر سائقي المركبات من تدني الرؤية الأفقية بسبب تشكل الضباب او الشابورة المائية. 

وحث مرتادي البحر والصيادين جنوب الساحل الغربي ومدخل باب المندب من اضطراب البحر وارتفاع الموج. 

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